Typical techy insular view. A (T) or a Lcpl doesn't necessarily have more responsibility![]()
Typical non-techy insular view.
SAC is non-supervisory, SAC(T) and Lcpl are self-supervisory. A difference in responsibility I'd say!
Typical techy insular view. A (T) or a Lcpl doesn't necessarily have more responsibility![]()
I hear what you're saying about loss of potential earnings and agree. However, it irks me slightly that people are stating they have taken a pay cut. No they haven't, the potential earnings have fallen, but they were never at the £29k point anyway,their pay hasn't cut. It's a subtle difference and if we're being honest, how many SACs/Pte do you know who have their life and finances planned out as if they are reliant on that £29k salary? It will make not one bit of difference to the millionaires weekend crew. I know I don't plan ahead for my increments, I live on what I earn here and now, paying my mortgage and running my car. Anything more in future just increases my living & saving budgets.
Needless to say, the forces lose out through the whole thing. Was anyone actually expecting good news from NEM though, seriously?
Typical non-techy insular view.
SAC is non-supervisory, SAC(T) and Lcpl are self-supervisory. A difference in responsibility I'd say!
Have you went up a payband?
O wait, yep you've went up to supplement 3, of course you don't care.
FWIW, the admin bods are in supp 1.
OK so to me that reads that it might or it might not. It's a little vague. At least 3 years could mean actually 4 or more. Very dubious. I don't see that the new max is £4k less however. The current max for an sac is £29947. Supp1 max is £27398 (which no one on high will shift to)and the the supp 3 max is £28749.
I'd be very surprised if anyone ever got bumped down in pay though.
Edit: I missed that SAC(T) Can only reach level 8. Still, it isn't 4k less, particularly as most of the techs are on supp3.
I didn't go up to anything, and of course I care, I just think it could have been much worse than some people think.
Thought the armed forces might be different but we have people crying that their pay is getting when it isn't, and the "my job is more difficult than your job" mentality![]()
Yes the pay is sometimes ok for what it is. But that is not the point.
Slowly but surely every little benefit of being in the armed forces seems to be getting chipped away.
Remember that one of the aims of this so called deal was to help with retention as it states in that booklet.
Does anyone seriously think that it has and will achieve that aim? If not then surely it's a complete failure from the start
I think some people have benefited from it. I couldn't say who or by how much that is though.
I can, any SAC who was previously on lower pay band, because at a minimum supp 1 gets a payrise.
I know techies have a reputation for being premadonnas and moaning about this sort of thing, but sorting out jpa payments and signing an aircraft fit for flight should not be reflected the same way paywise.
Is an adminner potentially going to prison for making a mistake? Because that's the risk vs reward that gets reflected in civvy street, an adminner job is 18k vs aircraft work at 40-50k
I was always of the understanding that the responsibility was on the person who signed the work off and that person was usually a sgt/chief tech or maybe the JO? Therefore the onus is on him and not his techs? Perhaps my experiences of sqns are different and other squadrons run things differently? That or I've completely made it up from fuzzy memory![]()
It's corporal level that has supervisory signature unless the work requires indies which are done by Sgt.
SAC(T) are allowed to self supervise, given the auth.