I feel quite useless as operative, engi can buff people, soldier gives ammo, medic health. Its only operative that are useless, well I do hack downed people so that every-one on my team sees where the enemy I doubt it actually helps

The iron sight > wall hack is pretty useful, as are the caltrops, firewalls and turret hack abilities. I can see the operative being a very good team player when played right :)
I really like Brink, when you look past some of the issues it has great potential after a couple patches and a DLC.

The issues I tend to have are:

1) some of the objective missions are very difficult to complete as an assaulter. I would like to see some sort of CTF (although bethesda aparently arent into the idea) were teams have mutual objectives and can attack/defend.

2) Using special abilities is not very responsive, I think this is a console port issue.

3) The weapons have insane recoil - Firing a single bullet should go in a relitevely straight line (like most FPSs) but the recoil on a single round doesnt yeild much better results than spray and pray.

4) Parkour this crushed can - Running for something like cover should be a fast simple movement, instead you do fancy parkour moves over simple items like trashcans and can often end up jumping over the item you were trying to seek cover behind. This is also an issue if you simply wish to stand on the top of a fence and end up going clean over it.
Today? Last night I pretty much did all the objectives for our team myself. I went soldier to bomb the pillar and then the bridge, then I went engineer to repair the bot and then I went operative to hack.

I'll jump on the BrinkTart (:p) server soon.

EDIT: Looks like it just went offline.
Indeed.. if this game had a CTF mode, I'd cry tears of joy.

I'd just cry tears. One of the reasons rtcw and et are such good teambased shooters is because each map is attack/defend with differing objectives that have to be met.

My main gripes with Brink, other than various performance issues, are those that directly affect gameplay. Context sensitive actions for buffing and using special skills and how performing them - repairing a vehicle or capturing a point etc - locks you to the target. It's a clumsy, clunky and obvious console concession that will hopefully be modded out in a 'pro' competition mod. Compare how fluid reviving people, handing out ammo/med packs, disarming/planting bombs and repairing and building it is in rtcw/et to this - the game flows much better as a result.
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