Four and a half months and looking good:
Work are going to be installing a second line at somepoint with Zen (also FTTC), so will be interested to see the difference between the two (if any)
That is so as it is rolled out with geographical sense with regards to the network. I am still not sure how many 21CN exchanges there can really be with no BDUK rollout plans? 21CN exchanges are just not that small to have no plans at all. As i say in Oxfordshire there are none, i cannot imagine there being too many nationwide as 21CN isnt very common in smaller exchanges.
I am interested to know which Exchange "House" is on for it to be 21CN but with no plans, if anything just to see its size.
@ Locky
BT had admitted that BT problem with evening congestion affected by Liverpool node:
There has been an issue with a Liverpool Node covering the following dialing codes:
01132 01142 01159 01179 01204 012135 012142 012147 012150 012152 012155 012170 012177 012178 01229 01244 01248 01253 01254 01257 01271 01282 01283 01286 01293 01294 01325 01327 01332 01339 01384 014133 014188 01420 01422 01432 01443 01449 01452 01467 01475 01484 01496 015120 015122 015123 015125 015128 015129 015133 015142 015147 015148 015149 015152 015153 015154 015164 015165 015167 015173 015193 01524 01525 01527 01535 01539 01543 01562 01592 01606 016122 016123 016143 016147 016148 016149 016162 016164 016170 016172 016173 016174 016176 016179 016183 016186 016196 01625 01634 01646 01685 01691 01695 01702 01704 01708 01745 01753 01766 01772 01773 01776 01782 01807 01829 01834 01838 01879 01884 01902 01908 019145 01922 01924 01925 01928 01934 01942 01946 01948 01952 01962 01970 01977 01978 01985 01995 0207426 0207493 0207539 0207629 0207792 0208592 0208868 0247638 0283083 0283751 0283752 0283883 0283887 0284277 0284372 0284376 0284483 0288284 0289081 0289261 0289261 0289266 0289266 0289752 0289754
It's possible that this may have had an impact as we've been advised "customers may be experiencing a degradation of Broadband Service." This should have now been resolved
So whats going on with uplay?
Yesterday it took ages to login, but eventually it worked.
Now, its taking ages then saying I need to enter cd key to play game, but at the top it says it is unable to contacts the uplay servers.
Also crashes once I put cd key in....
5 tries later... it works!!
So i tweeted at Superfast Cymru for when I can get Fibre, response......March 2015...Completely devastated.
FTTC line seems to have settled nicely.
Four and a half months and looking good:
My exchange was all on for end of March 14, just looked now and it's Sept 14 instead. Was wondering why I hadn't seen any new cabs about!
I'm not very fond of you...
Or you
What I don't understand is, April 2013 they upgraded the Exchange and that was it, I mean, what's the point of upgrading the exchange, for only a small handful of cabs surrounding the exchange, ridiculous.
I'm assuming there's nothing I can do at this point right? besides sit and wait for the deadline to approach and watch them extend it to 2016.