What time is fp2?
Started about 10seconds ago.
What time is fp2?
We have been trying to sort it out all week, and we finally got some hardware this morning which allowed us to do so and you wouldn't believe the crap we have been through this morning.
Still its up now and that's the main thing.
Or do you work for tvcatchup, or just a quote
I work for them.
Anyone else having trouble with the BBC sites stream, or is it these crappy work computers?
This could be good, they aren't getting much practice in.
Try this http://www.tvcatchup.com/watch.html?c=65 Need to register but takes two mins.
Anyone else having trouble with the BBC sites stream, or is it these crappy work computers?
Yup, looks like it will be like this most of the weekend. I could understand not going out if the weekend was going to be dry, but it doesn't look like it will be.
I thought Sunday was meant to be dry?