Because not all games are the same? Just because 1 game takes xx bullets to kill doesn't mean it's the same for the rest, also by "Most" I guess you mean a few people out of everyone in the thread?
Moronic is coming into a thread of a game you don't even own, and talking crap which you haven't even experienced, it's like me going into the Starcraft II thread and telling people how to play when I've never played more than a demo of it. Maybe next time you should experience something first hand, then feel free to make your claims about it, no matter how ridiculous they are.
Also at no point did I ever say you said about taking a full clip to kill someone because you didn't (Hurrr), that was a quote from the other guy who I was saying couldn't aim, it seems you like to assume things a lot doesn't it? You assume it takes the same amount of shots to kill as other CoD games, you assume that it's not peoples aim when a select few have problems hardly anyone else, and you assume that I was saying about the full clip directed at you, when it clearly wasn't.
Maybe do some research into things before you assume, and you wouldn't look like a *******.