Call Of Duty: Modern Warfare / Warzone (Battlenet ID's in OP)

At least you’re safe from it :p

I haven’t played this since they randomly took duos off the play list. Been pretty nice playing other games actually :D
Well I don't play warzone as it bores me to tears. Prefer the ranked, cyber and SnD.
I'd still wipe the floor with anyone in this forum though..

Activision has given permission to dodgy streamers to shadow ban players suspected of cheating or any foul play. Even if they are innocent

I know people hate COS, but this is disgusting... You can even hear the streamers picking players in the game at random and INSTANT BAN!
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I know people hate COS, but this is disgusting... You can even hear the streamers picking players in the game at random and INSTANT BAN!
I posted the same thing a few posts up mate. I don't understand why there isn't an uproar about it.
Try playing against a squad of 6 chinese hackers.
:( nothing this far too often on DMZ now, one day last week we had 5 games in a row ruined by them.

Seem to be coming across allot more cheaters recently.

Had one the other day where they killed my squad mates then drove exactly to where I was. The guy said on voice hes in this building I saw him on the roof. I hadnt been on the roof and I was hiding in the bathroom AFK.
Was considering buying MW2 but I guess I'll swerve it now. I miss the good old days of just jumping into some TDM here and there - any games that would scratch that itch aside from CSGO?
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Didnt come across many cheats playing ground war and played that mode for hrs as its the only mode i like in this game... always going to get cheats in warzone though
Is proxy chat disabled in resurgence? I havent heard anyone on prox chat for months now. My prox chat and voice chat is enabled. PArty voice is set to 'all lobby' "everyone from the current game lobby, select this value to use proximity chat"
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