Civilization VI

Has anyone managed to change the name ofa city yet? I've tried and can't see any way to do it. Not sure whether that's because I'm using the CQUI mod though?

Yes I've changed them, you have to select the city then click on the city details icon , then you can rename the city up in the top left corner of the city details window
In that case it's definitely down to CQUI, as I'm clicking that and it's not working. Which is unfortunate. Will have to wait for an update.
Step in right direction but i still think its got a way to go after another 4h nothings really different.

Just researched AT weapons about 20 turns after gunpowder.

Its nonsense.

I do hope it doesn't take a paid expansion to fix all this stuff that should be basic logic.
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Firaxis, hasn't fixed yet the game speed issue.
On Epic & Marathon speeds, only the Human player is penalised. The AI keeps playing on Standard speed, spamming units, and great person points at very high rate.
Are you finding this game much easier than V?
I can easily win every time on immortal now without much bother. Civ V was always a challenge.
I have not yet got Civ 6. I wait for the GOTY when it`s going for less then a tenner and most of the bugs have been fixed but one of the family picked up a copy with a new AMD card and I have had about 6 hours on this game and have to say it is one of poorest versions of Civ that Firaxis have ever produced. I can only hope they take more of an interest in development of this game with any of the expansion packs they produce going forward.
I haven't played it sincey last post.
When I think about it that's really the most damning review I can give it.
Gutted I shelled out so much for deluxe

Poland DLC released today. Seems very OP but might be worth a go.

She was crowned "King" of Poland? Thats quite curious, I'll have to read up some history on that.

Does seem quite powerful, mind you it does seem quite situational too. I always play on a Giant map so the cities on my maps dont often sit right next to each other which will severely lessen the impact of the Golden Liberty ability. Will definitely pick the DLC up though, I love having as many different Civs as possible :)
Civ 6 Update too :


Added Earth map (Standard size)
Added “Alert” action for units
Put a unit to sleep until they spot an enemy unit
Scenario setup menu
Jump into Scenarios more easily within the Single Player menu. This only shows up when a single player scenario is available and enabled (as can be found in both of the new DLCs!)
Added new replay option to Wonder completion movies


Religious units may now Fortify Until Healed
Coastal Raids can now pillage districts in addition to the buildings within
Great Admirals are no longer allowed to spawn on wonders in water tiles (ex. Huey, Great Lighthouse) so they cannot become stranded in lakes


Cities can no longer receive yields from more than one regional building per type; they take the highest (ex. production from multiple Factories)
Cities can no longer receive amenities from more than one regional building per type; they take the highest (ex. amenities from multiple Stadiums)
Decreased production costs of Wonders progressively
From the Industrial era (about -10%) to the Atomic era (about -40%).
Decreased production costs of all Space Race Projects by 40%.
Increased research costs of Technologies and Civics progressively
From the Industrial era (about +5%) to the Information era (about +20%).
Increased Faith from Mission
Increased Culture from Chateau
Lowered the minimum unit upgrade cost
Improved clarity on Warmongering penalties associated with taking a civ’s final city
Most Civilization unique districts now require population to construct (like normal districts)
Spaceport district no longer requires population to construct


Improved AI Deal negotiations and analysis
Improved AI handling of Promises; including that they are more likely to agree if they like you, and also will consider how trustworthy a civ is by whether they’ve kept previous promises
Improved tactical handling of Great Admirals and Great Generals
Improved AI interest in Terracotta Army
Improved handling of leaf techs
Improved building of Forts
Improved resource grabbing in late game
Improved Last Viking King agenda’s analysis for who is in bottom percentage of navies
Improved handling of several complaint or kudo messages from AI
Rebalanced Catherine’s evaluation of the ‘no spying’ Promise
AI will not try to convert unconvertible cities


Fixed several unique buildings that weren’t getting their yields increased by various game effects (ex. Policies)
Fixed an issue that allowed the Goddess of the Harvest pantheon bonus to stack
Fixed it so loading screens now show the correct text and play matching VO
Fixed an issue that blocked certain relationship-based diplomatic actions
Fixed an issue where incomplete Encampment districts were able to attack
Fixed an issue where you could declare war on friends or allies by moving units
Fixed an issue where AI could declare war on a civ with whom they were already at war
Fixed an issue that caused a Multiplayer lobby to require joining players to have Additional Content that wasn’t actually needed
Fixed a bug that caused Apostles to run out of promotions
Fixed a bug where gaining policy slots mid-turn could block progression
Fixed issues caused by trading lots of Great Works at the same time
Fixed an issue where turn timers weren’t loading correctly from a save
Fixed an issue where Rome’s roads would connect to too many adjacent roads
Fixed issue where civs could get another civ’s exclusive agenda
Fixed multiple links to the Civilopedia
Fixed issue that could cause menu music to play twice and overlap itself
Fixed an issue that could cause private MP games to become public
Fixed multiple text & grammatical issues
Fixed multiple crashes


Added new art for National Parks
Updated Mines for several eras
Updated Swordsman
Improved city fading during combat


Hallowed Ground scenario is no playable on huge maps
VO now plays correctly when loading a save


Resource Report now correctly shows resources from several sources:
Great People abilities
Diplomatic Deals
Checkboxes for toggle yields and grid now stay in sync with hotkeys
Improved differentiation in Government Lens hex colors
Added Defeat icon to the End Game Results screen


Added sound effect for Quick Save hotkey
Poland seems crazy strong, but I was never a fan of the "push" units as I always found that, in Civ 5 at least, it kept messing up tactics for unit movement. Extremely disappointed with the Vikings pack though; it adds next to nothing and is part of the deluxe DLC.

Some nice changes in the patch though. Glad to see wonder production costs are lowered, especially for later eras as the costs were insane. AI changes are always nice but there doesn't seem anything substantial. Will have to see how the new changes play out.
Report back if its good yet please!

Ive patched up but still cant bring myself to bother to play

Best $60 Firaxis made out of me ever!
Report back if its good yet please!

Ive patched up but still cant bring myself to bother to play

Best $60 Firaxis made out of me ever!

To be fair, I couldnt give you a fair and unbiased report. I've always adored all the Civ games, its an absolute staple of the gaming of myself and my missus. Civ 6 has been no exception, so far we have knocked up 178 hours played in it so I could say yes its good but it wouldnt be unbiased :)
Report back if its good yet please!

Ive patched up but still cant bring myself to bother to play

Best $60 Firaxis made out of me ever!

Same, I just couldn't get into it for some reason. Just didn't grab me like Civ IV and V did (huuuuuundreds of hours into each of those). Perhaps I'll get into it later.
Report back if its good yet please!

Ive patched up but still cant bring myself to bother to play

Best $60 Firaxis made out of me ever!

The problem for me is that the release came along a tthe time I was, and still am to a degree, into playing 7 Days to Die. Then a few other early release games started to take my interest, a DLC was released for Cities Skylines and "pop" out came Planet Coaster.
Of course buying a Canon EOS 80D was also a distraction, lol....!

The good thing is by the time I do get round to investing some hours into Civ VI it will be patched quite nicely :)
You know you've dropped a lot of nukes when Gandi is denouncing you. He was pretty happy for the first few. After 5 turns of dropping lots of nukes he wasn't so keen on me. Nukes are pretty intense in this game compared to Civ 5
I'm in need of a game to entertain me, is this worth getting? How does it compare to the other civs?

It's a good game and I'd recommend it, but right now probably only for Civ fans or fans of 4X games in general. In comparison to Civ 5 which I'd rate as 9.5/10 this would get a solid 8. The groundwork is there and it's more feature rich than Civ 5 was at launch, but it's missing content and there are balancing and AI issues that are too annoying to dismiss as quirks. If you don't have Civ 5 I'd personally say get that instead as it's 92% off in the Steam sales for the "Complete" edition.
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