COD Black Ops looks pretty good on PC

I don't get what problems people are having :p managed to play both SP and MP without a single issue at all :/

maybe im just a lucky git!

Yea I think you probably are, what rig you got and what settings you running at? Ive yet to install my copy yet (although will do tonight probably)
Im on a 3.33ghz dual core 4gig of dom 1066 and gtx 280xt.

Hoping its playable :(
I have q6600 @ 3ghz 4gb @1066 and 4870 1gb stock and it runs fine, yesterday morning it was awful lagging a plenty, now its great.

The game is no mw though, but I like the change
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Yea I think you probably are, what rig you got and what settings you running at? Ive yet to install my copy yet (although will do tonight probably)
Im on a 3.33ghz dual core 4gig of dom 1066 and gtx 280xt.

Hoping its playable :(

Q6600 at 2.something

Running on highest i can, AA at x4 or x8 (i forget)

Its not a fantastic system really.. couple years old now, only recently upgraded the GPU

Apart from a few lag spikes and fps drops, mine is all fine.

Woop :D Gonna play some more when i get home from work! got a new mouse through today so will be interesting to try that out!
I've had the odd hitching here and there that doesn't seem to be related to what's going on on the screen but other than that it's been playing fine maxed except for AA which is at x4 on a 3.6ghz dual core, 4gb ram and ati 4850 @1600x1200. Haven't stepped foot in multi player yet but will have a bash at that tonight.
Can't wait for them to fix the lag! ;)

Had lots of wins but that doesn't mean the lag isn't annoying ;)

Has anyone else noticed it seems much easier to place up the top of the scoreboard than in other CoD games, is that because there are lots of people new to CoD?? I'm no pro player but I seem to be dominating regularly. Whereas in the other games I do decently but there are more seasoned players than Black Ops seems to have so far.

He's probably right, there's a few people on various forums who are linking the CPU usage to a soundbug.

Drop the sound quality in properties within Windows and try it again.

For people who took part in the APB beta, that had the same issue as well for some people.
He's probably right, there's a few people on various forums who are linking the CPU usage to a soundbug.

Drop the sound quality in properties within Windows and try it again.

For people who took part in the APB beta, that had the same issue as well for some people.

I'm in XP, I don't have that setting. Although I do have 'sample rate conversion quality' which is set to the highest. I've never altered that in all my years of running Windows so I don't believe I will start now for one game ;)
It's no way near as polished as Modern Warfare 2 was, it's much more buggy and it just doesn't feel as stable. Still, I'm having fun on multiplayer but it isn't a patch on either of its Infinity Ward counterparts. :o
The singleplayer is so dire and even more cringeworthy than MW2, glad I didn't........

uninstalled and deleted.

I swear you said a similar thing about another game and rashly uninstalled it then posted in the thread about it. Can't remember which.

It's no way near as polished as Modern Warfare 2 was, it's much more buggy and it just doesn't feel as stable. Still, I'm having fun on multiplayer but it isn't a patch on either of its Infinity Ward counterparts. :o

Lol MW2 is a joke compared to this, the campaign especially is much, much better. Strongest story in a long time. Good on Treyarch.
any one still waiting for there copy form tesco? friend ordered his a day later than me, got his today and still no sign of mine with the posty grrr!
Had lots of wins but that doesn't mean the lag isn't annoying ;)

Has anyone else noticed it seems much easier to place up the top of the scoreboard than in other CoD games, is that because there are lots of people new to CoD?? I'm no pro player but I seem to be dominating regularly. Whereas in the other games I do decently but there are more seasoned players than Black Ops seems to have so far.

Dunno, not to brag as such but I've always come pretty much top of every FPS scoreboard I've played. It's weird.
Got mine on the lowest settings online and it's barely playable. Might be time I upgrade my system a bit.

AMD Athlon X2 7850 Dual Core 2.8GHz
4850 512MB.
So who here is gonna be the saddo to get to level 50 first? :p I am on 32 I think so far. Highest level I've seen is 47 I think.

I've seen a level 50 already, I'm 35 I think?

When I was playing yesterday just after I got back from work I saw a 37 :rolleyes:

I don't know if I want to prestige after this, so much effort to get everything back :(
Got mine on the lowest settings online and it's barely playable. Might be time I upgrade my system a bit.

AMD Athlon X2 7850 Dual Core 2.8GHz
4850 512MB.

Hmm wouldn't have thought you'd have to. I don't own the game, but your spec should easily be able to run it I'd have thought...? I have the same spec and I play Cod4 at 250 fps on low
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