civikl rights for a peaceful protest gone in this country

As you know it, today, it would. Banks have been an evolving institution side by side with our very politics and culture since the 1700s. If they weren't bailed out, they would have collapsed. Should they have collapsed, the very way the country is run would have been jepordized. Yes, it's safe to say that life as you know it today would pretty much come to an end.

Why? Perhaps you should stop being so quick to jump the gun and read up on what you're talking about: the relationship of credit and debt, and how the modern financial system actually creates its wealth and indeed, functions.

All these simplistic problems which you have (somewhat obscurely) managed to conclude are nevertheless central issues and as such regulation would go a long way to help prevent these issues in the future.

And now, I don't wish to sound rude but you really are boring me and I hate repeating myself.

Debt doesnt create wealth, it in fact is erodes wealth for the masses, debt is pay for by future wealth.
Debt doesnt create wealth, it in fact is erodes wealth for the masses, debt is pay for by future wealth.
Notice how you answered a well thought out and constructed post with a single sentence. If you know what you're talking about you really need to start articulating yourself a lot better.
I seem to remember frequent bombings both on the mainland and in NI and hundreds of people being killed or dismembered. I hear where you're coming from but frankly I don't want any more bombs, even if I do have to carry an ID card. I live in Spain currently and here they've had id cards since, I believe, 2000.

edit: actually 3,526 people were killed and 47,541 injured during 'the troubles'!
Yeh, I understand what you mean, more bombs is not something I want either. But I still can't see ID cards as anything other that a blunt and inefficient tool. Perhaps it's my mistrust of this particular government and its ideas about law and justice that gives me cause to doubt their sincerity and judgement where my rights are concerned :confused: There doesn't appear to be any easy answer to questions like that, which is one of the things that scares me about the zanulab habit of oversimplifying these issues and suggesting a panacea to security and terrorism, immigration, benefit fraud, and many other things they don't have any good reason to meddle with.
First of all ETA weren't responsible for the Madrid bombings. Of course, you're right id cards can't stop terrorist attacks, I never said they could. My point is that erosion of perceived civil liberties may be necessary to help prevent terrorist attacks.

I never said ETA were responcible for the madrid bombings, what i said was they had id cards for 40 years yet ETA carried out bombings around spain. The madrid bombings werent avoided were they when evey spainish and non spanish citizen has some form of ID card.
Our government is better than most, i'd rather labour than conservatives, what have we got then, a load of old boring middle class racist **** pots from priveliged backgrounds who care only about money.
The day green or lib dems gets in is the day i'm down the pub screaming "WAHEY!" and generally celebrating, they know what they're doing. Got the right policies.

It's about how you treat the people, not how you control the people.
I never said ETA were responcible for the madrid bombings, what i said was they had id cards for 40 years yet ETA carried out bombings around spain. The madrid bombings werent avoided were they when evey spainish and non spanish citizen has some form of ID card.
As I said - "Of course, you're right id cards can't stop terrorist attacks, I never said they could. My point is that erosion of perceived civil liberties may be necessary to help prevent terrorist attacks."

There were recognised failures of the police force on many levels prior to the Madrid bombings, some of the bombers had actually been under police surveillance since 2000.
Our government is better than most, i'd rather labour than conservatives, what have we got then, a load of old boring middle class racist **** pots from priveliged backgrounds who care only about money.
The day lib dems gets in is the day i'm down the pub screaming "WAHEY!" and generally celebrating, they know what they're doing.

It's about how you treat the people, not how you control the people.

Labour and the cons are the same, just look at the backgrounds of labour its almost the same as the cons.
The fact that police effectively kept people against there will could be argued as false imprisonment, as for taking photos and details of everyone when they finally let people go is totally unacceptable, it is reported that those who refused were arrested, last time i checked this was a free country
You have no idea what your talking about at a festival you have the ability to move or leave, at the protest you couldnt move or leave. after a few hours you get sick of being pushed about think about being their for 8 hours unable to go to the loo etc..

Simple answer, don't protest. What's the point it doesn't really achieve anything and wastes a lot of resources regarding policing etc which is tax payers money which coinsidencely is what you protesting about! If you want your voice to be heard do it in a civilized mannor and make a patition or write to your MP.
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The fact that police effectively kept people against there will could be argued as false imprisonment, as for taking photos and details of everyone when they finally let people go is totally unacceptable, it is reported that those who refused were arrested, last time i checked this was a free country

but there are laws placed that allow them to do this, ie the laws that were bypassed and hidden from the public passed i think it was teh start of this year or end of last year.
I'm hoping Nix that by your comments about debt you arn't implying that that stupid "Money As Debt" video that span round here last year was true. Otherwise 100% with you :)
Sorry but i guess you need to understand the difference between economics and financial companies structures. Do you really think retail bank and there investment arm fall under the same company? They dont.

Economics is all about finance how and companies structure. I'm studying it. The severity of just letting commecial banks do what they wish and not give them money when they are about to go bust would be highly stupid to say the least. Not only would it go agaisn't every main government economic objective, it would also put our economy at rock bottom, turn our country and indeed many others into termoil and finally, turn this recession into a slump.
Ok, you seem like someone determined so I'm going to ask you this.

What do you believe was the reason why the credit crisis occurred? Not the recession, but the credit crisis. They are two different things btw.

I only need a few lines, I'm not expecting a full economics answer like what would be expected of me in my degree.
You are looking like a fool when you complain that you have lost your right to protest. You were there protesting were you not? You're complaining, rather, that they impinged on your ability to march. If you go and look back through the history books, back to Pitt the Younger and before, there has never been a time in British history where we have had a right to march without curtailment. We all have the right to protest, the 'right' to march does not exist and never has done.

In any case, marching because 'banks are bad m'kay' is just laughable.
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