charles and camilla attacked

2 Oct 2008
What about concern for the officers that were injured/hospitalised by complete tools?

As for that lad, I'd be surprised if there isn't another side to the story.

even if their is another side to the story nobody, not even the police have the right to bash somebody over the head to the point they need 3 hours emergency surgery.

no I don't hold much concern for the Police injured myself from watching coverage police were randomly bashing people.
most of these are kids protesting wait till the other cuts happen and the adults are protesting I think its going to be 10 times more violent than what we have seen.
Man of Honour
17 Aug 2007
He's supposedly an intelligent student studying history at university, yet his defense is that he didn't know what the cenotaph is or what it represents? Please.

It was a hastily worded press release designed purely for damage control. I have no doubt in my mind at the level of sincerity in "his apology".

It's the age old question when someone is publicly caught and identified I'm afraid. Are they sorry for what they have done or sorry that they were caught and id'ed doing it. If their identity had remained unknown would they be sorry. We'll never know for certain.
22 Jun 2004
Deep England
The unlimited liability comes form the fact that the event is not the income itself but the act of gaining the degree and thus the financial liability to that event is unlimited in that way.

Unless you set a cap on the amount you are liable for you have an open ended liability that is dependent on your future income.

As the current proposal is similar in it's liability with the exception that it is capped at either the loan amount or the 30 year time limit, unlike an income tax.

A bit like the difference between income tax (your proposal) and inheritance tax (the current proposal). One has a defined bracket, the other does not.

Rubbish, graduating is not and never will be a taxable event. The NUS proposed graduate tax is essentially an income tax, which means earning income is the taxable event. Therefore your liability is limited to the taxable proportion of income.

You're always reminding us you're a hot shot businessman, do you put down an unlimited corporation tax liability in your accounts? Of course you don't, it would be absurd - your corporation tax liability is limited to your earnings for the financial year.
20 Jul 2005
He's supposedly an intelligent student studying history at university, yet his defense is that he didn't know what the cenotaph is or what it represents? Please.

It was a hastily worded press release designed purely for damage control. I have no doubt in my mind at the level of sincerity in "his apology".

Enormous own goal there then!

Perhaps people would have had a 1% chance of believing him if he was some random student, but a history student?

Sucks to be him right now :p
30 Nov 2008
I hope the goverment hand riot control over to the army, then well see what proper violence is.
if you want a palm tothe face laugh then head over to the student rooms, they somehow think that they are the main democratic force.

Apperently they think if they protest more then the goverment will change.
I would love to see the goverment give arrested students criminal records then force unis to take crbs when in uni.
26 Jun 2010
Rubbish, graduating is not and never will be a taxable event. The NUS proposed graduate tax is essentially an income tax, which means earning income is the taxable event. Therefore your liability is limited to the taxable proportion of income.

You're always reminding us you're a hot shot businessman, do you put down an unlimited corporation tax liability in your accounts? Of course you don't, it would be absurd - your corporation tax liability is limited to your earnings for the financial year.

I'm an operations director, not an accountant or finance director so my occupation has no bearing here at all.

However, a Graduate tax is exactly that a Tax on Graduating. You are being taxed on your income I agree, but where a fee system limits the upper liability to pay that tax, a true graduate tax does not.

The NUS graduate tax is just a watered down version of the current proposal and not really an income tax at all.

I am still waiting for the links to the graduate tax breakdowns and considerations you keep on about?

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20 Jul 2005
Apperently they think if they protest more then the goverment will change.

Has anyone thought a bit deeper as to why these protests have turned violent? Sure, there are troublemakers present, undoubtedly.

However, quarter of a million people marched peacefully against the Iraq war, and what did it achieve? Nothing, zip, diddly squat. Except blood on our hands, lots of needlessly dead civilians and a massive tax burden on all of us.

If the Government wont listen to peaceful protests, then alternatives will be tried?

I'm an operations director....

I hate to be picky, but at an average of 756 posts a month since you joined, what operations are you directing exactly? OcUK forum posting operations? :p
3 Jan 2006
All along the watchtower
I'm an operations director, not an accountant or finance director so my occupation has no bearing here at all.

what operation are you directing actually?

don't answer that I don't care:p your occupation, self proclaimed or otherwise has no bearing on anything so why keep mentioning it?

I thought the police were a disgrace, I think our members of parliament are a disgrace.

Free speech and democracy have left these shores.
26 Jun 2010
I hate to be picky, but at an average of 756 posts a month since you joined, what operations are you directing exactly? OcUK forum posting operations? :p

I work for a public transport company. However my posting frequency has little to do with how I conduct my day to day business really.:confused:

25 posts a day isn't really that time consuming tbh especially as I have spent my entire day off posting, It soon adds up. I don't play golf or squash so there you go. As they say, "the higher you go the less you have to do", Frankly that can be true....:p

what operation are you directing actually?

don't answer that I don't care:p your occupation, self proclaimed or otherwise has no bearing on anything so why keep mentioning it?

I didn't, Scorza did, just to deflect why he can't supply citation for his argument.

Anyway as I stated originally my occupation has no bearing whatsoever on the thread at hand.
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23 Mar 2009
Some of the behaviour demonstrated at these riots was quite frankly disgusting. I am actually ashamed to be called a student now as a result of their actions. Watching some of the clips on the news last night really wound me up, i actually got some sense of satisfaction from watching the police smashing them with batons as some of them really deserved it.

These proposals aren't all that bad and from what I see at my university (hardly applicable for the rest of the nation I know) the majority of students really aren't that fussed by it. As Fox has pointed out time and time again these proposals are actually rather fair given the current state of the country.

From my limited experience as a university of Plymouth student I find that actually a huge number of students don't support these protests due to their retarded way of doing things. They occupy rooms in universities causing chaos for other students simply wanting to learn. They campaign outside the library where students are working to do the best they can in a degree they are paying a lot of money to do. Yeah way to go protesters **** off those you want to support you.

I shall end my rant here or I'll be typing all night.
5 Jun 2010
I thought the police were a disgrace, I think our members of parliament are a disgrace.
I thought it was a disgrace see Police officers having to dodge lumps of rock and scaffolding poles, shall I list some of the other things?

Are these the same people that want the rich to pay for their education?
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30 Nov 2008

If the Government wont listen to peaceful protests, then alternatives will be tried?

Violence never works, threatening and actual violance has never changed peoples mind. Instead violence usually steels the will of thoses the violences is aimed at see ww2 blitz for a clear example of why violence does bugger all.

In short a demographically elected goverment made a call it got passed, the call had to come. The cuts had to be made, if not in low student fees which allow a large section of the work force to get ****ed for 3 years then where? hospitals? pensions? other ammenities actually used by thoses funding the damn things.
And all this b*****ks about grads bringing in most of the money that ive seen sprouting up as some form of excuse, very few graduuates end up in a postiotn that a none graduate could have risen to if they spent the four years working hard.
19 Feb 2010
I like the way that "tiny minority" is wheeled out time after time. :rolleyes:

Also, this is great:

FT said:
Student leaders vowed to continue the action.

“Our protests and our work have sparked a new wave of activism which will grow stronger by the day,” said Aaron Porter, president of the National Union of Students

Got a Bob Crow in the making, here!
19 Feb 2010
Not unless he ditches the champagne and caviar for Fray Bentos steak and kidney pies.

Oh hang on, he just needs to eat the pies as well. ;)

Not sure if it's true (Wikipedia):

In 2010, Porter lived with his parents in Norbury, south London. His father is a policeman who grew up in London and his mother is a teacher from Trinidad.[1]

Bet his dad's proud!
30 Nov 2005
Oh dear God! Camilla was jabbed with a stick by Rioter!!!!

Nooooooooo! How ever will she recover?

London Evening Standard really is a gutter newspaper, no wonder no one ever wanted to pay for it! It is quickly becoming the Daily Mail Mk2 with it's love of all things Torry.
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18 Oct 2002
Taken from my Facebook regarding the protestors yesterday that went onto attack Charles & Camilla;

"Glad to hear Dave Gilmour's son was the protestor who scaled the Cenotaph not knowing what 'it' was. Of course the heir to Pink Floyd's millions not only needs fee support but all the educational help he can get. Some things are sacred and some people have no soul."

.....and why is it these people deserve our support again?
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