Call of Duty 2015/Black Ops 3?

19 Jun 2012
You can't drop draw distance on a MP game.

No but you can drop texture resolution, model details and a whole raft of other settings.

Many FPS gamers like to play on lower settings anyway because you get a smoother experience which is very beneficial for hit reg and movement and it also helps with target acquisition. I have a PC that can run BF4 on ultra but online I choose to play on minimal settings to achieve a steady 144FPS.

My point is that in this day and age, console gamers should be given the options PC users are given in view of the ability of the hardware and the fact not everyone wants to play online with 65 FOV and high graphics details.

More and more PC gamers are using consoles now and these kinds of features are just a basic expectation for an online FPS title. Indeed they are not even that hard to implement - it is just a case of some config templates that the game switches between and in real terms it does not even need to effect FPS because it can be locked. If I could play COD or BF4 on my PS4 with 90FOV but with lower graphical fidelity I would in a heartbeat. More to the point, I also think many, many other gamers would too.
10 Mar 2013
Watched a few Tmartn videos from the competitive players yesterday night and this doesn't look half as bad as Advanced Warfare most was grounded which I wanted. I wish there wasn't no special abilities though, that's a killstreaks ender right thur.
18 Oct 2002
West Yorks
You can't drop draw distance on a MP game.

Sure you can.

PC gaming has been doing this for years. There's no technical reason that you can't

Its quite common in PC gaming for people to drop their graphical settings right down so as to push everything else (eg FPS, draw distance) to the max to try and get a competitive advantage.

THe PS4s and XB1s are just PCs that don't run windows. Theres nothing to physically prevent users from having different draw distances, only concerns about balance. But if the user chooses it ?
11 Nov 2002
..........only concerns about balance......

Very major concern on consoles though!!! I know some people use wheels and fightsticks, but generally everyone has to use the same view to create an equal playing field. I remember now how the FOV was in Quake, you could sort of see around corners etc right, if you adjusted FOV and stood at an angle?

28 Jan 2003
I think just because people think of these consoles now as PC's without windows are forgetting that they aren't actually PC's. If you want that level of customisation then get a flipping PC in the first place not a games console.
19 Jun 2012
Very major concern on consoles though!!! I know some people use wheels and fightsticks, but generally everyone has to use the same view to create an equal playing field. I remember now how the FOV was in Quake, you could sort of see around corners etc right, if you adjusted FOV and stood at an angle?


Only if you set it stupidly high which warranted PB bans on most servers back in the day, and still does I believe. FOV 90-110 is generally accepted as being the right range without giving an unfair advantage like you describe. It more effectively mimics human eyesight so you dont feel like you are playing on 2x magnification all the time. It would not be difficult to lock FOV to maximum of, say, 100 and have settings templates as part of the options menu that reduced/increased graphics settings to maintain 60FPS depending on what FOV was selected.

I think just because people think of these consoles now as PC's without windows are forgetting that they aren't actually PC's. If you want that level of customisation then get a flipping PC in the first place not a games console.

I have both, and would like to see basic config changes available on both. I imagine many other gamers feel the same way and I imagine you would also probably admit a higher FOV in CoD would not be a bad idea if you were honest about it.

The "cuz it's not a PC" argument is a little short sighted. Online multiplayer is something consoles have inhereted from PC, along with many other aspects that consoles never used to have. Were you telling people back in the PS1 / early PS2 days to stop complaining about no or limited online functionality "cuz it's not a PC"? Or did you accept it is a basic function that should be there?

What about HD functionality? Were you saying "if you want hi res graphics buy a flipping PC"? Or did you feel it was something consoles should have?

This isn't some massive burden to the dev teams, it is some basic config tweaks that the game can be set to do automatically depending on which option you select. It is no different from a gamma/brightness slider or changing stick sensitivity.

They want to give the illusion of customisation in game with loadout options and weapon/perk choices - even down to the clothes you wear and the way you look, but when it comes to the preference of the player over things like FOV, controls and graphics details they give nothing so it kind of makes the whole situation a bit daft.

Likewise they dont force you to use the same stick sensitivity do they? Or brightness? Or even pad layout? Or paintball effects? So even the idea that a one size fits all policy is necessary to maintain a level playing field is not really true is it? I am sure we could all get used to 3 sensitivity eventually but for those who use 6 it is likely to always tarnish their play experience to be forced to use 3.

Sensitivity of 6 is a clear advantage over anyone using 2 or 3 simply in terms of reaction speeds and target acquisition. But sensitivity isn't locked, the player has the choice. Scuff pads are also an advantage, but they are sold freely and many players use them. Sitting 2 feet away from a nice 24'' gaming monitor is better than 8 feet away from a 32'' TV.

So please if the only argument is balance and a level playing field, I am afraid it falls flat on it's face.

Players should have the choice over such basic settings because they have advantages and disadvantages. Higher sens means faster aiming and reaction speeds but it is harder to be as accurate. Lower sense is easier to be accurate but you cant react as fast so are vulnerable. Higher FOV means better peripheral vision overall but at the cost of mid-long range visibility making targets appear smaller at distance and so harder to hit.

Swings and roundabouts :)
11 Nov 2002
Swings and roundabouts :)

Your comparisons are more apples and oranges ;)

Online play - surely an extension of local multiplayer (which was not so big on PCs but was huge on consoles, before Online came along).

HD graphics - Just a natural evolution of hardware technology, but at a controlled pace (i.e. when a new console is launched we get better graphics, higher resolutions). During the life span of the console you take the resolutions that the hardware supports and what the devs create. You have no choice. On a PC, you buy an upgrade.

Neither of these 2 functions "split" the console players or change the balance as every player has the same hardware (and FOV, in this case!).

I honestly think the vast, vast majority of console gamers could not care less about FOV sliders. the percentage that use these FPS specific controllers is probably the target market as these people used to play on PC, but prefer the convenience of consoles. I doubt sales of these things are very high.

To these people, just buy the PC version (imo) :) Console gamers want convenience and a relative certainty that the people they play with are on similar configs. If not, why do people pay like £50 for a console version of a game and not just save the money and buy the (usually) cheaper version of the game on PC with all these extra customization options?

The only point I concede is the stick sensitivity can give you an advantage in reactions/targetting etc. I must admit, never really crossed my mind as I just use the standard settings in most games, (like most console gamers i bet!!)

Anyway, it's all a bit off topic, as I only asked if the game would be 1080p 60fps :D:D

10 Apr 2009
Super Leeds
Are people really discussing options you'd get in a PC game, in a console game? The reason a lot of people prefer consoles is because you don't have to faff about with all these settings. You just stick the game in and - apart from changing maybe sensitivity and inverting your controls - play.

Treyarch were answering questions on Twitter yesterday and they said that time to kill is high in this game. Which I'm fine with as long as people die as quickly as you die.
19 Jun 2012
Are people really discussing options you'd get in a PC game, in a console game? The reason a lot of people prefer consoles is because you don't have to faff about with all these settings. You just stick the game in and - apart from changing maybe sensitivity and inverting your controls - play.

Treyarch were answering questions on Twitter yesterday and they said that time to kill is high in this game. Which I'm fine with as long as people die as quickly as you die.

Yes, FOV having always been a basic setting for player preference the same as sensitivity, stick inversion, pad layout etc etc which consoles allow the player to change but never FOV.

I'm just saying it is a bit disappointing the option is not there on current gen games as I feel they could easily add it and it would perhaps attract more players from PC who would like to come to console to escape the PC hacking ( basically the reason I got a PS4) but are holding off because basic play preferences are not included.

We are not talking custom configs here with macros and scripts. Just some basic settings that could help the game become more popular with a wider audience.

Good news at increased TTK, but it probably won't be worth a damn with P2P servers, lag comp and high ROF weapons.
21 Jun 2006
Are people really discussing options you'd get in a PC game, in a console game? The reason a lot of people prefer consoles is because you don't have to faff about with all these settings. You just stick the game in and - apart from changing maybe sensitivity and inverting your controls - play.

Treyarch were answering questions on Twitter yesterday and they said that time to kill is high in this game. Which I'm fine with as long as people die as quickly as you die.


Consoles > PC as far as I am concerned.

Name 1 pc you could have bought 10 years ago (xbox 360/ps3) for £300 which could play a flagship title today (destiny)?

I used to love gaming on the pc but now i don't have as much time to dedicate to gaming it doesn't make any sense to build a £1000 machine every few years when a £300 console will do me for 10.
10 Apr 2009
Super Leeds
best thing about TTK is it can and will be tweaked multiple times before launch. The Beta will play a large part.

Treyarch did say they will tweak the TTK based on feedback. A high TTK doesn't bother me as I have been playing HC since Blops 2. What does bother me is insta-deaths. If I'm dead before I know I'm being shot at then I'll just stick to HC.
20 Dec 2004
Yes, FOV having always been a basic setting for player preference the same as sensitivity, stick inversion, pad layout etc etc which consoles allow the player to change but never FOV.

I'm just saying it is a bit disappointing the option is not there on current gen games as I feel they could easily add it and it would perhaps attract more players from PC who would like to come to console to escape the PC hacking ( basically the reason I got a PS4) but are holding off because basic play preferences are not included.

We are not talking custom configs here with macros and scripts. Just some basic settings that could help the game become more popular with a wider audience.

Good news at increased TTK, but it probably won't be worth a damn with P2P servers, lag comp and high ROF weapons.

FOV impacts performance.

What happens if during certification, running at maximum FOV, FPS drops below the required level? Do you disable AA or otherwise compromise your visual fidelity for all players just to satisfy the people that want to run a wider FOV?

It's just a total NO for consoles. It doesn't matter on PC if player's can enable settings that turn the game into a slideshow. It *does* matter on console.
10 Apr 2009
Super Leeds
New details about the beta:
The beta will give fans access to experience the 3 multiplayer maps, 8 specialists, movement system, 7 multiplayer modes, Weapon Paint Shop, and more. Preorder now to get access.

For the specialists, Ruin, Outrider, Prophet, and Battery will be unlocked from the start, on August 19th on PS4. If you rank up to level 22, you unlock Seraph, and if you rank up to level 28, you unlock Nomad. The last two specialists included in the beta will be unlocked a couple of days after the start of the beta, Reaper and Spectre.

New specialists:
Weapon: War Machine – This grenade launcher fires time-fused bouncing frag grenades which explode on contact with an enemy.
Ability: Kinetic Armor – Charged electrically-reactive armor that sublimates enemy bullets on contact, turning them into a vapor which dissipates harmlessly.

Weapon: Ripper – Spectre deploys mono-edged twin blades before gracefully dissecting victims with lethal, surgical precision.
Ability: Active Camo – Advanced meta-materials rapidly change their properties, guiding photons over their surfaces instead of reflecting them, rendering Spectre temporarily invisible.

Team Deathmatch
Kill Confirmed
Capture the Flag
Search & Destroy

Hunted: This big game hunting lodge is situated beneath a waterfall in the lush mountains of Ethiopia, where rugged terrain opens up to long sightlines and a stealthy underwater pathway.
Combine: Set in the remote Egyptian Sahara, this vertical farming and sustainability research facility plays fast and frenetic with tight interiors, an open middle and a dangerous flank path.
Evac: An abandoned emergency evacuation zone atop an overgrown rooftop in the middle of Singapore’s flooded quarantine zone.

Battery's ability sounds pretty cool.
Spectre's weapon is basically the Blade Dancer from Destiny :rolleyes: And why do they insist on putting invisibility into MP games?! :mad:
10 Mar 2013
I just wish specialists weren't in the game, everything else sounds more than fine. I can just see the rage when im on a streak and someone does me with a specialist like on Destiny where theres almost nothing you can do about it.
6 Aug 2010
Same, I am going in to this beta fully expected to hate it. I am happy to have my expectations proven wrong but right now I don't like what I read.

Edit: Yup specialist 'streaks' are annoying. I really liked the specialist from MW3 where you gained perks - it was something different but not game breaking.
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