Bugger My Cat is Dying

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Yes, hope your cat pulls through they mean a lot to owners

My sister has a golden cocker spaniel, and trust me, if that goes down, my sister will probably go with it. She sleeps with it even - its like a "baby" to her. Thats why i don't do pets, as you get too "attatched to them. got a goldfish mind...
The odds are against him, but crazier things happen, best of luck to you mate.

BTW what did Mickie and Kamwah say? This is like those god damn deleted YouTube comments you see a good response to, but can't find what was said!
I'm sorry to hear that, my cat was recently put down for similar reasons although she was 20 years old so it wasn't really all that surprising. Damn sad though.
Sorry the hear that our oldest cat 17 had suspected kidney faliure the first vet wanted to put her down went back next morning other vet said we will give here an injection of antibiotics and 100ml of water and see how it goes she is back to her old self now
Our kitten had kidney failure at a couple of months old. She pulled through fine and is now back to being an absolute pain.

Best of luck, awful when a pet is ill.

We still have Henry our older cat, coming up 19 this year. Luckily we have never had to take him to the vets despite him picking fights with every dog he possibly could.
I'm ever so sorry hear your news, I have my fingers crossed for Jasper.

It is heart wrenching, my previous cat Buttons was 15 years old and told he has bowel cancer - man alive I fell through the floor. The vet informed me that they will operate and let me know what they can do. To cut a long story short, I made a decision whilst he was in theatre from advice from the vet that I should let him go.

Stay strong !
Hope things work out ok.

I know when mine was found dead in the back garden i was devastated.

i got a post mortem done and the vet reckoned he got hit by a car on his head ran over the back gate and his brain swelled and he died.

Got him cremated as well.

I had to take a week of work and was in the pub every single day and got wasted.

I dont have children of my own and they were the animal equivalent to me.

Also made it harder we rescued him and his brother and he was only young and so loving. Always slept with me and sat with me.
Our cat died of old age this year, she was oooooooooold...maybe as old as 20 we can't remember what year we got her.

Our dog died the previous year :(

We have just got a beagle puppy and he's great!

If the worst comes to the worst, I wouldn't wait too long to get a new pet, obviously not straight away as that might be a bit weird but you will love a new pet as much as the last one.
Ok I'm leaving work to transfer the critter to our vets for ultrasound and further investigation.

The emergency vet at least said he seemed more stable overnight, although he threw up this morning :).

Wait, I'm confused, is the cat called Bugger or Jasper :P
Indeed, I missed the comma :p.
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