I was on a server in the wee small hours this morning playing TDM,can't remember name of server,i'll check in 'recents' when I run game again. Admin was throwing all sorts of messages in,which I was trying my best to ignore so that I could concentrate more fully on getting killed!

I couldn't help inadvertantly reading some messages though and one of them read something along the lines of 'jumping to avoid enemy fire will get you kicked'.
I''ll admit players that prance around like ballerinas do get on my wick,but it's quite easy to take them down whilst they're in mid air and at the end of the day they're only using the inbuilt game mechanics,there is a jump button and so they use it! it's not cheating or hacking,I can't see how an admin can justifiably kick someone for using a completely legal feature of the game,anyone else think this is a case of an overbearing admin?