little button in the action bar that says "move to a different city"
Either I'm blind or its a bad UI . I've looked loads of times for it.
What annoys me is how it insists on jumping away so you can't see the after effects of certain actions, In particular when I nuked a city, I'd like to watch the fireworks not get catapulted to the other side of the map
That's unit auto-cycling most likely causing that; you can turn it off although unfortunately they never added the option to the in-game menus. To change it go to: "C:\Users\You\Documents\My Games\Sid Meier's Civilization VI" and find the "UserOptions.txt" file. Open it and find "AutoUnitCycle" and change it from 1 to 0. Save, close, and launch the game. It'll stop the game automatically selecting the next unit in need of actions as soon as you perform one or start the turn.
I just got Napoleon and I'm torn as to what kind of unit to use him on (he creates an army). I'm thinking either a knight or a bombard. Anyone have any thoughts on the matter?
One of the weirdest questions ever?
Whatever you need?
Haha, I suppose. I haven't played late game yet though. I was more looking for peoples thoughts on what the most effective modern era units onwards are.
Yeah I usually have quick movement on, sometimes turn it off if I'm involved in a war but that's about it. I agree, makes a huge difference.