Civilization VI

Good news Civ 6 has arrived and I have installed it.
Bad news it requires DirectX 11 hardware support and my graphics card is an AMD 4800.

Oh the humanity of it!

This is going to turn out to be an expensive game.

Next stop, PC upgrades forum me thinks.
I've had to turn off Barbarians for now, it's like Civ 5's raging barbarians is always on and then some. This is turn 16!


You had it easy.
On my games a host of 10 barbarian melee cav and missile cav charges by turn 10-15. And when I manage to push them back, there is a single village that spawns them. Btw had a game, where by the time hit 500BC only 2 civd has survived. The rest were wiped out by barbarians.

Also somehow all my games, it puts me near the polar cap, while indeed the maps do feel small.
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You had it easy.
On my games a host of 10 barbarian melee cav and missile cav charges by turn 10-15. And when I manage to push them back, there is a single village that spawns them. Btw had a game, where by the time hit 500BC only 2 civd has survived. The rest were wiped out by barbarians.

Also somehow all my games, it puts me near the polar cap, while indeed the maps do feel small.

As it currently is for Barbarians I'd say it's good enough for a "Raging Barbarian" setting (as if it were enabled right now) then just tone it down for regular Barbarians as they are a bit ridiculous at default settings :p

In general though, loving the game so far. Having to throw all my Civ 5 knowledge out the window as I keep staying in the mindset that I need Pottery and Writing straight away for a Library, etc.
Ehm, started a game, and set it to continents.
Positioned Rome at the centre of it and thought "at last a nice position".
Hadn't moved 4 tiles away from the city, had met 4 civilizations, from which 3 declared surprise war on me by turn 12 the first one, and had me battered by turn 24. Hadn't manage to pull out the third warrior unit, and they had 5 each.

And that on HUGE map on Epic speed.

And having looked some other posts elsewhere, it looks like a bug with Epic & Marathon speed. It affects only the player not the AI which plays with same speed as on standard!!!!
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What difficulty? AI starts with extra units the higher you go. Problem is, if you start close together you can be overwhelmed very easily.
Finding religion a bit annoying. It's nice that you can ask an AI Civ not to try converting your cities when they agree but simply carry on doing it anyway.

That aside, really enjoying it.
Ehm, started a game, and set it to continents.
Positioned Rome at the centre of it and thought "at last a nice position".
Hadn't moved 4 tiles away from the city, had met 4 civilizations, from which 3 declared surprise war on me by turn 12 the first one, and had me battered by turn 24. Hadn't manage to pull out the third warrior unit, and they had 5 each.

And that on HUGE map on Epic speed.

And having looked some other posts elsewhere, it looks like a bug with Epic & Marathon speed. It affects only the player not the AI which plays with same speed as on standard!!!!

Oh dear, sounds easily patched at least!
Okay, People have started to calm down around me although as America first attacked so then did Arabia, both offered terms for a ceasfire and then America declared war again as soon as they'd finished paying the cease fire agreements off, Just to then offer another cease fire and start paying again, I noticed Arabia building up it's troops on the land between there's and my borders during the second England/America war but I was on the ball this time and had been amassing troops close enough to move in and make them think twice, There's now been well over 100 years of peace with my neighbours but I'm known to hold a grudge :)

And whose idea was it too keep politically correct, America are running around peddling Islam FFS.
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I copied this from another forum where someone compared map sizes between this and the previous Civ V version....

________Civ V_______Civ Vl

Dual 40 X 24 ____44 X 26
Tiny 55 X 36 ____60 X 36
Small 66 X 42____ 74 X 46
Standard 80 X 52 ____ 84 X 54
Large 104 X 64 _____96 X 60
Huge 128 X 80 _____106 X 66

if the above is accurate then Civ VI does seem to use a smaller map for both large and huge world sizes, but otherwise the map is bigger.
@nashathedog Hahaha mate. Good one.

Btw guys, where do we report bugs? I have found quite a few.
eg When you play with Spain, and Russia is declaring war on you, you see yourself , declaring war on to you as Germany (speaking Spanish!). Then you see the Russian declaring war on you.

When you play with Gorgo, she has also same issues. Declaring war on yourself!!!
The news is full of my neighbours all fighting each other constantly and then inevitably Arabia attacked me again, I managed to push back and take Damascus from them before they offered a peace deal, Then I was looking at my land which had this big hole in it called something like Tasmineer (a city state) and I knew it'd be a cake walk so in order to solidify my land mass I marched in and suddenly every player on the board was in an uproar, It only took two goes to level them but in that time I'd been denounced by just about everyone, Peter(Russia) had a little cut scene where he's literally jumping up and down in a fit of rage over it, I hope he doesn't figure out what my spies been doing in his capital :D
Had a little go again today and I have to say I like it but.

Civs are far to aggressive and as for the barbarians, well I just turn them off as the game is nigh on impossible with them and that's at default difficulty.

Huge map is too small.

Civs are too close together on spawn, I found 6 to be just about right for the so called huge map. :rolleyes:

Next game I play am going out on an all war footing as that's what most civs seem to be like, but as I don't like playing aggressively I wont be too happy playing that way. :(

They need to sort the map size and aggressiveness of the civs and sort the dam barbarians out. Its just a cluster **** at the start with them as they are implemented now.

7 out of 10 until they fix the map size and aggressive stance of civs.

Fix that and its 9 out of 10. ;)
I'm not saying barbarians aren't a bit much, but surely a lot of it comes down to randomness. I've only on my first game and they haven't been much of an issue, for some people they have, but surely a few more plays to really judge it as you could have just got unlucky.
I'm seeing many many bugs which I should actually list out cos I do love civ and what them to be all ironed out.

Finished my first multi player. No clear winner, time was on. Won on score. Pretty meh.
It feels like a lot of civ 4 blended onto 5.

Reasonably good. Much more detailed.
I haven't engaged in religious stuff but it seemed like a wall of text.
As with government policy cards. Wall of text overwhelming.
Loving the graphics and decent sound effects.
Lots of animation bugs and silliness. Submarines torpedoing units on land? Lol..
I like the barbarians, but they do make for a heavily fighting focused start..

All in all, decent but it needs a big first patch to cleanup some trash.
Enemies and city states woefully under TechEd as usual, on prince mp.

Last funny thing upgrade battleship to missile cruiser. The change is visually so disappointing :p
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