charles and camilla attacked

Man of Honour
17 Oct 2002
Non-grads in general aren't funding anyone else, if you divided up the cost of government spending per person then someone on an average salary doesn't pay enough in taxes to cover their share.

You need to make a a fair bit above the national average before you're making a net contribution to society - the majority of the country are not net contributors. Of the people who do make a net contribution, they're mostly all graduates.

Not that I don't agree with the fees per say (though I'd rather they simply scrapped the various new universities offering BS courses) but it does irritate me when you hear non-grads doing low paid work moaning about students being tax dodgers or how they're funding them - low earners don't fund anything for anyone else, they don't even pay enough taxes to cover their own share of day to day running of this country.

Actually, the net contribution point varies quite dramatically depending on welfare entitlement, you don't have to be earning a fair bit over the national average to pay your own way if you are a single, childless, private accommodation paying (rental or mortgage) household, because you get pretty much no government support, and little benefit from many state provided facilities.

On the flip side, families with children, especially single earner families with children, have to be earning very large amounts before they become net contributors.
26 Jun 2010
So true, probably earning 12k a year and moaning about paying for students.


If you are referring to me then you are very wide of the mark I am afraid. I pay more than £12k in income tax unfortunately, probably to help fund the lifestyle of your good self no doubt.:rolleyes:

*and yes I am making a massive assumption, much like you did*
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11 Nov 2010
why should we pay for a bunch of birth right idiots! they should pay their own way, the tourism thing is lame people will still come to london with out the stupid **** royal family

Actually Prince Charles helps the young and needy as all the other Royals do far more than you ever will.
It's not their fault they are born into the Royal Family and if you dislike paying for them, you live in the EU you can move freely around go and live elsewhere!! Nobody's forcing you to stay here to pay a couple of quid a year towards the Royals.
18 May 2004
Lincoln, Uk
[TW]Fox;17968239 said:
I agree - if anything they should remove all the threshold stuff and charge everyone but that isn't going to happen.

Haven't read to the end of the thread yet, but...

What we need in addition is a grant system (worked into SLC) funded by the goverment to contribute towards courses that advantage the country, such grants could fuctuate up and down as need for particular sectors increases
30 Jan 2007
PA, USA (Orig UK)
Don't mean to be rude, but who's to say the vast majority causing trouble are students? It's not like they have been doing ID checks :wack:.

If yobs heard there was a demo that might be fiesty, then they'd prob go because they want to have some fun etc.

Be interesting to see if the majority of those convicted are even students, but I don't think the media would give a **** about that, because it doesn't help the story/sell papers.



1 Feb 2007
The current student loan for a standard three year degree are around £10k + whatever living costs are incurred. Please do come back when your debts are three times that, you have zero chance of ever paying back the loan and lecture us all that this is all for our own good. :rolleyes:

If you have zero chance of paying off the loan it means you are earning under £21k a year and so aren't paying anything anyway. You only start paying for it after that threshold. It is sort of like a graduate tax but you don't have unlimited liability...
17 Jul 2008
People don't need degrees to challenge authority and ask questions, that's a stupid comment.

Degrees are NOT as useful as they were anymore. Hence why this country is drowning under a glut of jobless graduates.

thats just stupid, my brother did a degree... he got a job straight away he answered the phones at the lotter for 4 years now he sells his body for medical experiments, and sleeps with very rich men... (i'm not sure how much he uses his degree though, or how much it contributes)
21 Nov 2008
thats just stupid, my brother did a degree... he got a job straight away he answered the phones at the lotter for 4 years now he sells his body for medical experiments, and sleeps with very rich men... (i'm not sure how much he uses his degree though, or how much it contributes)

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