i'm nearly done, be on in a min, with playstation eye!
Oi make sure you are around after 10. I wanna see what this eye shizzle does.
i'm nearly done, be on in a min, with playstation eye!
There are some very slight apparent jaggies on the PS3 shot of the auto repair shot however this could be down to the screenshot itself.
Other than that identical.
It would help to compare if you turn the contrast down, my eyes hurt just looking at those screens.
EDIT: Quaz on B3D has confirmed both versions 1280x720p MSAA 2x.
As you say it's probably the shot. It was very hard to get it the same, as you can see one if closer to the car and the other is further away.
I was surprised at how well the PS3 did AA. It being on HDMI will make it sharper and give it more jaggies compared to the 1:1 pixel mapping of the VGA Xbox.