Can you get sacked for farting

Best thing to do is to go into his office and let one go then walk out shouting "You smelly git, and you have the audacity of moaning at my farts?"

I had a think about it and I suppose submissions could be made to the effect that you can be summarily dismissed for farting owing to a fundamental breach in the trust between employer and employee.

Kind of ironic because last time I read an employment law book I was sat there the morning after curry and playing musical chairs in the library.

Its not crop dusting, but when you release, sound is made and you wait long enough for smell to permeate the musty smell of books and then you spread it for maximum effect. Kind of like bringing a present to the table with you. My record was a whole floor plus staircase. I swear the boxers I was wearing aged by a few years that day...
I got kicked out of a meeting for farting, it was a cross team meeting between SysAdmins and NOC. The NOC "engineer" I was sitting next too jumped out of his seat swearing at me.

It was hard to deny :(

Trying SO hard not to bust into tears at this, and the whole of this thread, at the office.

Laughing too much I might fart by accident. :D
How much whey are you taking? You may some intolerance to lactose if it persists.
How much whey are you taking? You may some intolerance to lactose if it persists.

I'm gassy as hell all the time now, breaking out in hives and really nasty cystic acne on my forehead, along with horrible, horrible poops. Been going on since a few months after I quit smoking and the dentist also mentioned that my gums are inexplicably getting worse.

So, looked around and seems as though I may have developed Caeliac Disease. :(

Getting tested for it after crimbo.
It takes great courage and strength not to fart when you are with hot women in bed when you need to.

As a gentle men appropriate thing is to go out and fart in the toilet. It my not bother you but she may get offended.

I rather fart at work and deal with the consequences than in bed with hot and rich beautiful women.
It takes great courage and strength not to fart when you are with hot women in bed when you need to.

As a gentle men appropriate thing is to go out and fart in the toilet. It my not bother you but she may get offended.

I rather fart at work and deal with the consequences than in bed with hot and rich beautiful women.

Oh the belly aches one endures in such pursuits :p
With great concentration?

Probably with a face resembling this too:


Laughed loudly on the above :D ironically im producing a lot of gas in my room at present smelly ones.. quite loud but not too loud
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