Call of Duty 2015/Black Ops 3?

28 Jan 2003
I rarely experience horribly laggy games.

You do get them, but only about 1/20

Far more prevalent ar the ones where the game seems to play fine and isn't stuttering around but you just feel like nothing hits and people are seeing you before you see them.

I'm not going to pretend to understand it, but it's not lag.

I agree with what drift0r said in one of his problem videos, for whatever reason after about an hour or so the servers crap out and the game gets horrible.

Yeah, I have no idea what the hell is happening in those types of games, it's mind bending what is going on, what's even more strange is you can tell when "it" swings back and things work again and you start to melt people.

There is obviously some clever stuff going on in the background of matchmaking. While I wont pretend to understand the actual programming I can understand why, when in a party, we can all have good or bad connection / hit recognition/ lag etc. games. What doesn't make sense is why occasional matches only some of us suffer with it.

People moaning about connections though but generally I find them alright, yes you get bad games but they aren't the norm. I find the community a lot more frustrating than the connections. Like how many games of domination we win by a stupid margin like 200-40 because the other team are too busy camping and head glitching to capture flags. Which to make it worse they usually go negative as well so aren't even good kill farmers. It just makes the game frustrating and boring to play.

Problem is going for camos/dark matter people head glitch for headshots, then the secondary problem is people want a high KD/beast gameplays to upload to their 5 subscriber YouTube channels.
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28 Jan 2003
I've played 95% of my games on BO3 with my R1 off and I've had very few problem games.

There's been several games in that 5% though that were a bit crap at the start of the release.

This game seems to work ok on its own.
28 Jan 2003
So they have nerfed how often Combine comes up but not put a limit on how many times you can vote for the same map? Way to not fix the problem. It makes it marginally better but once a lobby hits Combine you know it is going to voted again and again and again and again and..........*snores*

Vahn tweeted that to do that requires a game patch and cannot be done in a hotfix.
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