Call of Duty 2015/Black Ops 3?

I wonder what Treyarch's going to do about all these fake prestige masters, if anything. I remember in Bo1 or 2 they reset everyone's stats and the crowd went wild. All these scrotes running around glitching stuff is annoying. Granted it doesn't affect me but I'm a SJW* and want it done.

*I'm not actually a SJW

I hope they all get banned.
There was some Spanish guy in a game I played yesterday who was imply untouchable he ended up something like 52-8 with the scythe he'd just rip through every time you saw him and he was using the Kuda as well do you stood no chance against him, the crap thing was as well the server was on the UK so there's no way he should've been having the drop on me every single time.

I just think I need to say goodbye to CoD because it's never going to get better and now we're entering IW/AW territory for the next two games so things will be even worse.
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A part of me also thinks his game plays very differently if you are in the US just purely down to Geography.

I remember years ago in MW3 someone on AVF lived in the US for a while and he said the difference was night and day.
I had to turn it off in the end last night, I was trying to play some GW (which in the past has been great) but last night it was the same old rubbish of rubber banding everywhere, people who were invincible and I took one bullet to die where as they took half a clip + to die, was driving me mental and I just thought it's not worth it. Then there were the other problems of the players in the lobby, everone voting domination and then choosing not to actually play domination and just kill famr the whole game, and it got even worse in Safe Guard, my team had no intention of playing and getting the robot to the end point, they just left him at b flag on that rooftop map and the enemy just sat in the corner watching every way to the middle of th emap and you couldn't get near it.

Every game is like that. There's always somebody top of the table with some ridiculous score that is untouchable. Sometimes that person is me and when that happens there are numerous times when I think "how the hell did they not kill me?!". I'd guess that the person who can't be killed is the host.

Wrong, as I said the server/host was in the UK.
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I have had some great experiences in GW on BOIII recently, games of Safe Guard I played a week or so were fantastic, people were going all out to get the robot to the end point, and dom was good too, and the connections were fantastic, no one was ahead, no one had an advantage and guns worked and it was all seemingly very fair.

Maybe the double cryptokeys weekend just bought out all the scumbags, who knows.
Looks like PS4, hit me up, OMGitsKonvict.

It seems to play worse when you're on a dedicated server.

I turned on my R1 last night just to test out how well it plays, and I was on that south coast dedicated server across TDM and GW and it played great. During the double cryptokey weekend I was on the same server and it was awful, like you said, I imagine the servers cannot cope with the amount of players/games being played, or they were having other problems.
I'll not disagree with you about the maps, those maps you listed from BO1 were fantastic.

The verticallity of AW and the gun variants destroyed that game for me, that's even before we get into the total crapfest that was the support from SHG after the game launched for wall breach spots and the constant trolling by Condrey on twitter. Then there was the ASD's.
I agree about the gun variants and ASD's but the core gameplay was loads of fun and I was one of the few people that actually enjoyed the advanced movements in the game. One thing I don't understand is how this game actually doesn't look as nice as AW did :confused:

Because Treyarch, there games always looked a little rougher around the edges.
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