COD Black Ops looks pretty good on PC

Ah yes the imfamous defib that can start someones heart again even if they took an RPG to the face... theres a point where they just ignore balance and it gets retarded.
AWPC do you still read this thread..... You need to add the OcUK servers to the front page ;)
Yes I do but sorry I really hate this game & feel I wasted my money on it big time so no love from me but if you paste exactly the details here I will edit into the 1st post for you.
Ah yes the imfamous defib that can start someones heart again even if they took an RPG to the face... theres a point where they just ignore balance and it gets retarded.

They should add body parts being blown up, try and revive that.
Yes I do but sorry I really hate this game & feel I wasted my money on it big time so no love from me but if you paste exactly the details here I will edit into the 1st post for you.

Ok mate no problem, if you could paste this on the front:

TFU server @

Server name:

TFU :: Public Noob Server

Server runs 24/7 TDM, wear ocuk tag incase we accidently kick you to make room

More guys will reply with their servers
no it was in zombies in cod waw thats where it was from way before bfbc2.

Oh didn't know that, never played the zombies mode in WaW. I tried the one in Black Ops briefly and couldn't quite see what the fuss was about, seems like a cheap and more basic version of Left 4 Dead.
Zombie mode in WaW for me, was crap, found it rather boring.

If you're after Zombies, go and play Left 4 Dead.
round 26 on zombies

do not want...

Me swifty anf kinghts (I think :D/) got to round 24 but that was with 3 people. If you enjoy a good game of zombies you can join me and a few other guys I game with, TBH the only reason I bought this game was for the zombies, haha.
probably going to buy this soon, where's the cheapest place to get it nowadays? I cant do any trade-in's or owt so thats not an option, just looking for the cheapest place to straight out purchase the game, i've seen £35 around but i suspect someone will know somewhere a tad cheaper.
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