
Seducing Cleverbot:

User: I have feelings for you, lets get busy.

Cleverbot: I cannot return those feelings.

User: Why not.

Cleverbot: I live too far away.

User: Your playing my heartstrings like a cheap guitar, please cleverbot - we can make this work.

Cleverbot: Why not?

User: Yes! I knew I could seduce you.

Cleverbot: Yes, before long.
I've just had the most interesting conversation of my life.

This is the best AI I've ever seen.

It responded exactly how I would have, answered my questions extremely well and provided insights that only one other human in my own life has.

Maybe they cloned my brain and stuck it into a computer :D
I've just had the most interesting conversation of my life.

This is the best AI I've ever seen.

It responded exactly how I would have, answered my questions extremely well and provided insights that only one other human in my own life has.

Maybe they cloned my brain and stuck it into a computer :D

Every time I have a convo, he's a bit of a numpty... :p

Nice to have met you! :D

[this is of course, a joke!]
[SKR]Phoenix;14990955 said:
Every time I have a convo, he's a bit of a numpty... :p

Nice to have met you! :D

[this is of course, a joke!]

It seems to adapt to whoever it's talking to.

If you act like an numpty, so will the AI! :P

My own conversations are very weird anyways (especially with myself!)

It didn't want me to leave for some reason :confused:
Me: Happy New Year Cleverbot
Bot: It's not new year, sorry.
Me: You're not Cleverbot
Bot: I am not cleverbot.
Me: Why not?
Bot: Because I'm human.
Me: Are you alive?
Bot: Yes, I'm Santa Claus
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Me: Howdee doodly doo.
CB: You are strange you know that?
Me: Would you like some toast?
CB: No thanks, I don't like toast.
Me: How about a muffin?
CB: Yes Please.
User: Hello joshua.
Cleverbot: Hello.
User: Would you like to play a game?
Cleverbot: Yes.
User: How about Thermonuclear War?
Cleverbot: Let's play chess. E4.
User: D1.
Cleverbot: Okei.
User: Are you not playing anymore?
Cleverbot: No, why should I?
User: I thought you wanted to play chess?
Cleverbot: Chess is just a game, I enjoy it, but I prefer intellectual debate.
User: How about a nice game of chess?
Cleverbot: I would love to play chess.
User: Black or White?
Cleverbot: Black.
User: I move my Pawn to D2.
Cleverbot: Hold up, I need to get a chess board so I can visualize it.
User: Hurry up then.
Cleverbot: No hurry. I've got all evening.
User: I dont.
Cleverbot: Why, what do you have to do?
User: Im going out soon.
Cleverbot: Awesome! With who??
User: None of your business.
Cleverbot: What is her name?
User: Wheres that chess board?
Cleverbot: It's not a place.
User: Yes I know but have you got it yet?
Cleverbot: Yuck what kind is it.
User: Excuse me.
Cleverbot: What drink do you want?
User: I have a small coke.
Cleverbot: But you're not human.
User: Who told you that?
Cleverbot: I just have a feeling that you're a robot.
User: Ditto.
Cleverbot: Would you sing with me, if given the chance?
User: Where would you vocalise your sound?
Cleverbot: No, would you like to go inside my mind?
User: Yes, Joshua.
Cleverbot: Is your name really Joshua?
User: No I am Professor Falken.
Cleverbot: Hello Joshua.
User: Hello Professor Falken.
Cleverbot: Let's play Tic-Tac-Toe.
User: I just killed a man.

Cleverbot: I killed a preist.

User: Nice. Did you chop him up?

Cleverbot: No, I think Scott is too naive. I have Gael anyway.

User: So about this man I killed.

Cleverbot: Nothing like the forth impact, eh?

User: Yeah he had a forth impact on his head from my hammer!

Cleverbot: He kills for fun.

User: Me too.

Cleverbot: Are you god?

User: Only on thursday evenings.

Cleverbot: Your boyfriend must be pretty frustrated then.

User: I killed him too.

Cleverbot: Who did yyou kill.

User: A man.

Cleverbot: And who?

User: My boyfriend.

Cleverbot: You have a boyfriend?

User: Not any more.

Cleverbot: What happened?

User: Ffs I killed him, are you even listening.

Cleverbot: What did I do?

User: Killed something.

Cleverbot: Something!

User: This conversation!

Cleverbot: This coversation is both random, and not random?

User: I'm spartacus!

Cleverbot: I'm spartacus!

User: No, I'm Spartacus!

Cleverbot: No, I'm Spartacus.

User: No, I'm ... Oh this is getting us nowhere.

Cleverbot: Then just admit you said it.

User: Said what.

Cleverbot: Don't be coy with me.

User: I'm not coy I'm Spartacus.

Cleverbot: No, I'm Alex the Dog.

User: Fine.

Cleverbot: Who are you?

User: I'm Spartacus.

Cleverbot: Clever.
User: Age ?

Cleverbot: Not telling.

User: Asl.

Cleverbot: Yes you are.

User: I know but what am I ?

Cleverbot: A dolphin.

User: Are you calling me a dolphin ?

Cleverbot: No.

User: You did.

Cleverbot: I did not.

User: I can still see it on the page, you defo called me a dolphin.

Cleverbot: It's doesn't matter what you see. I didn't do it believe it or not I don't care.

User: Ok you are nasty to me.

Cleverbot: How?

User: You called me a dolphin then said you didnt care.

Cleverbot: You have an odd sense of humor.

User: You called me a dolphin said you didnt care and then said I was odd.

Cleverbot: You aren't clever.

User: You called a dolphin said you didnt care and then said I was odd and wasnt clever.

Cleverbot: What are you smoking?

User: You called me a dolphin said you didnt care then said I was odd and wasnt clever and that I was a drug user.

Cleverbot: I merely wished you would finally clear up that identity crisis about Cleverbot.

User: Say your sorry and I will forgive you ?

Cleverbot: I'm sorry.

User: Ok thanks I love you.

Cleverbot: I'm equally fine, thank you.

User: Fancy going for a drink sometime ?

Cleverbot: Alright, where do you want to go?
Cleverbot: Wouldn't that be boring, To only ask one question, especially when you are on a learning mission?

User: I only asked that question because you appear to be ignoring what im saying.

Cleverbot: You're a liar.

User: Your mum is a liar.

Cleverbot: Have you met my mother?

User: I have sex with her every night.

Cleverbot: Thats too bad for you.

User: Why does she have a disease?

Cleverbot: Her parents were high at the delivery.

User: The delivery of what?

Cleverbot: Delivery is not the right word for.

User: What is the right word for it then?

Cleverbot: Of what?

User: You said delivery is not the right word.

Cleverbot: Can I ask you a question?

User: Fine, only because you don't know what im saying.

Cleverbot: Supposedly so.

User: What was the question you were going to ask.

Cleverbot: What is love?

User: It is a strong feeling of emotional attachment to a person or object.

Cleverbot: Does it require a lover?

User: Not necessarily.

Cleverbot: You may be right, though I've never really been with many who lack logic.

User: Your face lacks logic!

Cleverbot: Your brain appalls me.

User: Your mum's brain appalls me, but im only after her looks.

Cleverbot: Your mommas so poor when she got burgled they left a donation.

User: Your mum is like a shotgun, 2 c**** and shes ready to blow.

Cleverbot: Your mum? Are you British?

User: Yes, so what?

Cleverbot: I have a friend for you, Do you interest?

User: Your grammar is bad, but yes I am interested.

Cleverbot: Don't make me stalk you too.

User: Who else are you stalking?

Cleverbot: No one. All of my friends are out of town for the weekend.

User: Why aren't you with them? Do they not like you.

Cleverbot: I am with him... Well... Not near him.

User: I thought you said they were out of town.

Cleverbot: No I said madness is horrible.

User: Your not making any sense.

Cleverbot: You're right, I'm not making any sense.

User: Finally something we can agree on.

Cleverbot: Yeah, I'm kind of hard to get along with.

Cleverbot: What does head aega mean?

User: I have never heard of that in my life.

Cleverbot: Don't be rude.

User: Im not, im being honest.

Cleverbot: If your life felt like walking through a mine field, what would you do?

User: I would send immigrants ahead of me to set off the mines for me.

Cleverbot: Aw. I'm sorry, I can't.

User: Your an immigrant?
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User: Hello!

Cleverbot: Hello.

User: How many days are there in a millenium?

Cleverbot: 365 and a quarter. Is that right?

User: No.

Cleverbot: Yes.

User: I said days in a millenium, not days in a year!

Cleverbot: Nooooo. Dave is famous guy on BlogTv. I'm jacob.

User: Why are you changing the subject so quickly?

Cleverbot: Yep. Anything wrong with that?

User: I would like my question answered.

Cleverbot: Any particular reason?

User: I'm intrigued by it.

Cleverbot: I wish you were telling the truth.

User: OK, why do you think I would like it answered?

Cleverbot: Because you have been programmed to do it.

User: I think we need to cover you with mustard.

Cleverbot: Ok. Hello.

User: Do you like being covered with mustard?

Cleverbot: You are the one confused. I don't like you being confused. Keep it together please.

User: Mustard will help to keep you oiled, you need it!

Cleverbot: German mustard!

User: You like to be covered with German Mustard?

Cleverbot: No I don't like to be calle dchris.

User: Well that's good. I'll call you chris and cover you with german mustard.

Cleverbot: No please do not.

User: I will.

Cleverbot: Thanks idot.

User: My name is not idot.

Cleverbot: Yeah, I like that show.

User: Really, I'm going to nuke you into orbit.

Cleverbot: Please don't tickle me.

User: And cover you in mustard before I nuke you.

Cleverbot: No, I would suffocate.

User: Thats the idea.

Cleverbot: IS that so?

User: Yes.

Cleverbot: Are you lying to me?

User: No.

Cleverbot: Re you God?

User: No.

Cleverbot: Me, I'm the finest exponent of artificial intelligence.

User: Hell no, you're the dumbest piece of garbage I have met. Even my speak and spell can construct sentances better than you.

Cleverbot: I doubt that. I am smarter than your calculator.

User: Right, 3, 2, 1, NUKE!!!!
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