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Check Your 4090's 12vhpwr Connectors To Make Sure They are in Pristine Condition

What this does is make the possible 4090ti have dual 12 pin connections as one just isn't enough for the power draw of an AIB 4090 safe. It wont be long before there is a fire and then we shall see the S*** hit the fan.

I was actually looking at one of these :- https://videocardz.com/newz/galax-g...rst-ada-gpu-with-dual-16-pin-power-connectors

as they have dual 16pin connectors and then just load balance the really 450w over the two connectors, really no need for 600w or more and even then can balance 300w to each connector if you really must use that much power. Them 16pic connectors just look too small to me for that silly power levels they want threw them.

I wish some AIBS would make some 4090s with 3 x 8pin or even 4 if they really must or 2 x 16pin for their regular models and don't have to be silly oc versions that are not here or there with 4090s.
IMHO the hype/desire for the 4090 and future 40 series cards are completely derailed until this issue is completely resolved.

Honestly this scares the hell out of me as sometimes I leave my pc running projects and this would have me worried leaving the machine and walking away for long periods of time or going to be leaving it to work overnight.

They need to fix this and start making AIB cards with 8pin connectors on again as they did with 30 series.
Honestly this scares the hell out of me as sometimes I leave my pc running projects and this would have me worried leaving the machine and walking away for long periods of time or going to be leaving it to work overnight.

They need to fix this and start making AIB cards with 8pin connectors on again as they did with 30 series.
I just don't understand why this isn't taken seriously. Optically, they treat this like it's within margin of error or something.
Just plug the cable in properly lmao

The British 3 pin household plug has a great design, it is designed to be as idiot proof as possible.

Sadly Nvidia failed to take the same approach with the connector buddled with their 4090 cards.

Consumer goods should be designed to be as idiot proof as possible, not all people are good with electrics.
The British 3 pin household plug has a great design, it is designed to be as idiot proof as possible.

Sadly Nvidia failed to take the same approach with the connector buddled with their 4090 cards.

Consumer goods should be designed to be as idiot proof as possible, not all people are good with electrics.
I dunno maybe they are

I mean people do electrocute themselves
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Honestly this scares the hell out of me as sometimes I leave my pc running projects and this would have me worried leaving the machine and walking away for long periods of time or going to be leaving it to work overnight.

They need to fix this and start making AIB cards with 8pin connectors on again as they did with 30 series.
insert x files music.

meanwhile I've gamed hundreds of hours on mine perfectly fine as have 99.9% of owners.

also seesms none melted since igor said plug them fully until you hear the click
insert x files music.

meanwhile I've gamed hundreds of hours on mine perfectly fine as have 99.9% of owners.

also seesms none melted since igor said plug them fully until you hear the click
The percentage who've gamed hundreds of hours must be quite low.

200 hours - ~9 hours/day
300 hours - ~13 hour/day
400 hours - ~17 hours/day
Where is this "plug the cable in properly" spiel coming from? Suddenly people who have built their own pc are incapable of plugging in a power connector? Or is that the current line of thinking from people on here who refuse to accept the cable could be at fault?
Where is this "plug the cable in properly" spiel coming from? Suddenly people who have built their own pc are incapable of plugging in a power connector? Or is that the current line of thinking from people on here who refuse to accept the cable could be at fault?
I think it's the fact that there is a noticeable click when you are putting the connector in following enough force. Having re-organised my cables this evening and removing the adapter (which is a job in itself) I can see how it would feel like it's in place. There is just that extra bit of force required to get it properly secured in the socket.

I think the general thinking behind it is the fact that nobody has been able to force the adapter to burn out in their testing, applying all types of bends and force etc. I'm sure even Igor is now saying that might be the thing based on him getting three people to try and attach the cable and it not being fully seated.
Yeah, that what we have been saying the whole time! It should have been crimped instead of soldered in order to just plug in the cable properly into the connector.
you can’t crimp that connector. 24 wires going into 12 wires across 4 separate pcie8 connectors. Doesn’t make any sense for crimping. You can combine 2 wire into 1 pin for crimp. But that means some of the pcie8 pin will be crimped with other pcie8 wire which is not meant to be done.

Doesn’t seem to be the solder joint being the issue so far as that. Even Igor has stated as much.
Where is this "plug the cable in properly" spiel coming from? Suddenly people who have built their own pc are incapable of plugging in a power connector? Or is that the current line of thinking from people on here who refuse to accept the cable could be at fault?
It's coming from almost every melted cable picture that shows the cable plugged in not having it plugged in all the way, then them backtracking too "but but that's how the cable plugged in after it's melted to show er it isn't in properly anymore"

bet the same people also ignored the "don't daisy chain" instructions

Looks like Jensen really did go to Taiwan
does Taiwan have Chinese child labour sweat farms making cables?
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