Cities Skylines 2 is Official!

Will experiment some more with it today. I've now got the patch from Gamepass so maybe it'll start working. Don't think I have built an industrial waste processing plant yet.
Well, playing with the new patch, garbage seems to be working better. 2x Incinerators with the upgrades, barely any actual garbage trucks leaving them but now processing more garbage than I'm making with the service funding set to 150%.
That's such a shame about CS2 not being up to scratch of what people were hoping for.
I'm not too fussed about the graphics side of things, but I really do want a working simulation under the hood. The kind of thing where everything is interlaced, chane one things and that knocks onto several other things, which in turn knock onto others.
in CS wasnt there a way to view garbage and it showed how much each how and every business etc had?
I'm pretty sure the fire trucks would spray water too.

in cs2 I've only ever seen them park on the street or drive directly into the building.

loads of little things seem to be missing.

hopefully it gets polished with loads of patches and maybe even more content before they start adding DLC
It's been a couple of years since I last had a real try with CS, but I there were certainly garbage overlays that you could see where it was building up at.
I honestly would have thought the way to build this kind of softwrre would be to model all the simulation parts, and then slap a prety graphics layer on top.
I say that, but I know nothing of software programming... but I do know that eye candy is not my top priority anymore.
^^^^ I did have concerns, whilst the game was in development, when I noted a YT'er comment on some early release screenshots. He expressed some reservations about lots to see and lots that look so much better, but what about the actual content of what is underneath..? He expressed it much better than that, but with noting certain animations being missing, and what is noted above, does make me wonder on what is no longer in this version compared to the previous game.
It's a shame that dumbing down happens, but I guess it's driven by market forces.
I had high hopes, but I'll wait on the sidelines and see how it develops.
Yeah, my faith in this games simulation is waning every day that i play it. I didnt even play the game yesterday and at some point during the day there was this feeling that they're faking a lot of the simulation that im taking for granted. Im not entirely sure how it came into my head, but i think it may well have been while thinking about the cargo terminals issue. They seem to horde goods, hundreds of tons of all types of goods, and the other day i was watching a train go between 4 cargo terminals, no trips to external locations, and it was carrying like 50t of Ore (of 120t mixed capacity), and i watched it bounce between stops and it didnt drop off or pick up anything. The whole purpose for creating multiple cargo terminals was to move goods by rail, and bring them to the industrial part of the city to make something of them, rather than clogging up my road network. Yet the goods just seem to sit. Traffic doesnt feel like its still having to bring in those goods, it just feels like its magically being transported.

In my latest city, with only 11k population, i recently built a cargo train terminal near my forestry location.
That terminal has 6k worth of goods and increasing, but its just constant deliveries from both inside and outside the city zone. Very little leaves the terminal, and right now absolutely nothing seems to be leaving by rail, but some goods are being delivered from outside to it.
Just watching what comes & goes, ive seen a train deliver 100t of concrete, and multiple trucks bring it in too. No trucks have took any away.

Another thing that baffles me is the way CS does industry.
Im producing excessive amounts of wood. 482t per month, and we export 440t of it, so basically 90% is exported.
Our plank industry makes 41t of planks, and needs to import a further 84t more. So theres tons of locally sourced wood, and demand for planks, but we dont have enough plank factories.
Then other factories produce 129t of furniture, and export 84t of it.

Does that not sound rather wonky to everyone else??
Meanwhile ive got a car factory producing 5.2t of cars (24.4 imported) and i produce zero plastic or steel.

Heres an idea, dont set up a factory thats dependant upon outside resources to function, and minimal profit margins, and then moan to me because your tax is too high. I didnt come up with the bright idea or building a car factory. Build a damn plank factory because we have the material nearby and we have the demand for the planks here too!

Theres just this nagging feeling that everything is fake, and theres this artificial transportation of items happening, but really its all teleporting, and thats the main reason why CPU usage is so unbelievably low for a game that should be CPU heavy.
It's a shame that dumbing down happens, but I guess it's driven by market forces.
I had high hopes, but I'll wait on the sidelines and see how it develops.
I'm not sure it's dumbed down compared to the previous game.

just seems like a lot of little info overlays lack info like the garbage one no longer showing how much each business has. maybe in the dev mode thing someone found you can see it?

some buildings range seems huge compared to before but that makes more sense than having a medical practice and a police station every other block.
Making money is kinda easy but I guess it always was.

I think the game lacks variety in buildings though, nit's basically an a beta or alpha version of the game.

might be why it got delayed so heavily on other platforms
Try deleting the incinerator plant and rebuilding it.

Have you also got the industrial waste processing plant?

Well, playing with the new patch, garbage seems to be working better. 2x Incinerators with the upgrades, barely any actual garbage trucks leaving them but now processing more garbage than I'm making with the service funding set to 150%.

There seems to be a lot of uncertainty about garbage at the moment, one of the first claims i read was that incinerators are bugged and are producing trash, not removing it. Now ive read multiple people claim that the issue is they stop working when they're full. This seems plausible to what ive seen, but just as i was typing this sentence ive already confirmed for myself that it simply isnt true, people are simply misunderstanding what happens. They collect garbage, until they're full. At which point they stop sending out trucks and simply process garbage. Once they have 20t of free storage (1 garbage truck = 20t capacity, though ive watched one bring just over 30t somehow!) then they'll send out ONE truck. So it looks like they're useless because your city is backed up, and the various plants only send a couple of trucks out. They only send out as many as their capacity will allow. So this explains why they'll often be sat at 0/20 (or 30) when you're having garbage issues. Its not because they're bugged, but because they cant take another truck load currently.
I'm not sure it's dumbed down compared to the previous game.

just seems like a lot of little info overlays lack info like the garbage one no longer showing how much each business has. maybe in the dev mode thing someone found you can see it?

some buildings range seems huge compared to before but that makes more sense than having a medical practice and a police station every other block.
Making money is kinda easy but I guess it always was.

I think the game lacks variety in buildings though, nit's basically an a beta or alpha version of the game.

might be why it got delayed so heavily on other platforms
Nah, theres nothing in developer mode like this. Theres debugging tools, and the ability to locate and place any object in the game, however from what i can find, because i dont have access to the pre-order bonuses, it doesnt let me place them. I can place a space station without it being available to me, but theres no big wheel etc, unless its naming convention is eluding me.

Whats interesting is theres pieces of buildings you can plop down. After last weeks first dev video on modding (showing the map editor, something that was no different to CS1 really) i mentioned they show about a minute early on that looks like they might have an asset creator in-game and i suspect it lets you build your own assets using existing pieces of existing assets, and im pretty sure thats exactly what it is. Someone i follow did a vid on Monday creating a race track, and they used the grandstands from the small sports stadium as grandstands at the track, because the dev mode has the straight & corner sections as individual pieces. Likewise theres sheds, solar panels, and just general nick-nacks in there.

As for whether its dumbed down, its hard to tell. Its definitely been released way too early, theres a lot of stuff, silly little things really, that feels like its missing and shouldnt be. The fire trucks arriving, parking, and the fires magically disappearing is a perfect example. Likewise im really beginning to think that theres a LOT of lying going on in this version, and the simulation is heavily faked in order to make it play on a broader range of computers, which would be hilarious when you look at the disaster that is the GPU utilisations.

Im still enjoying playing city painter, but having a strong belief that its all fake an a lot of whats happening on-screen isnt relevant, its just to give the appearance of simulation, leaves a bitter taste.
Just found something low-key interesting.

Clicking on a vehicle thats carrying goods, it tells you where its going. If its going to an industrial business (possibly commercial/retailer, too) then clicking on the business shows you a panel that you cant get any other way.
It basically shows you there warehouse (1st image below), what they have/need in stock. So you can see if businesses have a good supply or whether they're often potentially running out of supplies and waiting around for a delivery.

If you click on the building/company the normal way, you get none of this information (2nd image below).


Im not sure why they make that panel so hard to get hold of, and not entirely sure whether it holds anything particularly useful, i just found it interesting that its there.
Anyone know why I cant place this, or what I would need to do to be able to?

I could really do with placing it there. Says invalid shape yet goes "blue" at that spot.

Yeah, my faith in this games simulation is waning every day that i play it. I didnt even play the game yesterday and at some point during the day there was this feeling that they're faking a lot of the simulation that im taking for granted. Im not entirely sure how it came into my head, but i think it may well have been while thinking about the cargo terminals issue. They seem to horde goods, hundreds of tons of all types of goods, and the other day i was watching a train go between 4 cargo terminals, no trips to external locations, and it was carrying like 50t of Ore (of 120t mixed capacity), and i watched it bounce between stops and it didnt drop off or pick up anything. The whole purpose for creating multiple cargo terminals was to move goods by rail, and bring them to the industrial part of the city to make something of them, rather than clogging up my road network. Yet the goods just seem to sit. Traffic doesnt feel like its still having to bring in those goods, it just feels like its magically being transported.

In my latest city, with only 11k population, i recently built a cargo train terminal near my forestry location.
That terminal has 6k worth of goods and increasing, but its just constant deliveries from both inside and outside the city zone. Very little leaves the terminal, and right now absolutely nothing seems to be leaving by rail, but some goods are being delivered from outside to it.
Just watching what comes & goes, ive seen a train deliver 100t of concrete, and multiple trucks bring it in too. No trucks have took any away.

Another thing that baffles me is the way CS does industry.
Im producing excessive amounts of wood. 482t per month, and we export 440t of it, so basically 90% is exported.
Our plank industry makes 41t of planks, and needs to import a further 84t more. So theres tons of locally sourced wood, and demand for planks, but we dont have enough plank factories.
Then other factories produce 129t of furniture, and export 84t of it.

Does that not sound rather wonky to everyone else??
Meanwhile ive got a car factory producing 5.2t of cars (24.4 imported) and i produce zero plastic or steel.

Heres an idea, dont set up a factory thats dependant upon outside resources to function, and minimal profit margins, and then moan to me because your tax is too high. I didnt come up with the bright idea or building a car factory. Build a damn plank factory because we have the material nearby and we have the demand for the planks here too!

Theres just this nagging feeling that everything is fake, and theres this artificial transportation of items happening, but really its all teleporting, and thats the main reason why CPU usage is so unbelievably low for a game that should be CPU heavy.
I'm sitting on the fence if this works or not but regarding your planks shortage. Lower the industry tax or give subsidies for buildings that process raw timber and build some new industrial or clear some old one and it "should" with a bit of trial and error increase the number of business' that process raw timber which should reduce the exports of raw timber and imports of planks in theory.
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Yeah, I read something similar on Reddit last night, and their thoughts were similar to mine in that you shouldn’t really need to encourage a business that has everything it needs to thrive on its doorstep, keeping its costs low, and then get less tax on it too etc.

I’ll give it a go simply to address the problem, but I might drop its tax to 0%, let a bunch of factories build, and then crank tax back up once the buildings are occupied.
Anyone know why I cant place this, or what I would need to do to be able to?

I could really do with placing it there. Says invalid shape yet goes "blue" at that spot.
The ship path is on land on the top right and it is also clipping the existing ship path which I’d suggest removing temporarily.
Yeah I think this was an issue I had last week, I’d placed the pathway and then had to remove a chunk to place the dock.

I don’t recall having issues connecting everything back up, so it’s odd the game has that silly conflict.
Yeah, I read something similar on Reddit last night, and their thoughts were similar to mine in that you shouldn’t really need to encourage a business that has everything it needs to thrive on its doorstep, keeping its costs low, and then get less tax on it too etc.

I’ll give it a go simply to address the problem, but I might drop its tax to 0%, let a bunch of factories build, and then crank tax back up once the buildings are occupied.
Once the buildings built to process the materials/goods then jack the tax back up Only sweetening the tax rate/subsidising to get them built lol, Subsidising an industry for a while helps them level and become more profitable/improve efficiency before sticking it back up
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Need to make a better way to carry power accross bodies of water.

Hopefully a mod can sort this in the future.

You basically have to make a road or tunnel over, which is a bit rubbish.
Need to make a better way to carry power accross bodies of water.

Hopefully a mod can sort this in the future.

You basically have to make a road or tunnel over, which is a bit rubbish.
Use Pylons / power poles? You can place them in water (atleast the large ones) or you can run them under water.
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