BT Infinity & FTTx Discussion

No but I've never had my IP change while a session is connected - usually only changes when the line drops for whatever reason and it will stay connected for days even months on end sometimes.
must be a router problem requesting a new ip when modem does not lose any sync
and i do not touch the router been a problem ever since the fw on the router updated

as you can see in the logs it doesn't even stay connected for longer than 3 days
Just checking logs again it seems to go down around the same time
at midnight

00:47:06,01 Sep. LAN2 up
00:47:04,01 Sep. LAN2 down

00:36:58,07 Sep. LAN2 up
00:36:58,07 Sep. LAN2 down
My BT fibre cabinet has as long last gone live, I have ordered PlusNet Unlimited Fibre.
The install date is AM on the 20th of this month.
I am not that bothered by the out right speed, I am just hoping that the connection is more reliable then my current ADSL2+ connection.
well for what its worth, my cap seems to have gone.. BT have been desperately trying to call me to discuss it but either they've done something or it was something to do with a new line.

Very happy :) speedtest says my line tops out at about 50mb, thinkbroadband said one of the burst tests was closer to 70.

I couldn't care less to be honest, a) I'm not paying anyway so as long as its close to whats advertised thats good enough for me, b) its a hell of a lot faster than the old shaky 5-6mb c) the router doesn't kick my work macbook every couple of hours

Is it possible to have a static IP address on BT infinity?

Everyday I am accessing servers with a new IP address and it is a pain having to update server whitelist to allow access.
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