I think a lot of men have experienced something similar, whether it be porn, or some other skeleton in the closet, to even just having lots of racy "babes" pics - where your other half has felt a bit put out that you'd want to look at other women.
Now to men, it doesn't mean you desire your other half any less, and that you wish she was like them (generally). However some women do see it like that, and feel as though they are not good enough, and no matter how much you're able to try and tell that you are utterly and absolutely devoted and beyond in love with them will convince them otherwise. It's frustrating but that's part of what it's like being in a relationship at times.
Personally, I wouldn't have done the grovelling thing, I'd have apologised if it offended her, but that it was just something you had, and it means nothing. Heck, I let people use my PC with the understanding that if they find anything there it's absolutely because it's innocuous.
Obviously if you KNOW that's how she'd react then I'd suggest you're more careful with hiding such material, if you don't know, well, one would hope that after a while together you'd trust one another enough to be able to deal with your problems in a mature way.
I hope you're able to calm her down. It's hard for girls to understand it's not a negative reflection on them, and heck, men generally tend to have a slightly more rampant sex drive... suggest maybe that you'd like some racy pics of her instead?
Hope you get it sorted mate.