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Check Your 4090's 12vhpwr Connectors To Make Sure They are in Pristine Condition

Yeah I'm the same as Rare, only just recently bought the Vertex PSU.

I guess we'll see but Seasonic are a good brand, I think they will support as best they can.
I've got the Vertex also and I'm sure Seasonic would do something, If they didn't it would be packed up back in it's box and shipped off back to the retailer where they can exchange it for a revised model as a 10 yr warranty on a product that is only fit for powering 1 generation of GPU properly is not fit for purpose.
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I’m pretty annoyed by this whole saga, although my 4090 FE has been OK so far, I’m more annoyed that I spent a small fortune on a Seasonic Vertex GX 1200 (the most expensive PSU I ever purchased) only now to find out they are superseding the connections.

I can only assume Seasonic won’t update the cables for those who already have purchased a PSU. Which is just great.
In exactly the same position. Bought a GX-1200 at the end of May 2023, with the intention of keeping it for some time, just like I have my current Seasonic PSUs.
Seems like there are a few of us in the same boat! I might contact Seasonic and see what they say about it all.
Might be worth a shot but whether they have anything in the works as of yet is unclear.

To be clear I am not blaming Seasonic in any of this, This is solely down to PCI SIG if they're to completely revise the connector to the point where if 2 separate plugs are needed on the PSU side then I expect an exchange for a product that is less than 6 months old.
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I’ve messaged them, see what they say. I’m assuming the customer relations people aren’t going to have a clue.

To revise a standard like this so soon after release is really poor, but like you say it isn’t the PSU manufacturers at fault.
I’ve messaged them, see what they say. I’m assuming the customer relations people aren’t going to have a clue.

To revise a standard like this so soon after release is really poor, but like you say it isn’t the PSU manufacturers at fault.
They may already know but won't say anything yet.

Loads of people over on Cablemods Reddit all blaming Nvidia when in fact they're totally barking up the wrong tree.

PCI SIG designed and passed the part but it's down to them to tell Nvidia and other 3rd parties what are the safest terminals required, Maybe they did but some ( Cough Cablemod ) chose to use cheaper one's.

Cablemod are releasing an official statement later today apparently so that should be interesting no doubt.

I've looked at the terminals from the back of the connector on my Seasonic cable and they're like a bronze/gold colour whereas others just look silver to me but Seasonic do state on their website about them being high current terminals and 90v plastic.
FYI to everyone with a Seasonic this was their response:

Dear Josh,

Thank you for contacting Seasonic.

We are currently working on this new connector as not all information's are confirmed yet especially regarding backward compatibility of this new connector with current 12VHPWR connector. We will keep updated our customers on our website once we have more information.

Any other question, please let us know.
Thank you.
FYI to everyone with a Seasonic this was their response:

Dear Josh,

Thank you for contacting Seasonic.

We are currently working on this new connector as not all information's are confirmed yet especially regarding backward compatibility of this new connector with current 12VHPWR connector. We will keep updated our customers on our website once we have more information.

Any other question, please let us know.
Thank you.
Thanks for that, I didn't expect anything less from Seasonic I'm sure they will if possible sort something out for current Vertex users.

All that remains is whether GPU manufacturers are going to replace GPUs with the revised connector or just shove it under the carpet and if it melts after your warranty has expired you're on your own approach.

Anyway Cablemod is making a revised adaptor hahaha no surprise there then.
It seems like the issue can affect most adapters tbh. The pics you see are always of either the nvidia bundled adapter, or these right angled/third party adapters/cables people are using? Makes sense since by using any adapter you're introducing additional resistance in the connection which could generate excess heat which then causes further resistance build-up if there's even a tiny fitment gap or whatever.

Yet to see a straight from PSU official PSU maker cable suffer the same way, Seasonic/Corsair etc. Hopefully this remains the case :eek:
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I’ve not had a single black screen/fan 100% since ditching the cablemod trash and fitting the Corsair cable.

Same, Been using the ShiftX's native 2x8->12VHPWR cable and zero issues. CableMod 4x8->12VHPWR gave me a black screen with fans ramping to 100%. Got the cable replaced but sold it as I wasn't taking any chances.
The one thing I don't get is why do some adapters from third parties and even the Nvidia bundled one have 3 or 4 8-pin pcie connectors whereas Corsair and crew manage properly with just 2x8? Seems the latter is the most sensible and easily engineered without the potential problems of the former.
The one thing I don't get is why do some adapters from third parties and even the Nvidia bundled one have 3 or 4 8-pin pcie connectors whereas Corsair and crew manage properly with just 2x8? Seems the latter is the most sensible and easily engineered without the potential problems of the former.
Presumably to cope with thinner gauge cable if someone tries to use them on a unbranded PSU. Corsair know what their cables are rated for, so can get away with 2 connectors knowing it won't cause issues.
Here's an image of the 12VHPWR cable supplied with my Thermaltake Toughpower SFX 1000W PSU taken during the build of my PC. I like how the socket pins only have one split unlike a lot of the failed connectors I see that have two splits. I of course don't know if that's even a mitigating factor.


It was quite the concern for me as I had to cram the cable in and put quite the bend on it so that it would fit. If I could get some of the new 12VHPWR connectors I'd be tempted to make my own custom cable, a really short cable!


With only millimetres to spare between the 12VHPWR cable and the fans of the radiator above it, the cable needed to be trained as such. At least it's well anchored and has no movement apart from the usual expansion and contraction of being in use.


So far there's no evidence of any burning or melting but it's the last thing you want to be concerned about when you using your computer.
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