Cities Skylines 2 is Official!

Decided just to give Colossal Order the benefit of the doubt and buy this, my Gamepass is up in January anyway and I've zero intention of renewing it at its actual price!
The German Benchmark site i linked to when reviews were coming out has uploaded a 100k population city so that anyone can download it, see how it feels, and those on Steam can make an informed decision within 2hrs of the easy refund policy. Should also be handy for figuring out what settings to leave things at.

The instructions say to download the .zip, and unpack it to C:\Users\USERNAME\AppData\LocalLow\Colossal Order\Cities Skylines II\Saves\STEAM_ID They add that you might have to turn on "hidden files and folders".
Xbox version should be similar up to the STEAM_ID bit.

CCP has also uploaded saves at different population levels for the same reason, files available on his discord. Im not on it and cba, but if anyone wants them im sure it'll be linked in one of his videos.

It sounds like the stutters that people have been experiencing are happening when a building levels up, and so thats quite common as your city is growing and improving. Avg FPS drops seem to be equal between 5 vs 10k populations, 10k vs 20k, 20k vs 50k etc. So you might see your FPS drop a chunk at the beginning and think by 50fps you'll be at 0fps, but it does seem to stabilise.

Im also sure ive read that someone had a 350k pop and CPU still wasnt stressed out. Which is a good sign, just need the same to happen with GPU.
120fps in the splash/intro screen!!! woot ;)
Heres the recommended things to tweak.

Start with a High Preset and then
  • Use "Fullscreen Windowed" or disable VSync
  • Disable "Depth of Field Mode"
  • Reduce "Volumetrics Quality" to Low
  • Disable "Global Illumination"
  • Reduce the "Level of Detail" to Low (or Medium if you don't need the extra FPS)
  • Disable "Motion Blur" (This is a preference, if you want it, keep it on Low)
  • In the advanced tab, scroll to the Shadows section and disable "Terrain Casts Shadows" (Its about 80% down the page)
  • If you want to squeeze a bit more performance, Disable "Fog Quality", though I personally prefer to keep it enabled
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Sadly it seems that DE Benchmark file errors when loading it. They might be on an updated version yet to be rolled out :(

I stand corrected. I created a map, saved it, dumped the file in there and tried to load it and it gave the familiar CS1 error.
I started a new map somewhere i wanted to start, it loaded but with no GUI so i killed the exe and relaunched, and tried the save again and it works just fine.

Im getting 60fps for the most part, lowest dip ive seen is 48fps (not sure how to get more info like 1% lows) HOWEVER... things look very poor if you get quite close. Setting LOD to high doesnt seem to have fixed it entirely either .

Edit: I think i fixed it. I put Depth of Field on low, rather than Off (theres 2 settings, DoF Mode at the top and DoF Quality midway down. You want to disable it in the mode.)

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Sadly it seems that DE Benchmark file errors when loading it. They might be on an updated version yet to be rolled out :(

I stand corrected. I created a map, saved it, dumped the file in there and tried to load it and it gave the familiar CS1 error.
I started a new map somewhere i wanted to start, it loaded but with no GUI so i killed the exe and relaunched, and tried the save again and it works just fine.

Im getting 60fps for the most part, lowest dip ive seen is 48fps (not sure how to get more info like 1% lows) HOWEVER... things look very poor if you get quite close. Setting LOD to high doesnt seem to have fixed it entirely either .

Edit: I think i fixed it. I put Depth of Field on low, rather than Off (theres 2 settings, DoF Mode at the top and DoF Quality midway down. You want to disable it in the mode.)

That looks worse than Sim City 4
I just fired it up my self and set to high the stuttering was terrible, as above I set depth of field to off and better the the texture quality seems really bad\low and horrendous shimmer on shadows. Tried to have a look and helpfully it crashed :D think I'll leave it a few days and try again
120fps in the splash/intro screen!!! woot ;)
Heres the recommended things to tweak.

Start with a High Preset and then
  • Use "Fullscreen Windowed" or disable VSync
  • Disable "Depth of Field Mode"
  • Reduce "Volumetrics Quality" to Low
  • Disable "Global Illumination"
  • Reduce the "Level of Detail" to Low (or Medium if you don't need the extra FPS)
  • Disable "Motion Blur" (This is a preference, if you want it, keep it on Low)
  • In the advanced tab, scroll to the Shadows section and disable "Terrain Casts Shadows" (Its about 80% down the page)
  • If you want to squeeze a bit more performance, Disable "Fog Quality", though I personally prefer to keep it enabled
so basically run it at potato settings....good job devs, you done ****** up!

And that screenshot looks horrendous.
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so basically run it at potato settings....good job devs, you done ****** up!

And that screenshot looks horrendous.
It looked horrendous after making the recommended changes, and F'ing one of them up. Once i Disabled LoD it was fine.
fwiw, ive ended up setting everything back to High (only Motion Blur disabled) and performance is fine on my hardware.

It should be considerably higher, but currently getting stable 80fps, and i think avg was 50+ on the 100k population map seen above.
Lmao said I wasn't going to even install it, but for the %#@!% and giggles, free on gamepass.

First time loading in, 7fps on the main menu. That's at 4k res and high settings, because OLED right. Turned off DOF and jumped to 61fps without any other alterations. I'm not even in the city yet, this will be laughable.

2023...the year of crud optimised pc gaming where you need a £3k+ PC just to brute force a game. Absolutely shocking year for gaming.
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Yeah I got mine on cdkeys back then too, mine also arrived this afternoon. Got 2 keys, think one of them was for preorder items

Thanks, sent them a mail about half an hour ago and they said they would chase it up. Just received my key(s) now, albeit the "photocopy" type layout was in German, it seems. One key for the game and the other for a pre-order bonus building.

Lol yeah i got a photocopy of some german thing with the 3 game keys lol

I finally got my key... Yes, key. Only 1 from pre-ordering the ultimate edition back in July.
Am I missing something? When redeeming my key is said it was the ultimate edition with (ROW) at the end... Steam shows I have 2 DLC, Landmark Buildings and San Francisco.

I hope I've got what I'm supposed to get. My key wasn't available on the site until after the game launched :(
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