I'm not aware of anyone here that 'only' relies on numbers. The reason these numbers are in such hot debate is simply because they are not favourable to Canon so they must be denounced.
These numbers were simply included as part of the equation, not the be and end all.
But every argument in the past you have of why the D800E is a better choice comes down to numbers. That seems to be your angle on it every time. The other factors never seem to be come into your equation.
Others it seems want to make it 'all about the numbers', so they can make the numbers a dirty word. Like DXO currently is, as evidenced by DP's reluctance to even use their data for fear of a flame war.
Other people don't want to make it all about the numbers, it's just a part of it, but not all of it.
Today I got the urge to get a Fuji XM-1, instead of the pro-1, after watching some online videos, what struck me the most is the EM-1 has a dial at the top right that can be turned easily when pressing the shutter, that dial has no lock and too large so unless you shoot with the index finger bent in a weird way, you will rub against it and risk changing the setting every time you shoot. The Pro-1 don't have that design flaw. That is the thing that is stuck in my head the most.
It is those little details also that isn't stated on paper. It is those little details that are interesting. Charts and DXO are all good but they don't tell you the whole picture.
I like to hear about these things. These are the interesting things. I like to hear how you think why the D800E is better. How the menus are better navigated, how the dials are better placed, how the grip is more grippy, how the viewfinder is brighter. If they are.
I can read about the data of the camera everywhere, I don't need you to repeat the data results. That's not interesting.
If however you can show me some example of the same shot in the same real world situation how a photo can't be taken on a 5D3 but can on a D800E. That's where it gets really interesting.
Don't get me wrong, I know you know your stuff, I respect that. I just like to hear more on how you apply what you know, rather than posting on lab results others have done.