Car stolen and impounded, write off - pretty much

Here is another story: (around here it's bad for thieft and car damage, everyone I know has suffered from some sort)

This was before I got my car, when this happened I decided to get a car, you can't even cycle about my area without having some sort of trouble.
Aye yeah, it's not only that I was ages ago mugged nearly for my road bike. I was in a shop and some idoit took off my front wheel and it was all the way at the end of the shops I quickly got my bike. It was full of scallies, I went towards my wheel (holding bike) and some stupid bitch threw it ontop of the roof, I wamted to run and drop the bike and grab the frigging thing but it clicked - it was a plan to steal my road bike (as they would all jump on me - was about 11 of them) but the girl ran and I managed to get home with it - I pretty much would have swong the ulock at them if they followed.

I reported to the police and they were next to useless - he told me it was a joke or prank and it bloody wasn't clearly. They said they would go and get the wheel for me from the roof which the day later they never then after calling they couldn't due to "heath and safety" and said to call the fire brigade but it's like £20-£30 she said.

Useless - the next morning I went with my dad and pretty much I climbed up and couldn't find it - so I guess it was stolen. £30 I got a another wheel but the money isn't the point.
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Atomic, thankyou - this is pretty much what I want to know. I will go tomorrow to the garage and should I mention it was stolen and try and get it out for free? but the car may be "undrivable" so they drop it off at mine?

What about if I do nothng and let them crush it. They said "at full cost to you"

Any tips on what to say?

1) Find out what it was brought in to the compound for.

2) If you have any dispute then take it up with the local police force. If they will pay for it to be released then they will contact the garage via email, fax or telephone. Any childish tricks by yourself will put you in a lot of bother ;)

Try and get it out for free? Good luck! Every vehicle that goes into a compound is tagged with a reason as to why it's been brought in and the compound will have experience of dealing with all sorts of people - innocent, guilty and uber guilty people ;).

Each case and situation is different, and I've explained the basis stuff. If I were you and if I genuine believe the car was stolen then I would take the issue up with the local police force and then take it from there. Do not try and be clever and get it out for free.
OK thanks, the car WAS stolen when the woman came to take me there she mentioned another person reported it, loud revving or summit. Thanks I will talk with garage+police. I feel I;ve been alittle slow but willing to pay for my slowmess. I don't mind paying some but frig £150, £200 and specialist fees that's more than the car is currently worth.

I have NOT spoke to my insurance, the letter from garage says I should, but I do not want to get them involved as I pay enough.

Thanks for the help.
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total rubbish

Actually he is spot on, we have horrendous problems recruiting people for minimum wage jobs in my industry (quick service restaurtant), and some that do join find the work too hard and end up leaving to go back to unemployment.

Those that stay have a lackadaisical attitude to the role, doing a poor job and regularly failing our mystery shopping visits.
Firstly, well done for actually having car insurance. It must be pretty tempting to drive around uninsured if it costs you 1000% of the cars value.

Have you tried the police non emergency number (101 iirc) and asked them for advice? That would be the first thing I would do. Also, I can only echo the sentiments of most people on here; you are crazy to pay that much for car insurance. Get the bus/taxi/walk or move to a better area if you can. Obviously I know nothing about your personal situation, but it seems to me that you are just throwing your money away.
Thanks i will try 101 or when i get back go in person to my local police station. They will mention to tell my insurance but i doubt they will pay or do much and it will cost me a lot more. Or goto the garage and mention its police billed or should be?
Ok, i called the police and all he said was its the garageS, pay up or insurance will cover it. So should i just pay 400gbp or whatever to get back my car that would be worth next to nothing then sell it for breaking and hope i get part even, or get my insurqnce involved. To be honest i am.happy to ignore it but this stupid fee might get bigger or cost loads once they distroy it. I dont really want the car, so since i paid so much should i get my insutance involved? The car was over a k in.vaule.... Sadly we all start somewhere and thats paying 3400, think i shall try them?

Atm i dont need a car as i got a bike, but the car took years to save since i passed my test at 17.
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Haha, we have a spare key too, I was gunna drive it back home if the poilce left it for awhile but they had a truck really quick.

I am going to citations advice b about this. I really don't wanna get insurance involved would like it released and sell for breaking/srap parts or when I get another car/106? I have a donar one if things go wrong.

its gonna be a tough one to drive the car out of impound, you should tunnel into the impound. Then dismount the car bit b bit and smuggle the parts out.

Then bring it all home and build the car back up.
You're having to pay to get your car back after it was stolen? That doesn't sound right, surely?

Didn't the police catch the thieves?

yeah im afraid that's the case, though I think the price was set with high value cars in mind. Not so crappy £300 car.
Option 1) Ok. So then tomorrow it's car garage day!! Reckon I should "just leave the dam car?" as my mum says but I don't want £2k bills of speciist fees and more for storing+crushing but I'd like to just ignore them. That or just pay £600 or whatever they joke about!!

then option 2) get my insurance involved, or at least speak with them, Admiral.
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