Chances of UKIP winning General Election?

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14 Dec 2011
greywolf is spot on and it's Mags that's had a basic maths fail

That only works with the supposition that the ukip voters were lapsed tories or would've only voted tory if not for ukip but the meme is ment to be ukip take votes off labour and clog's lot too, unless it gets out that the entire cabinet are paedo's this is the high watermark for the Kippers.
8 Mar 2007
Homosexuality is not natural end of. Continues rolling round lmao.

Then you clearly know **** all about nature. Homosexuality is seen in all but the most primitive of lifeforms. Sheep for example have a homosexuality rate of 10%, the same as in humans.

What isn't natural is homophobia, only one species displays it. Humans.

P.S. Saying 'end of' doesn't win you the argument.
17 Apr 2009
Have we done the Kilroy Shafted video yet? Because that would pretty much save this from becoming a 10-page thread of closeted racism.

I'm pretty sure we've moved on from racism and toward homophobia now.

Who would have thought a topic about UKIP would wind up this way. Oh, wait... :rolleyes:
22 Sep 2011
Portsmouth (Southsea)
I'm pretty sure we've moved on from racism and toward homophobia now.

Who would have thought a topic about UKIP would wind up this way. Oh, wait... :rolleyes:
I do find this thread funny, half the UKIP supports declaring that UKIP isn't racist or homophobic then the other half attempting to justifying their racism & homophobia under the guise of a public service/freedom of expression.

I also can't help but notice every single poster on this forum who either has a history of posting stupid offensive & derogatory **** about homosexuals or people of a difference race have a strong overlap with the people claiming that UKIP (the party they are a proponent of) doesn't have a large population of undesirables.
15 Sep 2010
Oh here we go again, back on the racist, homophobic rubbish, for crying out loud change the record, and for the record I don't hate gay people reason being I don't know them, I just can't accept homosexuality as the norm, that's me and I'm not alone, get over it.


The hatred is coming from homosexuals who don't like people opposed to it, I think that is a fear phobia or heterophobia of straight people.

And look, they try and dismiss heterophobia as non-existent

You see it can work both ways.
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30 Apr 2006
Then you clearly know **** all about nature. Homosexuality is seen in all but the most primitive of lifeforms. Sheep for example have a homosexuality rate of 10%, the same as in humans.

It's certainly natural as it's part of the natural world, it's been observed that rats turn homosexual when there's no females about. But no one can say that homosexuality is 'normal' with a straight face (pun semi-intended) when there only a small percentage of the population is homosexual. If it was 50/50 then you can call it normal, as in it's the norm. Not that any of this is an excuse for discrimination. It's not

What isn't natural is homophobia, only one species displays it. Humans.

It's extremely natural to humans to divided themselves along lines of difference. Race, religion, gender and sexuality since the dawn of time. homophobia is very natural as much as homosexuality is. In fact what isn't natural is Global acceptance and tolerance, it's been forced on the entire planet since the end of WW2 and many cultures, not just our own, have had great difficulty in adjusting. And there has been many examples of this going wrong in the last 70 years
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Man of Honour
17 Oct 2002
I'm back baby!
Oh here we go again, back on the racist, homophobic rubbish, for crying out loud change the record, and for the record I don't hate gay people reason being I don't know them, I just can't accept homosexuality as the norm, that's me and I'm not alone, get over it.

Who said it was the norm?

It's natural. That doesn't make it the norm.

To address the first point, see the post you quoted. Ukip as a whole represent (by way of being empowered by the vote of) people who dislike/hate/oppress others. Homophobia, xenophobia, racism, sexism. These are the norm in ukip and their supporters.
19 Jun 2004
On the Amiga500
I do find this thread funny, half the UKIP supports declaring that UKIP isn't racist or homophobic then the other half attempting to justifying their racism & homophobia under the guise of a public service/freedom of expression.

I also can't help but notice every single poster on this forum who either has a history of posting stupid offensive & derogatory **** about homosexuals or people of a difference race have a strong overlap with the people claiming that UKIP (the party they are a proponent of) doesn't have a large population of undesirables.

The parallels are astounding :p

You see it can work both ways.

Oh why didn't you say, that's alright then.
19 Jun 2004
On the Amiga500
LOL! are you being serious? I'm not really interested in your hypothetical homosexual alternate dimension on Planet Captain, Jesus H Christ just absolutely rolling round lmao :D:D:D:D

You're not interested in my hypothetical dimension, because you don't want to answer the question I asked you and you probably disagree on my point that if someone is homosexual it is nothing to do with you, the government, or anyone else.
18 Oct 2002
It's certainly natural as it's part of the natural world, it's been observed that rats turn homosexual when there's no females about. But no one can say that homosexuality is 'normal' with a straight face (pun semi-intended) when there only a small percentage of the population is homosexual. If it was 50/50 then you can call it normal, as in it's the norm. Not that any of this is an excuse for discrimination. It's not

It's extremely natural to humans to divided themselves along lines of difference. Race, religion, gender and sexuality since the dawn of time. homophobia is very natural as much as homosexuality is. In fact what isn't natural is Global acceptance and tolerance, it's been forced on the entire planet since the end of WW2 and many cultures, not just our own, have had great difficulty in adjusting. And there has been many examples of this going wrong in the last 70 years

Because white people are a global minority and suffer from recessive-genetic mutant albinoism they are not normal?

Because animals that fly are a small percentage of all animals birds are not normal?

Interesting logic:rolleyes:
8 Sep 2005
Norrbotten, Sweden.
This is just a miss use of the word Norm/Normal...

Cant you just stick to the "normal discussion " why UKIP wont win the election.

Kids growing up following a homosexual lifestyle is NORMAL but as its not the social Norm.

Normality (behavior)
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8 Mar 2007
It's certainly natural as it's part of the natural world, it's been observed that rats turn homosexual when there's no females about. But no one can say that homosexuality is 'normal' with a straight face (pun semi-intended) when there only a small percentage of the population is homosexual. If it was 50/50 then you can call it normal, as in it's the norm. Not that any of this is an excuse for discrimination. It's not

You seem to mixing up the word normal with usual.

By your logic being ginger "isn't normal", which clearly as a sentence is ridiculous even if you want to define 'normal' as being over or equally proportionally representative.

But as I said, that isn't what normal means. The opposite of normal is abnormal so are you happy to describe being homosexual as something that is 'abnormal', because that is exactly what you are saying.

It's extremely natural to humans to divided themselves along lines of difference. Race, religion, gender and sexuality since the dawn of time. homophobia is very natural as much as homosexuality is.

Sorry you defeated this line or argument with your first sentence...

'It's [homosxuality] certainly natural as it's part of the natural world'

Homophobia is NOT part of the natural world and therefore it is not natural. The same goes for racism and religious intolerance.

You are confusing the trait of territorialism and tribalism, which is seen in many other animals, with the irrational views and treatment of people based on their sexuality which certainly isn't replicated in nature.

For example, it is natural for a penguin to defend its homosexual offspring from other penguins not from their group but it is never the case that a penguin will reject it's offspring because they are gay. That is a purely human phenomenon.

In fact what isn't natural is Global acceptance and tolerance, it's been forced on the entire planet since the end of WW2 and many cultures, not just our own, have had great difficulty in adjusting. And there has been many examples of this going wrong in the last 70 years

Just LOL. What has been 'forced' on the entire planet exactly? The idea that gay people exist? Do you think that homosexuality didn't exist or was significantly less prevalent pre-1945 and the current 10% rate is due to governments somehow brainwashing people into being gay?

Furthermore your historical ignorance is staggering. In Ancient Greece, where even today we still take many of our ethics and morality from, love between two men was considered the most profound, moral and highest form of affection there could be.

It was the introduction of the Abrahamic religions that changed this. So actually the acceptance of homosexuals is not new like you suggest, it's far, far older than homophobia. And the only thing "forced" on society was homophobia via crusading nature of Christianity/Judaism/Islam over the last thousand and more years. Thankfully the enlightenment is slowly reversing this unnatural, irrational views drummed into society from the churches and temples.
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19 Jun 2004
On the Amiga500
In Ancient Greece, where even today we still take many of our ethics and morality from, love between two men was considered the most profound, moral and highest form of affection there could be.

It was the introduction of the Abrahamic religions that changed this. So actually the acceptance of homosexuals is not new like you suggest, it's far, far older than homophobia. And the only thing "forced" on society was homophobia via crusading nature of Christianity/Judaism/Islam over the last thousand and more years.

I'd never really considered that. Interesting now I come to think about it.
8 Mar 2007
Wow, the chi chi men are out in force today.

I'll ignore your disgusting homophobic terminology (I leave that for the mods to judge) but are you making the pathetic argument that anyone who cares about gay rights must be homosexual themselves?

If you must know I am not homosexual, but I do have gay people in my circle of friends. I have been out with them on nights out and witnessed the abuse thrown at them by chavs driving past in their cars and seen the photos of one of their boyfriends after he was beaten up in a club for being gay.

So excuse me for feeling strongly about it.

I find it strange that someone who appears so left wing when it comes to the Workfare scheme can have such strong right-wing views on homosexuality. May I suggest you actually meet some gay people and spend some time with them, it will open your mind and may just give you the attitude adjustment you clearly need.
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