Chances of UKIP winning General Election?

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1 Sep 2010
Why are you so hung up on the sexual aspect of it though? As I've already explained (and you've ignored) lots of gay men don't engage in anal sex and the sexual aspect of it isn't the definition of homosexuality.

The fact you clearly think being gay is all about sex just shows how ignorant you are. You can't have a problem with two people loving each other can you?

You remind me of the Pastor in this video 2:38...

I've not heard 'penetration' and 'anus' so much in a minute before.
15 Sep 2010
How many times have I heard of the past called the good old days?

here's why, common sense and decency is becoming a thing of the past, we must fight to restore common sense and decency and stop this evil sickness that is homosexuality.

While cops beating homosexuals is OTT we must strive to stop homosexuals grooming vulnerable young boys into a life of vile homosexual activity.
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6 Apr 2013
How many times have I heard of the past called the good old days?

here's why, common sense and decency is becoming a thing of the past, we must fight to restore common sense and decency and stop this evil sickness that is homosexuality.

While cops beating homosexuals is OTT we must strive to stop homosexuals grooming vulnerable young boys into a life of vile homosexual activity.

Now I KNOW you aren't being serious. :p
15 Sep 2010
Now I KNOW you aren't being serious. :p

Oh yes I am.;)

And I'm told it's none of my business, excuse me, if the HIV virus is being spread by homosexuals then that makes it very much my business. I know of those who fancy a bit of both, you know women and men, very concerned and rightfully so.

UKIP are justified in offering help to those who feel uncomfortable with homosexuality via therapy, what's the problem with that? it isn't suggesting compulsory therapy for all gays, it's offering help for those who feel uncomfortable with their involvement in homosexual activity.
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8 Mar 2007
Oh yes I am.;)

And I'm told it's none of my business, excuse me, if the HIV virus is being spread by homosexuals then that makes it very much my business. I know of those who fancy a bit of both, you know women and men, very concerned and rightfully so.

UKIP are justified in offering help to those who feel uncomfortable with homosexuality via therapy, what's the problem with that? it isn't suggesting compulsory therapy for all gays, it's offering help for those who feel uncomfortable with their involvement in homosexual activity.

Surely in your view it is a good thing if gay men are killing each other off?

Also you're talking bull ****. Firstly, whilst the disease was first discovered in gay men, HIV is mostly spread by heterosexual people and if you really cared about the prevention of HIV and AIDS then your target should be the Catholic Church, who've used their position of power to tell tens of millions of Africans that condoms are evil and as a result has caused far more infections of HIV than gay men by several orders of magnitude.

Secondly, whilst I'm not down playing the seriousness this isn't the 80s where it is a death sentence. In the west the vast majority of HIV sufferers live to a normal life expectancy and never contract AIDS.

Besides, for your information HIV originated in monkeys, so direct your hate at them.
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17 Oct 2002
Panting like a fiend
cload of tosh[/url]

While cops beating homosexuals is OTT we must strive to stop homosexuals grooming vulnerable young boys into a life of vile homosexual activity.

This may come as a massive shock to you, but homosexuality has been around for hundreds of years, thousands if not more...

The big difference between now and the "good old days" is that we hear of bad things because they are reported and acted upon, and there are more effective laws to protect the vulnerable and checks to prevent known or potential abusers from getting easy access to the vulnerable..

The good old days had rape and abuse go unreported and unpunished by the legal system, and often hushed up (with the victims told to not be silly, or to not make waves) whilst the openly gay or those who were thought to be gay would often be punished regardless of who they did it with.

If you go back even further you'll find the Greeks and the Romans often found nothing at all wrong with homosexuality at all...

So what "good old days" are you after exactly, something historically accurate or some rose tinted ideal as espoused by fools and the historically ignorant?

I'll take the modern way, where homosexuality is generally accepted, and those that abuse people are dealt with rather than it being swept under the carpet.
8 Mar 2007
Going round in circles, so I'll post my rebuttals to his 'opinion' of homosexuality in one post and leave it that....

It's not natural
Same sex relationships, be it kinship or sexual are abundant in nature. Sheep, for example, 10% of sheep are exclusively gay which is the same proportion in humans.

Only one species though displays homophobic tenancies which is humans, so if anything it is that which is unnatural.

However, if by 'not natural' you mean because it doesn't produce children then you must also hate infertile people having sex, contraception, women having sex when they're not on their period, heterosexual fellatio and anal sex etc why pick on gay sex?

It's not normal
If you're talking statistically, the words you are looking for are 'not usual'. The word 'normal' just means 'expected'; and in a species of highly evolved mammals (given what we know from above) you would expect to see a proportion of homosexuality, ergo it is normal.

Think of it this way, a Television works the vast majority of the time, but you wouldn't describe a TV breakdown as 'not normal'*

*I'm only making a point about the use of the word 'normal' and NOT comparing gay people to broken televisions...before anyone twists it!

It's Disgusting and Vile
Both of those words are subjective, which means personal to you and not an objective statement. You may not like the though of partaking in an act of gay sex, but you may not like the thought of eating jellied eels either and you don't give people that do eat them a hard time or care if they change their dietary choices or not.

Furthermore, anal sex is far more prevalent in heterosexuals than homsexuals; and many gay couples don't even practice it.

Ultimately, homosexuality is two people loving each other and surely that supersedes your hate for them [which leads me on to my next point].

I hate the sin, I love the sinner
Falling in love with someone of the same sex is part of that person, it is not a separate entity. It's as biologically part of them as their gender, hair or eye colour. It is not an 'opinion' or a 'life choice'; it is nature not nuture. If you 'hate their sin' you hate a part of who they are.

They can be 'healed'
So called 'Reperative Therapy' maybe big business in the still Christian dominated United States, it has an awful 'success' rate and is a form of brainwashing that tells the recipient that every time they feel affection for a member of the same sex it is a sign that they are 'ill'.

I find it bizarre that someone who cares so much for the unemployed they are willing to post walls of text about how evil the Workfare scheme is wants to encourage gay people to enter a scheme that at best doesn't work and at worse causes the person serious psychological harm?

Let me make it clear that it's not a request. We're not going to tolerate people inciting hatred against anyone's sexual orientation here.

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29 Aug 2007
I don't want to lower (raise?) the tone too much but every time I read a post by Spanking Texan I think of Tobias Funke from Arrested Development.


e: oh, events appear to have overtaken me.
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30 Jun 2007
Wow, the chi chi men are out in force today.

ah Christianity, the religion of love...unless you're different.

^that aside personally i'd not count spanking as christian i know a few much more devout Christians who are still to this day the nicest people I've met.

spanking is simply a petty small man you usual's his religion to give him a big group with which to bully people with much like the Muslims and others who go around trying to cause trouble.

you get them everywhere cowards who need something to give them mates cause they can't fight their battles alone.
30 Jun 2007
Well the only thing I find disgustingly vile is homosexual behaviour. I have not accused you of being gay, actually you never crossed my mind but I do wonder at those who go out their way to defend them, maybe you have feelings you're not really aware of.

You " do wonder at those who go out their way to defend" other people?

yes I'm not surprised the concept of putting yourself in harms way for the sake of another comes as an alien and difficult to understand concept.
29 Dec 2007
Adelaide, South Australia
Attacking individual elements of my post doesn't detract from the overall point I was making which is that the existence homophobia, in terms of history of our species, is but a speck.

It is certainly not that case than man is naturally homophobic (as the post I was answering stated) and it is only modern left-wing elitists trying to suppress this natural aversion.

The grammar in this post is so bad, I have no idea what you're trying to say.
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