**British Armed Forces Discussion Thread**

Was on D, cracking shift that, trust me you don't get a say in your posting after Cosford its all down to luck

Lol, I'm an SAC(T), Had 99 has my first choice and got it.

Everyone on my course (56), got either there 1st or 2nd choice and so did most courses around me.

The ever constant rumours of Lossie and Marham bays are tosh I say. :p

But then I've left that horrible place, probably changed a lot since September last year!

When did you leave 99?
Ouch, One of the first things I got told about JPA was to never put a negative.

This instructors theory was that if you put a negative you have at least thought about the place and the people at manning will consider it.

Sounds stupid but he said he has never had a negative on jpa and only had his 3 areas/aircraft types selected and never had a bad posting.

I've gone with the same thing and its all been good so far, its probably all luck thought to be honest.
Ouch, One of the first things I got told about JPA was to never put a negative.

This instructors theory was that if you put a negative you have at least thought about the place and the people at manning will consider it.

Sounds stupid but he said he has never had a negative on jpa and only had his 3 areas/aircraft types selected and never had a bad posting.

I've gone with the same thing and its all been good so far, its probably all luck thought to be honest.

That is just one of those interminable squaddie myths my friend.
That is just one of those interminable squaddie myths my friend.

Quoted for truth, I had negative first line tornado, so they could have just put me in an AV bay instead however they put me first line, with no experience! The only two on our course with first line experience who would have been useful on a squadron both initially got sent to a bay??????

I fail to see the point sometimes, almost as if it is done out of spite
Oh well just had a bit of news from my Sergeant major(good or bad i dunno)looking likely i'll be headed out to the sandpit for another stint... short notice this one, dunno how i feel about this one but i guess if i do go it'll be a nice wedge of cash in the bank.
Evening chaps. I recently bought some ex-MoD Lowas and, on impulse, picked up a couple of jumpers while I was there as they were super cheap and my house is perishingly cold in winter. Anyway, since getting them I've started to wonder whether I'd look a bit of a silly begger walking around in them as I'm clearly not armed forces. The last thing I want to look like is a Walt, or (even worse) have a serviceman approach me and ask if I serve(d). Am I being a paranoid simpleton or is this a valid line of thought?

Pics below of jumpers in question. The army one had curiously awfully applied corporal's stripes stitched on which have now been removed.

Oh my. Under no circumstances must you ever wear those in public. Even in your house, your walls will mock you :o

Who chooses to wear those?! You are MAD!
To be honest, I don't think I've ever worn one, ever. It's dumped in an MFO box, never to be seen again till I hand it back to the clothing store when I get out :p.
I'm serving and wouldn't bat an eye-lid. I don't even mind civilians wearing DPM/MTP unless it's a full set with military headress, and even then it's more pity than anything else.
Oh I've worn one, but only because there's nothing else appropriate for the situation and I'm in uniform!

And when I've been lazy and not bothered to iron a shirt :D
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