COD Black Ops looks pretty good on PC

Been playing for a couple days and am enjoying it a lot.

Much prefer the maps in this theres no map in this game i think "ah crap" if it comes up. In Mw2 i hated pretty much all the maps bar one or two like afghan.

Agree that its pretty much impossible to destroy a chopper gunner unless you get it when its inbound.
What are people's favourite maps then?

The ones I like best are probably Havana, Summit, Firing Range, Villa, Nuketown

Passable: WMD, Array, Grid, Jungle, Radiation, Crisis

Dislike completely: Launch, Cracked, Hanoi

There isn't one map I could point at and say it's exactly great though.
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What are people's favourite maps then?

The ones I like best are probably Havana, Summit, Firing Range, Villa, Nuketown

Passable: WMD, Array, Grid, Jungle, Radiation

Dislike completely: Launch, Cracked, Hanoi

There isn't one map I could point at and say it's exactly great though.

Funny as firing range and nuketown are easily my least favourite. Esp nuketown.

I like jungle, crisis etc.

Different maps appeal to different gameplay styles
Hate nuketown personally due to its size. It remind me of RUST on MW2 which barely came into a map rotation but was around the same size and a pure spawn kill fest.
Short controlled bursts? Or full auto whilst controlling the mouse?

Depends on the weapon tbh. With the famas I do very short bursts and sometime just tap the mouse button but with the galil I pretty much do long bursts or just hold it down as the recoil isn't too bad and the spread is minimal tbh. Very good weapon to use atm in my opinion!
Nuketown is my favey :D

I can mow some decent kills on this map with my trusty Enfield, can't wait for my AK though.
i tend to stick to aug, medium range i hold down and control spray, long distance I drop to bursts and very long distance i drop to tapping out single bullets seems to work for me.

i like grid, array, firing range amt, hated cracked for a while but it's passable now.

I might be odd, I much preferred the MW2 maps their was not a single one i hated when it came up, but for me its probably purely a function of play time, mw2 i got over 500 hours so knew how to work the maps, i am not their yet on blackops. The maps on MW2 just seem more iconic or something to me brighter colours and more varried, bops feels like varying maps of greyness.
Prestiged two days ago and since yesterday, cannot buy a new weapon. I can create the new class n all, cash gets deducted etc etc but it will not "stick". I can alter a class whereby a previously bought or already available weapon can be used, just can't buy a new one :(

I have followed a few suggestions like check for update, unchecked steam cloud sync, verified game files (it downloaded an 8mb file?), defragged, nowt worked :\
to be honest, i think hardcore mode on this, on a decent server is bloody amazing. I'm having a LOT of fun - tried domination mode for a change last night and it's so so fun when people are actually playing properly and going for the flags. Great stuff.
+1 for HC mode, less bunny hoping Ak74s and tubers just get owned.

Its a bit hard on demolition but when you do plant and win its more satisfying.

What i like about HC is aiming = winning. 95% of the time, not just avoid a spary then spraying back then a stupid run in circle knife fight.
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