I think I'm done with this until there's a few more patches and fixes to demand. I've hit 54k and all my demand is still for low density housing with the occasionally spike in demand for industry. Commercial is always full demand yet I can't fit any more in the higher demand areas and putting any in the low density housing just ends up with them not having enough customers. I've got almost 10x the spaces I need in education and lowered taxes for offices yet still can't get any demand for them.
I've also hit a weird bug with trash - I can apparently process 960t and my town produces only 250t but all my landfill, recycle centres and trash burning places (forgot what they're called) are full so my whole town is moaning about trash. I can place more depot's down which solves the problem temporarily but only until the storage is full.
Yeah, they're all know issues.
I dont think the housing thing is a bug, it may be a balance that they felt was accurate but the player base strongly disagree. Either way, Mods will quickly fix it even if CO want it to stay put. It'd be nice if we could each specify the ratio of demand between low/med/high density, eg: 50/35/15
Industry always seems to be pretty hungry for more. I think if the population supports more jobs, then more jobs need creating, and i suspect thats exactly whats driving that demand and combined with education level, determines whether its industrial, commercial or office jobs that are in needed.
Commercial 'no customers' is definitely a bug, although i dont think anyone was certain if it was a false error or badly balanced setting. Im not sure what to make of the patch 'increased leisure probability' to fix it, its almost like it suggests they'll go to a shop instead of park...

Trash being bugged is something i mentioned in the post before you. Some people have mentioned its the vehicles going out already full, others say they produce trash instead of destroying it, ive heard someone talk about them leaving the map to go fetch trash from outside (selling the service to other cities, similar to electric & water). All i know is that my city has dozens of incinerators and only some of them send trucks out, but only like 2-3.
Theres a whole bunch of issues with the game, but the trash bug is the one thats resulted in me giving up on my 120k city. Im guessing something bugged and gave me about 190m more than i should have, so theres been no challenge for a while, but no amount of money will remove that trash. Some players are building dumps, filling them up, and then deleting them. Unlike CS1 where you had to empty them to move/delete them, CS2 says thats cool, bye bye trash.
I was gonna take a break from CS2 but already jumped back in

just playing in 'all unlocked, unlimited funds' mode for a bit and trying things. For some reason im having trouble understanding why i cant have more than 1 train running. In my normal game they'll be nose to tail at times, but ive now put down 4 railyards yet only 3 trains coming out to play. 3 of them have 1/15 active trains, the other 0/15.
4 passenger stations in a loop, 2 double-track loops, with 2 lines created. Only 1 train though.
4 cargo stations and a cargo harbour +train line, 1 line created, only 2 trains.
Cant figure it out, assigning more trains to a line makes no difference, either. It was fine in my previous game.
Edit - Figured it out like 5min later. The railyards needed employees, and i'd not connected roads to any of them. The first 3 must have been driven by ghosts.
There seems to be a new patch today, steam just downloaded 39mb.
EDIT: Patch notes
That seems to fix a good few issues. Nothing about garbage or cargo terminals though
Anyone figures out what is the most efficient power plant setup yet?
My city is still small so getting away with wind turbines for the time being.
I think the Coal Power Plant (not the small one) is quite popular as you can source the coal yourself. I havent used it, i've always gone straight to the Geothermal one as you can plop it onto groundwater and let it do its thing.