BT Infinity & FTTx Discussion

Something weird is happening...

BT Wholesale checker says "Yes" for FTTPOD when I use the phone number, but no when I use my postcode. Which is more accurate?

Also, my clean and impacted estimates are 40x lower than what I current attain too, so I don't really understand what's happening! It's always been pretty spot on but it currently says my FTTC max should be 1000kbps, yet I sync at 55,000kpbs :p
You should have a full speed connection from the get-go, especially with FTTP.

Try an ethernet cable directly in to the router and see what speed you're getting to rule out any wireless/powerline slowdown.

Thanks, I did this yesterday and saw around 180Mb.

Today the wireless has dropped to around 70/22 and wired direct to the router is showing 205/21 with a 7ms ping.
How long is a piece of fibre? ;)
Where I work, which is the countryside, the fibre cabinet was up for over a year before we could order.

I tweeted @Superfastdorset as to when cabinet 4 will be enabled for FTTC, apparently it's now delayed until 2016. After badgering them on Twitter I got the following response:

superfastdorset said:
: There's an outstanding wayleave issue and the power co is unable to have access to install power. Working on this..."

This could really drag on then.... :(
Anyone had any issues yesterday?
I've had over 100 days uptime and very rarely get disconnects but had 3 yesterday and the last time took over 15mins to reconnect?
Is it odd to get disconnects on FTTP/H?

My uptime used to be a week or two then it ran for 75 days but sometimes its as short as a few days. I don't notice anything unless I check in the router page which is good, but I always thought FTTP wouldn't disconnect really.
With any luck I'll be moving into my new'ish flat next month and all broadband checkers indicate the address can get WBC FTTP.

If and when I know my completion date, can anyone recommend how soon I can make an order for BT Infinity as I assume as it will be the FTTP product it will require an engineer visit? Considering my job does require me to have internet at home I'm looking to get this sorted pretty quickly once I move.

For those that have ordered for an engineer install, do you get to pick the specific date for install (assuming the Openreach engineer actually shows up at that date) or can it be pot luck?
Is it odd to get disconnects on FTTP/H?

My uptime used to be a week or two then it ran for 75 days but sometimes its as short as a few days. I don't notice anything unless I check in the router page which is good, but I always thought FTTP wouldn't disconnect really.

Anything in the log?
Anyone got any information on how to get your cabinet sorted for fibre?

I am sick of Virgin and their CS so I want to jump ship.

I am not currently in a super fibre area but my cabinet was classed as enabled (many streets in the area already have fibre - Im not in the middle of nowhere) but it has now gone to under review. In my eyes this is a backwards step.

EDIT: Sorry just checked and its gone back to enabled.

Your area is enabled for Superfast Fibre but your cabinet is not ready yet so you can't place an order today. It is in our plans to be upgraded and we update this info weekly, so please check back later.

Does this mean I just have to wait?
Meh - my negotiations with BT have just failed.
Talk Talk can do me line rental plus upto 76mb fibre for £32.70/month.
Currently paying BT £42.50 for the same. Felt that "hassle saving" I'd accept £35/month from BT (renewal due 22 Dec) but they best they would offer was £38.

So now I have this big hassle.
If I let BT drop out of contract the Infinity 2 part becomes £29.90/month - that happens on December 22nd.
So if I want to move to Talk Talk I'm looking at requesting the exact date of 22-12-15 for switch-over. Being so close to Christmas what could possibly go wrong eh?
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