Isn't it a bit to early to say the race is over? I could understand the sentiment if nvidia's new offerings was available right now but they aren't. All we know is what nvidia is willing to sell their new offerings for and when they are available. Performance is still up in the air and I am 95% positive that it won't be as good as that presentation made it out to be.
Perhaps but it's also not a bad assumption.
I mean 5070 is 550 where does AMD go? Let's be realistic i don't forsee FS4 being 2x perf so NV will still have the edge there. AMD has to release 4 let's say that again FOUR cards at sub 500 to be competitive. AMDs own slides say their top card will be 7900xt level...which the 4070ti performance.
The 4070ti is around 20% faster than the 4070. The 5070 is 20% faster than the 4070. That means AMDs BEST card is 5070 level of performance, and this is using bith companies own slides.
How the hell does AMD fit 4 cards in that line up?
No one will be a 9070xt if it's the same price as Nvidia. AMD will need to sell it at 500 or under, even then people will likely just spend the extra to get Nvidia.
IMO the 9070xt needs to be 450 or under to stand a chance.
I don't see how AMD competes this generation, I wouldn't he surprised if they scrap. 2 of the cards and only release 2 this generation.
EDIT - Just to add Nvidia have held back the 5060 just to crap on AMD when they do announce there's.
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