Cheap energy drinks

27 Oct 2005
OK, banning is too strong, but I just think they cause more problems than they solve. For the record, I don't think alcohol should be banned either as moderate intake can actually be beneficial to health, but I do think tobacco should be wiped off the face of the earth. It serves no other purpose than population control.

I cannot stand it.

How about somebody might enjoy the taste and the feeling of having a smoke ? I am not a regular smoker, I just do it when going out/social situation where I have often had a few drinks, don't smoke at all during the week ( not anymore anyhow, it works way to badly on my stamina in the gym), I quite enjoy the light-headed feeling of it, and have enjoyed the taste of a good cigar on occasion too. Also if you are having trouble pooping, nothing works better than a small cup of coffee and a cig after, guaranteed bowel movement :D.

Population control is good, there are to many people on earth, smokers cost less in health costs over their lives than non smokers because they live shorter ( yes there are more factors for both sides like reduced productivity/increased health problems during the working age and on the other side the excise tax/tocabbo duty and extra employment for everything related with tobacco), but looking purely at health costs: because non smokers live longer they are way more expensive.

Population ageing Is a massive problem in Europe.

But I've gone off-topic...

In short, just because something is good or bad for peoples health shouldn't be a factor in allowing or banning certain things. I personally think others have no right at all to decide what I do with my body. If people want to smoke a joint or drink, let them ( note: I don't smoke weed, tried it a couple of times years ago and always hated it). I just don't see the whole point of banning just because I hate it ?

Same as energy drinks, there are people that drive on them, I have 1 colleague at work who basically lives off red bull, it makes him go like mad and program or fix software much faster than others. Others have the same effect with coffee.
All great stuff to ingest on a daily basis.
The paranoia for certain stuff is ludicrous these days, everything is bad for you if you take to much of it, having a can of energy once per couple of days won't hurt most healthy people.

Same with red meat, gluten, war against fats, sugar, more seem to become paranoid these days... If you just eat balanced overall and don't overdo certain things, I think not much will happen. Humans have lived in far worse conditions ( food wise, air quality wise, hygiene wise, etc.) in the past than we do these days.
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1 Mar 2008
Deep North
I drink 4-6 of these a day for the last 10 years.


EDIT: Here's my energy drink addiction from the past week ready for the recycle bin...

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Man of Honour
13 Oct 2006
The paranoia for certain stuff is ludicrous these days, everything is bad for you if you take to much of it, having a can of energy once per couple of days won't hurt most healthy people.

Same with red meat, gluten, war against fats, sugar, more seem to become paranoid these days... If you just eat balanced overall and don't overdo certain things, I think not much will happen. Humans have lived in far worse conditions ( food wise, air quality wise, hygiene wise, etc.) in the past than we do these days.

Moderation as often the case is key - most of those have negligible impact if you drink say 3-4 cans a week or so but if you are drinking say half a dozen a day some of them will cause a moderately elevated risk of bladder or pancreatic cancer and others can have a neurological impact. Aspartame (and not uncommon with the other additives) has never been directly linked to causing serious damage to health but definitely people have differing tolerances to it as a substance with a variety of reactions to it which seem to differ from person to person. (Same as some people will have say a nickel allergy and other people have no problem with exposure to it).

Everything from Coca Cola to milk to orange and other sodas. Was shocked it was 7 cubes for Coca Cola. I knew they had a lot but not that amount. Let alone the rest which was less. After that I went cold turkey and all I ever drink is mineral water. Sometimes a bit of fresh orange a few times a month.

Try making a chocolate cake or similar - I double, triple checked the measurements - could not believe that amount of sugar went into it lol.
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Man of Honour
19 Oct 2002
Pretty much the only things I drink now are a small amount of alcohol, too much coffee and water. Sparkling water has replaced any sugary drinks for me and we also avoid the kids drinkibg much of it. Some fruit juices have a lot if sugar in too, so they are a rare treat for the kids and I rarely drink them.

Coffee is my vice unfortunately.
19 Nov 2011
Relentless has a particularly tasty Juice flavour energy drink. A shame that it's over 50% RDA of sugar mind ... I stick to thr sugar free stuff but prefer the taste of iy over crappy work instant coffee.
Man of Honour
26 Dec 2003
I knock back the odd Monster every now and again when I get into the office if I've had a really bad nights sleep, no different to my boss who knocks back a couple of cups of coffee a day and eats some sweets with his lunch, yet I'm magically the one consuming the stuff that's going to end me in a horrible and disgusting manner.
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