COD Black Ops looks pretty good on PC

my face when I heard about black ops:


my face when I started to play black ops;


Yet you've already prestiged! how can you spend so many hours on a game you don't think is worth buying? :confused:

It wasn't a serious post ;) If he wants to decide whether to buy it he needs to read the thread whereupon he will realise that opinion is divided and hence there is no right or wrong answer to his question.
That's cool bro, but if you'd have taken a second to google the damage chart before butting in to a thread of a game you don't even own, you'd find on average the amount of bullets taken to kill is around 3-4, so claiming "Durr it takes a full clip to kill someone" is pretty silly.

Engage your brain first, type after.

Why would I need to google a damage chart? I know the maths for the other cod games, most have been in agreement that this game requires more effort to drop someone, so a quick bout of common sense would suggest exactly what I said - and at no point did I say anything along the lines of it taking a full clip to kill someone, thats you being moronic and trying to emphasise your point with quotes you've pulled from your anus.
Finished the SP today. The difference from start to finish was quite big. From the Vietnam mission onwards, the game became more fustrating in places: more AI enemies just shooting at you, you personally doing everything, annoying restrictive scripting came more obvious.

This all annoys me, as the setting, and the story I both enjoyed (as much you can for a blockbuster dude-bro game), as they fitted each other well given the era. Further, the implementation of swimming, an unusual story telling method, the use of other vehicles were good/unexpected inclusions.

Spoliers below:
I'm warning you!

For the story itself I wasn't expecting the JFK assassination, as it seemed too likely, something along the lines of Reznov being a triple agent getting you to do somesuch with the NOVA 6 gas against America (with the backstory to him turning out to be lies, fitting in with what he said about being lied to by others) was my guess. But I'm kinda glad they did go with the JFK idea, quite a good conspiracy theory to stick in. One thing I did expect after that was another twist, with Reznov being actually alive, perhaps in Cuba smoking a cigar on the beach, leaving you wondering which (if any) of the missions he was or wasn't actually in.

Spoilers above!
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genuinely suprised at MW2 love/postive vibes that have arisen since BO.
Personally much prefer BO, a lot of people wanted to kill themselves over things wrong with MW2. Some of these factors have been changed in BO. All of sudden then a load of people (presumably some of the MW2 original whingers) miss MW2.
Most bizarre, people seem to lose perspective.
Not for a minute am I saying BO is amazing or perfect, just suprised tbh.
I really recon this could have been an instant classic not too far behind COD4 if there hadn't been such shocking technical problems at launch.
Will be interesting to what MOD pack will be like/include.
all they need to do is fix spawns for 18 people not 6 and then patch the dual core machines to work and ill play this all day....
all they need to do is fix spawns for 18 people not 6 and then patch the dual core machines to work and ill play this all day....

Agreed about the spawns. I used to get really annoyed about it but now I blank it knowing others are annoyed with it too. The some of maps in my opinion are just too small for 18 players.
Dual core optimization patch due before the weekend! (apparently)
Then im going to get right into this :O
I finally fixed my sluggishness....and all I had to do was turn off shadows. I can now actually aim as I please and it feels more like MW2.

ohh thats interesting, i might try that.. im not having issues as such, only when i meet the first person at the start of the game, it gets all stuttery!
i like shadows :( i can think of multiple times where seeing a shadow through a door has saved my life and gotten me extra kills.
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