BT Infinity & FTTx Discussion

I'm very close to singing up to the infinity 76mb service as it's available on our street and we have a friend & family discount. So with advanced line rental payment we'll be paying £20.80 a month which seems a good deal.

Anything I should be aware of? I do use newsgroups as well as intensive VPN access to work's network, as well as a fair bit of browsing and streaming, and I do dial into my home network too. They said our estimated line speed will be around 71mb which is more than adequate and our upload speed would be around 19mb which again is fantastic. We're currently on a crappy ADSL service hardly getting much more than 3.5meg so it'll be a decent upgrade.

Presumably their VDSL modem and router they supply is more than capable and configurable to suit my needs?

Any big things I should consider before signing on the dotted line?

Thanks. :)
Presumably their VDSL modem and router they supply is more than capable and configurable to suit my needs?

The modem is fine and can be unlocked to get lots of line stats etc if that's your thing. The key really is to leave it plugged in and switched on and let DLM do its job.

The HH3 is adequate but some people find it not to be featureful enough for them, in which case it can be replaced with any PPPoE router, the Asus RT-N56U for example is a popular choice.
As long as the HH can do port redirection, create vpn tunnels, and all the basic routing (static as well) features then it'll be more than enough for me. Certainly if it doesn't behave as a choke. The VDSL modem would be switched on - I'm not one of those "switch everything off" sort of person :p

Ok, so so far it all sounds good.

And yes a slight understatement! :p You'd have thought living in London as close as being able to almost touch Canary Wharf we'd have a slightly faster ADSL line... but there you go!

For the price, it seems daft - it really is a cheap decent deal to me.
It can do port redirection (even if the UI for it is stupid), it can't do VPN or static routing I'm afraid. It also only has one gigabit port for some reason.

You might be best investing in a decent router instead of the HH3 :)
Cool thanks. Other than that, service levels, customer support and reliability seem ok from what I've read - but I trust you guys more, and you all seem fairly happy with it. I think it's about a month until installation, but unless there's a massive issue I'll hope to make an order by the end of the week. :)
I can't say I've had any personal dealings with the support, but I've heard good things about the moderators on the BT community forums getting issues dealt with properly and in good time.

I'm also on the 80/20 package and get 74/20 roughly, very happy with it. Huge step up over the 7/0.9 ADSL we had before :)
....They said our estimated line speed will be around 71mb which is more than adequate and our upload speed would be around 19mb which again is fantastic. We're currently on a crappy ADSL service hardly getting much more than 3.5meg so it'll be a decent upgrade.

And yes a slight understatement! :p You'd have thought living in London as close as being able to almost touch Canary Wharf we'd have a slightly faster ADSL line... but there you go!

For the price, it seems daft - it really is a cheap decent deal to me.

I was in the same boat!... but only getting between 1.0 and 1.4meg on the down and about the same on the up!...

I work from home 2 days a week, use all 4 catch-up TV services and download trailers, updates and sometimes upgrades from AutoDesk (upward of 16Gb in size!)...

I've been quoted 64meg down and 19meg up from BT. all for £26/month (£20/ month for the first 3 months!)

Unfortunately when I signed up their computers were having a flid, and she had to sign me up for BT Total Broadband 'Option 1' with an upgrade pending!...

I've got to wait till 5th Feb for the Openreach engineer to come and hook me up with Infinity!.... Thing is I've gone over the 10Gb download limit on 'Option 1' by quite a large amount!!! I hope they don't try and charge me for the extra!! :confused:
Another update, the deadlock letter has been quashed and BT are looking into my case with more detail and collectively with other affected parties.

It's amazing what contacting the local paper and ofcom can do ;)

Seems they didn't like the call from the reporter.
Internet has felt a little bit flacky this evening. was showing some strange results.

A long pause (where usually it would shoot up) then it would shoot up to 75, then slowly decrease again.

I ran it multiple times and got similar results.
Yeah quite flaky here to and the ea page won't load (other pages are quite slow loading to). Happened 2-3 evening recently unless it clears up soon what with that and the crazy routing I'll probably be hopping ISP once out of contract.
Doesn't seem to be a DNS issue - more some kind of "transparent"/caching proxy, packet inspection or traffic management issue.
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