Civilization VI

Man of Honour
17 Aug 2007
Just watched those vids, really unsure about this game :(

If you are unsure, I would hold off until you have had a chance to play it somehow. The vids for me made me want it more :)

Mind you, I have never been disappointed with any Civ game, 1 through 5, even the ones considered to be lesser examples of the Civ series...all of them I have loved and all of them I have put several hundred hours each into. So I may be biased :D
22 Nov 2009
Under the hot sun.
Seeing the graphics and the camera movement, I wonder if they designed the game for VR use also.

As they did with CIV V and 3D.
Which looked absolutely superb with the Nvision kit.
Shame 3D didn't pick up :( many games back then were looking fantastic, especially Bad Company 2.
27 May 2007
If you are unsure, I would hold off until you have had a chance to play it somehow. The vids for me made me want it more :)

Mind you, I have never been disappointed with any Civ game, 1 through 5, even the ones considered to be lesser examples of the Civ series...all of them I have loved and all of them I have put several hundred hours each into. So I may be biased :D

I loved 1 to 4 was very disappointed with 5, and while with 6 they fixed changed and parts of it to make it look better, just not sure about it.

Yeah was planning on waiting and seeing what feedback is like once its out.
18 Oct 2002
Didn't like the look of the initial screenshots, but after watching and reading a lot, I'm actually really impressed at how it seems to be shaping. Definitely seems it will be better than 5 or Beyond Earth when they were released.

Love the fact we can finally build airstrips on tiles!
23 Sep 2007
I've played Civs from version 1. Initially did not like Civ V but gave it a go. Ive played 600+ hours on it. So hoping VI is good.
15 Oct 2005
Earth, for now
^^^^ I have little doubt that over time Civ VI will be a good game I just hope that it is playable from the start. Their initial releases have not been that good in the past.

My pre-order has been in for a while now so fingers crossed on a good release without any serious bugs.
17 Dec 2006

New civilization!

She looks brutal for early-game conquest. Horse units that build two instead of one, don't actually need horses, heal themselves when defeating units and do more damage to wounded units :p I can imagine she'll be as bad as Shaka to deal with if you start near her... actually, probably even worse. Sounds like Jaguar, Impi and Samurai combined whilst on free horses and in the Ancient era.
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Man of Honour
17 Aug 2007
Scythians !!

Awesome ! Thats a brilliant civ to add, one of the greatest mounted combatants of ancient times, wonder what other new ones will be in it.
14 Aug 2007
^^^^ I have little doubt that over time Civ VI will be a good game I just hope that it is playable from the start. Their initial releases have not been that good in the past.

I think it will be, I don't think it will have the same issue as Civ V, that was okay on release but then became really good once all the expansions were released, but with VI I believe that content will be there from the start. To back this up, if you look at the description for the digital deluxe version it states it will contain "the full base game, the 25th Anniversary Digital Soundtrack, and access to four post-launch DLC packs that will add new maps, scenarios, civilizations and leaders"

So it doesn't sound like the DLC will really add any game changing content, so bugs aside we should have everything from the start. Whether it will be a great game is another matter, who knows at the moment.
18 Feb 2013
Personally feel the Scythians are a strange pick. Surely the Mongols or the Parthians would be more appropriate for a predominantly horseback army?

I find Brazil strange as well, surely Portugal should be in there instead with a focus on exploration?

The other thing that really annoys me about Civ is that they always have 'England', and then proceed to have Victoria I (British), British Museum (British), Pax Britannica (British), Red Coats (British), and 'Sun Never Sets (on the British Empire)'. Just call it Britain ffs.
11 Feb 2011
Nah, I can't take this seriously looking like it does. Certainly not going to be daft enough to buy on release like I did with that abomination CIV5.

And the changes to workers having to manually upgrade every tile for every city will get old real quick.
Man of Honour
17 Aug 2007
Nah, I can't take this seriously looking like it does. Certainly not going to be daft enough to buy on release like I did with that abomination CIV5.

And the changes to workers having to manually upgrade every tile for every city will get old real quick.

Not for me, because I always manually upgraded every tile anyway in civ :)
Man of Honour
17 Aug 2007
Personally feel the Scythians are a strange pick. Surely the Mongols or the Parthians would be more appropriate for a predominantly horseback army?

I find Brazil strange as well, surely Portugal should be in there instead with a focus on exploration?

The other thing that really annoys me about Civ is that they always have 'England', and then proceed to have Victoria I (British), British Museum (British), Pax Britannica (British), Red Coats (British), and 'Sun Never Sets (on the British Empire)'. Just call it Britain ffs.

Must be difficult for them, they could literally have 100 civilizations from history and all of them would be justified and valid. If I had my way, I'd have 100 civs to choose from but as it is I'm happy to have a new civ to play as, already played as Mongols in previous civs, so its nice to get something new.

I agree on the England/Britain thing
11 Feb 2011
Not for me, because I always manually upgraded every tile anyway in civ :)

I remember you saying that earlier. How you don't find it tedious I don't know :confused:. The AI workers are pretty clever and I'd probably do a worse job if I did everything manually.

Nevertheless, all this big tile interaction stuff I wager you'll be raving about this on release lol :)
Man of Honour
17 Aug 2007
I remember you saying that earlier. How you don't find it tedious I don't know :confused:. The AI workers are pretty clever and I'd probably do a worse job if I did everything manually.

Nevertheless, all this big tile interaction stuff I wager you'll be raving about this on release lol :)

Yeah, I dont really know why I do it when it can be automated. To be fair , I'm the same in all games, I just like to do stuff myself. Even if the automation in a game is good, I prefer to do it myself and feel like *I* am playing rather than it playing for me. Its actually also the reason why I prefer manual cars rather than automatics in RL and why I dont like cruise control in cars. :)
17 Dec 2006
I think it's the extra control that comes with manually doing it that I prefer, especially early game. You might want to focus on production to rush a wonder, or don't want that luxury resource right now that the automated workers would immediately go for, or plains tiles that would have to be overridden when you learn animal husbandry if the automated worker put a farm on it. I find they will always also prefer trading posts on puppet cities where I might want to build it up for production/food.
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