Can you get sacked for farting

Do shakes etc make you fart more often? Smell more?

I take 'supplements' - whey protein, dextrose and oats. I don't fart anymore often. Wish I did, but then no one finds it offense when we fart in the office.
lol-ing in bed at the moment. I'm brewing one up. Do I let it exit the covers with a side ways flap of the cover out of politeness or waft it up into my (asleep) girlfriends face? I know, difficult one.
worked at RM for a while and used to mercilessly drop my guts with passion and gusto. Got to a point where my boss called me a spilly-arse *******.:D.

Then again he was on the receiving end of the really bad ones so don't hold a grudge. :p
My mate had this problem, we were in a strip club and none of the strippers wanted to come over. I got so angry with him.
I do kickboxing aswell... and when I do a high roundhouse some times a few let rip aswell but there are fans and stuff so its a bit more mellow
lol-ing in bed at the moment. I'm brewing one up. Do I let it exit the covers with a side ways flap of the cover out of politeness or waft it up into my (asleep) girlfriends face? I know, difficult one.

You go one better and hold her head under the covers, sealing off the fart's only escape route. One time I almost made my wife puke doing this

At school we used to fart into our hands then cup the hands round the face of the victim until they were forced to inhale. The dreaded 'gas mask'.
We used to call that a cup cake for some unknown reason. I think it is because you cup the hand around the noes. That realy did get out of hand.

You should have picked a patsy from the start, that way you could always blame someone else.
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