I'm not saying barbarians aren't a bit much, but surely a lot of it comes down to randomness. I've only on my first game and they haven't been much of an issue, for some people they have, but surely a few more plays to really judge it as you could have just got unlucky.
Yeah it is pretty random, started off about 6-7 times just to see how it pans out. On most of those games, barbarians came in with overwhelming force pretty much forcing you down the military route. On other cases a non-issue. I think you may have just got a lucky game off the bat if its your first game.
A close by City state also helps as they seem to take the flack.
Now my issue is how do you found a religion!!! I can't seem to get a Great Prophet. Have 5000+ faith in the bank, all cities fully upgraded faith buildings, yet nothing?