Call Of Duty 4: Modern Warfare - Official Thread

26 Dec 2004
Arghhh FFS:mad: what a pile of crap this game is....been stuck on the missile abort part for the past few days and i just cant do the flippin level:mad:.

Had enough of this game, i forgot how stupidly hard it can be...had this problem with COD3 and COD2 both which i hated. Yeh the graphics are nice but the gameplay is rubbish imn sorry to say. GRAW and GRAW2 are much much better gameplay wise than this pile of this game you cant even peek around the corners so your always kinda out in the open when you get into a gun fight. This game just annoys the freakin hell out of me....rubbish absolute rubbish

ive been a hardcore gamer for a while now, but not console games. so. i bought myself a 360 last week.

i bought cod4, and a bunch of others, cod4 was the first game ive played so i had high hopes, they were furfilled (sp?) and i nailed this game right til the finish, and its absolutely superb. id recommend it to anyone.
11 Dec 2003
Respawn so far has been a tad annoying, but if you throw a 'nade or just head on in a full auto/knife wielding maniac assault, you seem to fare well :)

Just realised i've done 12 missions tonight :)
19 Oct 2005
Wooo! Full 1000! That's second game i have got the full a thousand points in ever, i have had my xbox since near release aswell!

18 Oct 2002
All over the world...
it doesn't make it crap just because YOU can't do it.

It does in my opinion:p...Finally managed to do the damn level and finish the game off. Personally i still stick by my previous comment...its not a great game by any stretch of the imagination...left me kinda bewildered tbh and i dont think thats a very good thing. As i said the gfx on the game is superb....but the gameplay is not all that its hyped up to be imho. The respawning of enemies gets to the point where its just plain irritating and annoying tbh.

But ive finished it off finally after being stuck on the missile level for the past few days. Dont think im gonna bother trying to get the full 1000pts out of it....just didnt impress me that much. Would i recommend it??..dunno tbh, my bro in Canada asked me the other day about it and i told him its ok, not a brilliant game..told him hes better off waiting till it becomes cheaper or get it on point in him spending 60 odd dollars on it imho.

Try not to take my comments too personal fellas...its my opinion...some or most of you like it...good for you...heres a cookie for your enthusiasm:p. But seriously dont get so wound up by my comments...

Matt-Page said:
Oh my god, look at the mess you just made young man, toys are EVERYWHERE! Go and pick them up, your having no chocolate tonight, it's straight to bed after bath time for you.

Stop being an idiot for a start...theres no need to be some sort of a smart arse because you cant handle someone saying its a rubbish game...rubbish as in gameplay. Maybe you had an orgasm over it while playing it,....i didnt....the gfx impressed me but thats about it. Its sad to see how offended you particularly got over what i said earlier....i apologise if my criticism hurt your poor feelings. Yes i can be a sarcastic barsteward as well....i suggest you stop taking someones opinion so usually means you have some issues that need dealing with it.
26 Dec 2004
It does in my opinion:p...Finally managed to do the damn level and finish the game off. Personally i still stick by my previous comment...its not a great game by any stretch of the imagination...left me kinda bewildered tbh and i dont think thats a very good thing. As i said the gfx on the game is superb....but the gameplay is not all that its hyped up to be imho. The respawning of enemies gets to the point where its just plain irritating and annoying tbh.

But ive finished it off finally after being stuck on the missile level for the past few days. Dont think im gonna bother trying to get the full 1000pts out of it....just didnt impress me that much. Would i recommend it??..dunno tbh, my bro in Canada asked me the other day about it and i told him its ok, not a brilliant game..told him hes better off waiting till it becomes cheaper or get it on point in him spending 60 odd dollars on it imho.

Try not to take my comments too personal fellas...its my opinion...some or most of you like it...good for you...heres a cookie for your enthusiasm:p. But seriously dont get so wound up by my comments...

Stop being an idiot for a start...theres no need to be some sort of a smart arse because you cant handle someone saying its a rubbish game...rubbish as in gameplay. Maybe you had an orgasm over it while playing it,....i didnt....the gfx impressed me but thats about it. Its sad to see how offended you particularly got over what i said earlier....i apologise if my criticism hurt your poor feelings. Yes i can be a sarcastic barsteward as well....i suggest you stop taking someones opinion so usually means you have some issues that need dealing with it.

lol whos the idiot? you came on spitting your dummy out because you couldnt do the game? ahah
30 Dec 2003
Cheshire, UK
This is one of the finest FPS games released ever (SP and MP) IMO and If some people are finding it to hard, just lower the difficulty?

As for the respawning, yes it can be annoying, but think of it this way, you are in the enemies homeland and there are thousands of them, so they would keep on coming and coming until they nailed you, right?
20 Oct 2002
reading about the enemy respawn has kinda put me off this game now, I do like sp modes in FPS games but if I was really going to use the multiplayer option, it also seems like live is letting that side down too, shame really.
5 May 2006
Online is amazing, Live is having problems across all games at the moment, hopefully not for long, it's not COD4 that has the problem.
9 May 2005
I do wonder about the respawn. I can see exactly why it's a bad thing and why it shouldn't be in the game, but I can also see why it could have been left in. There are several sections in the game where you can crouch in a relatively safe position and pick everyone off. If they continually respawn, the game is forcing you to move on and to put yourself in dangerous situations to progress. It's not ideal in my opinion and there could be other ways to deal with it, but that *may* be a reason they've got it in there.

Yeah I suppose thats another way of looking at it. The problem for me is not that it stops you camping, it's those times when you kill them all then they re-spawn to stop you moving.

The level where you have to clear the village is a prime example. I kill them all and before I can move from cover up to the house they have re-spawned.

I hear the argument that it makes it realistic to have waves of enemies keep coming at you but to stop it all you have to do is get to point A in time. Which really isn't realistic at all.

I would rather they set a limit of 30 enemies in the building because it's taken the shooting from the game for me. I just try to kill the few I need to clear a path to leg it. Find the trigger point that brings your AI men along with you.

COD 3 had a similar flaw. You could walk in and out of a room fast to set the AI men into action. They would finish the game for you.
5 May 2006
The re-spawn thing does not bother me too much, would be rubbish and easy if there was just 30 men to kill per level, was it MOH that used to be like that and sometimes they would all just run at you, you would kill them all then the rest of the level would be enemy free LOL. Anyway the only probably I have with the AI is the pinpoint grenades, even if you are well hidden and not even fired a shot they can seek you out, then off course you have to move and 6 guns are aimed right at you instantly :D
9 May 2005
Right i've cleared 4 or 5 houses on the safehouse level. Is their a particular one I have to do, or just do them all. There are still 2 to do. Everytime I clear one another comes up.
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