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Are you buying 4000 series, if so which one?

  • YES: 4090 24GB

    Votes: 153 19.4%
  • YES: 4080 16GB

    Votes: 23 2.9%
  • YES: 4080 12GB

    Votes: 7 0.9%
  • NO: 3000 SERIES

    Votes: 55 7.0%

    Votes: 550 69.8%

  • Total voters

A few years ago, my father passed away in hospital in the middle of the night (it wasn't expected). I had also put off seeing him that day due to concerns for my mothers health. Me and my mother had made plans to see him on the day he passed in the morning. I received multiple calls from the Doctors and Ward nurses at the Hospital but didn't catch them as I had a headset on at the time watching a film. Whilst it spared me the pain of trying to rush to the hospital over 6 km away and still failing to see him one final time. It ultimately caused a certain level of concern and fear that I will miss out on stuff I need to be alert over, such as my mothers current health now. Since I don't want a headset to block fan noise etc from the gaming PC, I need ears only to hear, and that means speakers on the lowest volume, but to hear those I'd need a much more silent system. Hence, a few years ago, my quest for low noise/silence. :)

Could always put your mobile on vibrate.
Could always put your mobile on vibrate.

It's getting off topic, but the vibrate and ring option was on. I missed it still. :(

To remain on topic (ish), that's why if there was a 40 series (4060/4070) by Asus Noctua, I would jump on that, but as there isn't, given price, power, etc that I've mentioned previously, I'm staying out from this launch. :)
It's getting off topic, but the vibrate and ring option was on. I missed it still. :(

To remain on topic (ish), that's why if there was a 40 series (4060/4070) by Asus Noctua, I would jump on that, but as there isn't, given price, power, etc that I've mentioned previously, I'm staying out from this launch. :)

I can recommend the 3080/Ti FE cards.

I have a 3080 Ti FE and the build quality is superb.

Also comes with an efficient and quiet cooler.

I remember watching the Jayz2bits comparison of the 3080 FE cooler to the EVGA FTW edition, and it was better, even allowing the FE card to boost higher.
Could always put your mobile on vibrate.
Nvidia absolutely insulting everyone with these prices.

Shafted everyone since rtx2000series.

Obviously been sold at this price to try to make the dinosaur rtx3000series look good value for money and keep shifting them.

Odious company :( Really hope their sales and share price continue to get battered. Doubt can rely on AMD to do much better.

One way or another I'm getting screwed as I bought gtx980ti at pretty much eol 6 years ago (for £340 hint eol price*) and waited and waited to upgrade ever since. Use to upgrade every year! Yolo and I'm not getting any younger so I'll have to bend over.
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Obviously been sold at this price to try to make the dinosaur rtx3000series look good value for money and keep shifting them.

Would make sense.., stock clears (heard there's as much as one year worth) and boom ... half the mrsp (or they just push the mid/low-end cards out at the same price/performance, aka crypto-pricing :o )
I bought the 3070 ti last week. I was going to hold out for what the 40 series would be, glad I didn't wait the week. Still not sure if I bought at the right time or the wrong time though
They're thinking they can slap any price on them and people will be stupid enough to buy them, calling a that card a 4080 is laughable since the stream processors are also less than the higher priced version. I don't know what's in the water supply at nvidia but Heisenberg must be supplying the "special" additive.

i think also they have lots and lots of 3000 series cards left and making a profit on them, and so they can afford to milk everyone with the higher 4000 series..they are cashing it in with the 3000s.

Also making the 3000s seem even better value !...
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Pretty transparent attempt by Nvidia to still try and shift their 3XXX series cards (by inflating the prices of these ridiculously)

If anyone running them had a brain they would have known the crypto gravy train would come to an end eventually, and that the demand would dry up.

Looks like they are now left with a glut of 3xxx stock that they stubbornly don't want to slash prices on.
If the third tier is still a grand then pc gaming has headed into ‘monied enthusiast’ status. It’s like those av music receivers for thousands. Niche and low volume and for benchmarkers and professionals. Are PC games so good people will pay so far beyond consoles and are the niche pc games like strats and sims so gfx driven it makes that much difference to gameplay? I love ‘pc’ kinds of games but I can’t feel enthusiastic about most of the current crop of titles in the same way I used to be.
Oh wow just seen the prices and have Nvidia badged the RTX 4070? Yeah this is a hard pass from me. Will see what AMD bring to the table later on.

My RTX 3070 has done me proud over the crazy pricing era, never had the same GPU this long before xD
If the third tier is still a grand then pc gaming has headed into ‘monied enthusiast’ status. It’s like those av music receivers for thousands. Niche and low volume and for benchmarkers and professionals. Are PC games so good people will pay so far beyond consoles and are the niche pc games like strats and sims so gfx driven it makes that much difference to gameplay? I love ‘pc’ kinds of games but I can’t feel enthusiastic about most of the current crop of titles in the same way I used to be.
Look at it this way we have 3 series s and a series x in this house and it’s still cheaper than a 4090.

I could likely add a ps5 on top and still be better off, I am hoping amd bring something decent for 600 odd that’s my limit.
If the third tier is still a grand then pc gaming has headed into ‘monied enthusiast’ status. It’s like those av music receivers for thousands. Niche and low volume and for benchmarkers and professionals. Are PC games so good people will pay so far beyond consoles and are the niche pc games like strats and sims so gfx driven it makes that much difference to gameplay? I love ‘pc’ kinds of games but I can’t feel enthusiastic about most of the current crop of titles in the same way I used to be.

If console games routinely had full keyboard and mouse support I'd have bought one by now. They're good enough and far better value for money. Although I would also miss using mods as I play single-player games and mods make a big difference.

£950 for a midrange graphics card (the clumsily relabelled 4070 is a midrange card) is well into monied enthusiast status. Add in the rest of a PC (which would have course also have to be in the monied enthusiast range) and you're looking at £2K or more. 4x the cost of a console. It's not 4x the functionality, that's for sure. The value isn't there any more. Double the price for KB+M and mods and somewhat better performance? Yeah, I'll pay that. But 4 times the price? No. I could, but I won't.

In the August 2022 Steam hardware survey the most commonly used graphics card for PC gaming is a 1060. Followed by a 1650. The highest placed non-budget card is a 3070 in 10th place. The whole PC gaming hardware market nowadays is either heading towards monied enthusiast status or is already well into it.
Look at it this way we have 3 series s and a series x in this house and it’s still cheaper than a 4090.

I could likely add a ps5 on top and still be better off, I am hoping amd bring something decent for 600 odd that’s my limit.

The RX 7800 XT looks a potentially solid card, performance on par or better than RTX 3090 is rumored. Hopefully will come in well priced. If you can spend a bit more the RX 7900 XT and up look like absolute monsters and will likely undercut Nvidia on price. Waiting on real solid info now though.

We have a PS5 and it's come into it's own lately, some good games and controllers are decent. Also something to be said for being able buy physical games having the cases and those games having some re-sale value down the road. You can add decent RGB lighting too xD PS5 has a modern and retro sort of nostalgia feel at the same time.
If console games routinely had full keyboard and mouse support I'd have bought one by now. They're good enough and far better value for money.

You are not wrong sadly. I played through Resident Evil 7 on the girlfriends PS5 with a controller. I find any first person game torture with a controller but the atmosphere of the game etc pulled me through. I ended up playing Resident Evil Village on my PC with mouse / keyboard which was much more enjoyable. Some of AAA 3rd person Sony, story driven titles are much better suited to a console on a massive tv with HDR support though. For competitive multiplayer PC gaming will always be number 1.
I already have a 30 series. I would normally update every generation but for the first time ever, I am not going to. The prices are just a rip off! There is no shortage, no pandemic, no miners, so I am not paying such ridiculous prices. I'm usually in the market for a xx70 or xx80 but no way am I forking out 800 for a xx70 or 1200 for a xx80. Total rip off!!
I already have a 30 series. I would normally update every generation but for the first time ever, I am not going to. The prices are just a rip off! There is no shortage, no pandemic, no miners, so I am not paying such ridiculous prices. I'm usually in the market for a xx70 or xx80 but no way am I forking out 800 for a xx70 or 1200 for a xx80. Total rip off!!

The 4070 will be at least £950, probably more. Even more of a rip off than you thought.

Nvidia have written "4080" on it in crayon, but it's obviously a 4070 to anyone who looks at the specs. Which, of course, many potential customers won't do. Or won't care as long as they can say they have a 4080, which is of course a higher status fashion item than a 4070. Even if it is a 4070.
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