i know everyone hates relationship threads but I guess I just need to get it off my chest
bf broke up with me last night though I had considered it as well.
basic story is, we met, it was great, then a few months later i find texts to girls asking if they want to meet, we fight, i move on and stay with him. month or two later i find texts from girls, again i stay. go on holiday, he flirts with some 30 something tart from Essex (typical!) again we fight but i stay. then couple of months later, texting girls, found texts from girls one saying "i liked the way you gave it to me last night" apparently it was just a massage but i dont think i ever believed him. we move in together mid feb this year, things are tough. we fight a lot, then one evening he threatens me with a knife, (actually held it to my hand and asked if he should cut my fingers off!) i break it off and start moving stuff out.
then he comes over, crying, we talk i say ok but im only coming back with basics. things start going well, he's nicer etc. then last monday he is taken to hospital cos of his leg and cos he couldnt drive he stayed at his mums, he then came back thursday, changed to mr nasty again. we fight, he says its over on monday. then he wants a break, then we are fine, then i ask whats actually going on, he snaps at me, then last night we agree to break up
i thought that would be an easier way of saying it rather then going in to too much detail.
oh and between the year he has thrown me on a bed, and also strangled me at the same time as trying to make me answer him while he is strangling me. and he has stolen things from me, i.e a voucher, money, items such as a mouse etc.
and he's a mummys boy!
i hate him. yet last night i cried for 5 hours non stop and didnt sleep till about 2am.
are there any blokes out there who dont want to hurt me????