Call of Duty 2015/Black Ops 3?

Nuketown and Hijacked(which is basically Nuketown on a boat) are 2 of the worst maps in COD history. Only kids with ADHD like maps like them. Why people like to constantly get spawn killed I can't understand.

BIB 1 - In you're opinion.

BIB 2 - I'm neither a kid nor do I have ADHD so you sir are 100% wrong.
Camping on the bottom of Hijacked with a Remington was some of the most fun I've had in my gaming history. I could almost taste the rage. Proper scabby too, scavenger and claymores.


Never been a fan of Nuketown though.
Looks heavily geared towards the e-sports players :rolleyes: looks just like Advanced Warfare too. Not impressed but Twitter and all the fan boys are going mental over how great it supposedly looks.
I didn't have a problem with the movement in AW so I won't have a problem with it in this game.
My concerns are just the usual stuff: matchmaking, insta-deaths and the BS that's in the game.
I've been playing mw3 recently, and I kinda prefer the faster deaths because it feels less noticeable in lag than black ops 2, which just feels like you have zero chance to escape death because of the lag.
I've been playing mw3 recently, and I kinda prefer the faster deaths because it feels less noticeable in lag than black ops 2, which just feels like you have zero chance to escape death because of the lag.

A quick time to kill doesn't bother but, like you said, it's when you have no chance of escaping that it's an issue. And it's a serious issue with Treyarch games. Most of the time you have no indication you're being shot at before you're dead.

Hardcore is your friend then ;)

I've been playing HC since BO2. I try Core at the start but if it's too annoying then I just stick to HC.
Yup and still today in blops 2 you get the bullets around corner issues, your enemy seeing you before you and insta deaths, noticed more if you're killed by a shotgun or pistol. It happens in IW games, but no where near as much. My fear is the netcode will be in exactly the same state. And this is one of the main reasons new cods don't last.
Yup and still today in blops 2 you get the bullets around corner issues, your enemy seeing you before you and insta deaths, noticed more if you're killed by a shotgun or pistol. It happens in IW games, but no where near as much. My fear is the netcode will be in exactly the same state. And this is one of the main reasons new cods don't last.

They've apparently spent a lot of time sorting that out, obviously we'll see how true that is when the beta comes out to some extent.

Looks heavily geared towards the e-sports players :rolleyes: looks just like Advanced Warfare too. Not impressed but Twitter and all the fan boys are going mental over how great it supposedly looks.

It doesn't look just like AW at all.

I hate double jump and wall running, how they can say all the gun fights are on ground is beyond me.

Because there are only certain walls you can run along and the jumps are not like AW.

I'm looking forward to trying out the beta to see it for myself. From what I've seen on YT so far it looks like I'll enjoy it.
.....guys the bottom line is it will have all the same inherent problems as the last 5 games and you all know it. If you hate insta deaths, camping, poor netcode, poor matchmaking, OP snipers, limited-or-no dedis, lag comp and so on and so forth then it is probably a good idea to refrain from buying it.

If you really want CoD to improve - stop buying it.

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