BT Infinity & FTTx Discussion

Just noticed the checker for when FTTC will be here gives an estimate for 'Multicast' now too. Is their TV service any good?
Have you got a picture of the modem set-up?

I'm confused as to whether the cable (fibre one) from the outside of the house comes in and directly plugs into the modem or it goes to a master socket phone box, then into the modem.

The external fibre comes from the wall box fitted on the outside of the house directly into the modem. There was a separate option to have fibre run into the master and then into the modem (or something to that effect) but I wasn't fussed about linking the internal wiring for the phones, I'll just plug a handset into the modem.

Ill post a photo later if I can.
The external fibre comes from the wall box fitted on the outside of the house directly into the modem. There was a separate option to have fibre run into the master and then into the modem (or something to that effect) but I wasn't fussed about linking the internal wiring for the phones, I'll just plug a handset into the modem.

Ill post a photo later if I can.

Ah cheers for that explanation, I got confused as I saw a picture of the fttp cable coming out of the phone socket.

I did a bit of reading and from what I understood the OR Modem is the ONT like the master socket is for a copper line.

Guess I'll have it directly in the modem.
'Speed' loss - 38 Mbps to 21 Mbps


I have just noticed that my Infinity speed has dropped considerably. I have had a few issues with connection recently with the service being out for a while and a modem reboot being the only way to get it back.

Here are the results from the BTW Performance Test: -

Download speed achieved during the test was - 21.22 Mbps
For your connection, the acceptable range of speeds is 16 Mbps-21.68 Mbps .
Additional Information:
IP Profile for your line is - 21.68 Mbps

Upload speed achieved during the test was - 3.83 Mbps
Additional Information:
Upstream Rate IP profile on your line is - 20 Mbps

Does this imply that the IP profile on my line has been reduced? I assume that is the limiting factor here and due to the reboots it has automatically reduced?

Should I call up support and request that it is increased?


Just checked my line out of curiosity, they've seem to have upgraded it without telling me.

Previously I was getting around 28mb/s download and 12 mb/s upload.

Not really been doing any downloading recently but that may change now :p
Just had my Infinity installed 2 days ago, here's a comparison between old and new.



Pretty please to be honest :)
After coping with very flaky broadband for the last 3 years even though our estate is less than 5 years old (Distance to Exchange) our council have finally upgraded our CAB.

Currently on :-


Just signed up for the unlimited package #2 which the engineer is coming round tomorrow.

Great News! You can get superfast fibre optic BT Infinity
Download speed
Upload speed

:D Can't wait is a understatement. All you lucky so and so's with your quick ADSL Broadband before the upgrade :p
Be interesting to see what speeds you end up with Marky, those estimates are almost exactly the same as mine. BT are just laying cables now for my cab so hopefully i don't have to wait too much longer.
Be interesting to see what speeds you end up with Marky, those estimates are almost exactly the same as mine. BT are just laying cables now for my cab so hopefully i don't have to wait too much longer.

I'll let you know asap mate, BT engineer is booked for tomorrow afternoon

Apparently our council ended up funding the cab upgrade - it was quite old and in need of some work. It may take a couple of months, with ours they..

- Laid the cables
- Installed power to the cab (Apparently you can hear when the cab is ready (Has power) as if you put your ear to it you can hear fan noise within.
- Testing & Updating onto the BT system to allow you to place an order.

I think BT Started in January/February and I was able to place the order on the 23rd of April.
Bah, got all excited when i saw them out laying the cables this morning. Seems like i've been waiting forever though so a few more months won't do me any harm.

Might have to start walking the dog down that way for a wee listen for the next while :p
I had a slight niggle last night, but it's fine now.

Im having more than mere niggles. Sometimes websites fail to load.

Example it can take a refresh to get it to load this is with using google dns.

Don't know if it's a DNS issue or a BT issue. When I switch to open dns, problem does seem to go away, but then again it's hard to replicate.

Are BT's DNS server decent?
according to the roolout map my exchange should be getting infinity by the end of this year.

yesterday a load of barriers popped up around all the cabinets in my area. now there are guys swapping them with different ones.

any ideas what they are up to?
My exchange is listed as "By the end of 2013". I spoke to a great Openreach guy today and they're still awaiting installation of the new cabinets.
I should be getting BT Infinity on the 21st May.

Estimated 23MB to my address with 5MB upload, Fibre to box, copper to house. 1mile from exchange.

Anything will be an imporvement of 1.60/1.90MB with 0.16/0.30 Upload.

Anyway to speed them up!?
Openreach says my exchange is accepting orders. BT availability checker says infinity will be enabled between may and june. I think I may finally be able to get it. It's been delayed for the last 9 months.
Don't know if its been posted, but Openreach have confirmed distance to your aggregation point is measured using a radius, not actual line length. (link). Section 3.8.

This should make installs significantly cheaper. Using a radius my line length is 250m shorter which could be the different between affording FTTPoD or not.

Also, if you're wondering about what they actually install for a FTTPoD service (or FTTP) then I found a decent Openreach developer's guide that explains everything. Right down to the product order codes for all the different parts :) (link). Page 8+

For example, I have never liked the external CSP (customer splice point), and having a duct which enters directly in to my rack under the stairs, I'm glad to see they offer the choice to have the CSP mounted internally.
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I used the google name bench tool to check DNS servers best for me and it came back with two BT servers:

But you can see from here, they are part of the 'additional dns' ranges. Safe too use? Private and secure?

Third was open dns, but maximum reponse was in the 100ms range compared to the 30ms range of the above.
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