Canon 7D, 18-85 f3.5-5.6 IS USM, 18-135 f3.5-5.6 IS USM infos

Seems I'm wrong on two counts. Looks like it has still got a master flash control (awesome, i'm chuffed about that) and it coming out a lot cheaper then I thought.


* Dual DiGiC 4, 14bit
* 8fps, 94 large fine jpegs or 15 RAWs
* 19 points cross type AF sensor. Center AF point uses cross plus X type AF sensor
* ISO 100-6400, extend to 12800
* 100% coverage, 1.0x opitcal viewfinder with smart information display. Digital gradiometer provided
* 3.0inch LCD, 920,000 dot
* New iFCL metering system, brightness and color
* 150,000 shutter life cycle
* internal e-ttl flash control

That's from the second image in this thread.

So expect around £1200-1400? Absolute bargain if that's the case. Sign me up.

At £1400 I would find it hard not to part with the extra £400 or so odd for the 5D MkII
That looks like an excellent buy for the money if the rumour mill is indeed correct. I have to say I've been surprised canon haven't integrated flash control into their cameras up until now.

Shall just haveto wait for Tuesday :D
At £1400 I would find it hard not to part with the extra £400 or so odd for the 5D MkII

They are two totally different cameras though. 7D vs 5D isn't really a contest. Either it does what you want or it doesn't. I would easily value an improved AF system, higher frame rate and flash control over the FF sensor of the 5D.
The 17-85mm is not very good so I'd hope that the new lenses were a lot better :)

I know it has some problems with barrel distortion at 17 mm, and it's obviously not the fastest lens in the world, but I use the 17-85mm as my main lens* and find it sharp and useful. I would consider getting the 17-55mm, but lens prices are just too high at the moment!

* By main, I mean general purpose. That doesn't mean it's my most frequently used lens, however. ;)
They are two totally different cameras though. 7D vs 5D isn't really a contest. Either it does what you want or it doesn't. I would easily value an improved AF system, higher frame rate and flash control over the FF sensor of the 5D.

For me is the opposite, FF sensor anyday :)
Is 18mp on an APS-C sensor a good idea? It seems a bit extreme for me - so I'll be looking out for noise potential!

If they pull it off though, it'll be a great camera! :)
It's only a minor increase over the 15.1 MP of the 50D, so I reckon it should be OK.

I think Namistai is right to be a bit concerned. 18MP is a lot for for an APS-C sensor based on current technology. However, the people at Canon are clever people and I strongly doubt that they would release a camera with sub-par image quality. I will wait for more info on the sensor design and most importantly, sample photographs before judging it.
I doubt any of you care about this as much as I do (:p) but I'll keep posting updates anyway :D

Some Random Dude from DPR Forum said:
based on my trusted source, (a tester who handled the camera personally), it will yes be APS-C and yes takes EF-S but NOT 1.6x, rather close to 1.45x. and if u do the math you'll find that being 18MP at that sensor size means the pixel density is not higher than the 50D. that way the camera exceeds D300 by both sensor size and MP count, it is certainly better than 50D in many ways and it tries to find a compromise between being compatible with EF-S's and a bit more exciting sensor-size-wise than traditional 1.6x. this is the sort of camera that makes non-canon users like me wish they were canon users, it'll be a very exciting camera IMO, if it is not too heavy nor priced too expensive beyond the reasonable.

best wishes..

Could be true, could be totally made up. Either way, I love a good rumour.
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That'll be very interesting, if true. It'll also mean, in some weird way, I might not regret my recent 50D purchase quite so much. ;)

Actually, I don't think I could ever say I regret buying the 50D (which was a replacement for my 30D): it took wonderful pictures of my daughter's first moments in this world not so long ago. :D
There's some really interesting features.

"此外,“區域自動對焦”將19個對焦點分為5個區域,可以從其中選擇需要的對焦區域,對焦時將使用所選自動對焦區域內的所有對焦點對被攝體進行檢測。 In addition, the "area AF" will be 19 pairs were divided into five focus areas, from which you can select the focus area, focus will be to use the selected AF area focus on the Pi Sheti all right to detection."

It sounds like you can select bunches of AF points as well as single points which is cool.

The wireless flash stuff:

"EOS 7D的內置閃光燈還具有內置閃光燈信號發射功能,可通過無線信號操縱外部閃光燈閃光。 EOS 7D's built-in flash also has a built-in flash function of the signal transmission can be manipulated by an external flash flash radio signals. 內置閃光燈發出的光脈衝可以通過無線信號,與具備無線從屬功能的SPEEDLITE 580EX II、580EX、430EX II、430EX、420EX等進行信號傳輸,以實現單只閃光燈或多隻閃光燈的閃光。 Built-in flash light pulses sent through radio signals, and with the wireless slave function SPEEDLITE 580EX II, 580EX, 430EX II, 430EX, 420EX, etc. for signal transmission, in order to achieve alone or multi-flash flash flash only. "

Good to see it is compatible with older flashes too. And it's radio so shouldn't require line of site.

New battery grip which is not unexpected as I'm sure the batteries will be chipped.

"Video capture features in full HD (1920 × 1080) can choose to 30/25/24 frames per second frame rate, HD (1280 × 720) and SD (640 × 480) can select a more fluid per 60 / 50 of the frame rate."

2199Euros in kit with 15-85mm. So maybe 1799 Body only? So hopefully around £1600?
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It sounds like you can select bunches of AF points as well as single points which is cool.

That would be interesting indeed.

New battery grip which is not unexpected as I'm sure the batteries will be chipped.

I hope not! :eek:

So hopefully around £1600?

Too rich for me at the moment, if so. Isn't that a bit close to 5D Mk II territory?
As stated earlier, it's a totally different camera to the 5D II. In my opinion, if someone doesn't know whether they want a camera with the specs of a 7D or a 5D, then they don't understand what they photograph :p
If someone doesn't know whether they want a camera with the specs of a 7D or a 5D, then they don't understand what they photograph :p

Could be true... On the other hand, I think anyone in a "money no object" situation would choose a 5D and a bunch of L lenses over a 50D and a bunch of EF-S lenses, no? ;)
Money no object you get a 5Dii and a 7D :p, which is still cheaper than a 1DsMK3.

Heh! That's true.

btw, you can still get a bunch of L glass for the 7D, nothing to stop you just because you have a cropped sensor :p

No, of course not. I'm just saying that most people (at least, I don't think it's just me ;)) would prefer the 5D Mk II over the 50D (for example). Not that this has much to do with the topic of the thread... ;)

Anyone know, what's the best way to listen for specific press releases? :) It's supposedly taking place at 0900 CET tomorrow.
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