COD Black Ops looks pretty good on PC

Whoever at treyarch came up with "chopper gunner" seriously needs punched in the throat. Unless you have a sam site up you're screwed, ive yet to see anyone sucessfully take one down with the stinger wannabe in this game as it needs to lock on and by the time you try that you get raped. :mad:

I agree it is quite annoying, however its just the same as the AC130 or whatever it was, im guessing PC had the same killstreaks as PS3 in MW2 anyway...

Also, i've managed to take one down with that Strela-3 thingy, its pretty good, racking up my chopper/plane kills now :)

What are people's favourite maps then?

The ones I like best are probably Havana, Summit, Firing Range, Villa, Nuketown

Passable: WMD, Array, Grid, Jungle, Radiation, Crisis

Dislike completely: Launch, Cracked, Hanoi

There isn't one map I could point at and say it's exactly great though.

Like: Nuketown, Snowy Dishy, Snowy Hillside, Grid
Dislike: map with the long stables, Launch

Maps seem okay to me, i do like a bit of sniping but there doesn't seem to be any map to do it which is a shame:(

EDIT: Also i played some normal TDM last night an found it quite good, very different to HC.
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normal TDM is fast paced action because there is no spawn time, so once you die you can just get right back into the action. HC you just sit there playing with yourself untill it's time to die again.

i aint no hater, just that normal TDM is better :D
Same here, I rocked the Intervention on MW2 and got most of my Nukes with it. It felt great to use, too. Now I use an M14 or SLR with an ACOG. There's not much point using a proper scope at the moment. Hopefully a DLC will release bigger maps.
normal TDM is fast paced action because there is no spawn time, so once you die you can just get right back into the action. HC you just sit there playing with yourself untill it's time to die again.

i aint no hater, just that normal TDM is better :D

what.. how do you know what i do in my respawn time!? :o

yeah i kinda like both, i prefer hardcore Domination because it means people have to actually move around and do something rather than stand in a doorway.

Oh.. by the way, looks like your my partner in the Starcraft II 2v2 Tournament ;)

whats your Steam ID?
IMO HC is just better for camping because it's easier to get long range kills. BTW, had some fun games on the TFU server last night. Remember seeing [OCUK]thorpe?
IMO HC is just better for camping because it's easier to get long range kills. BTW, had some fun games on the TFU server last night. Remember seeing [OCUK]thorpe?

Good good, everytime i looked at the server admin tool i saw your name lol

I ordered a new TFU ranked server last nite which will be mixed mode (excluding S&D) normal. Wont be online until the 23rd tho!


I'm aware of the server crashes and as a result i've changed the RCON password so nobody can open the BO admin tool... Its that thats been crashing the server.... What a joke!
Killstreaks aren't hard enough to get. I feel there's a bit less challenge in this CoD. All you have to do is play smart and it's easy pickings. Any of you use theatre much? I'm just going to save my best games to fileshare.

Oh and Dogs are overpowered.
Because not all games are the same? Just because 1 game takes xx bullets to kill doesn't mean it's the same for the rest, also by "Most" I guess you mean a few people out of everyone in the thread?

Moronic is coming into a thread of a game you don't even own, and talking crap which you haven't even experienced, it's like me going into the Starcraft II thread and telling people how to play when I've never played more than a demo of it. Maybe next time you should experience something first hand, then feel free to make your claims about it, no matter how ridiculous they are.
Also at no point did I ever say you said about taking a full clip to kill someone because you didn't (Hurrr), that was a quote from the other guy who I was saying couldn't aim, it seems you like to assume things a lot doesn't it? You assume it takes the same amount of shots to kill as other CoD games, you assume that it's not peoples aim when a select few have problems hardly anyone else, and you assume that I was saying about the full clip directed at you, when it clearly wasn't.

Maybe do some research into things before you assume, and you wouldn't look like a *******.

Wrong again. Aedus, you're just making stuff up now. Please stick to the truth. I said that Hardcore mode was great because it did not take half a clip to kill someone. So you said I can't aim. That just makes you sound petty. Saying that anyone said it takes a full clip to kill someone on normal mode is just making stuff up.

And as for "aiming", as if moving the cursor over a target is difficult? I think we can all use a mouse.

I’ve been playing these type of games for well over ten years and there have been times in Black Ops when I have emptied up to half a clip at someone before they died. Doesn’t happen in most other games. Saying I can’t aim is just childish, Aedus. It was the same again last night, I’ve only been playing the game three days so I don’t have the best weapons, but that’s the game, we’re not making stuff up.

Also, watching killcams, apart from snipers and shotguns, the overwhelming majority of people are spraying well over ten rounds, or usually just holding down fire to get kills. It’s just a comment based on a statement of fact, there’s no need to start insulting people.
normal TDM is fast paced action because there is no spawn time, so once you die you can just get right back into the action. HC you just sit there playing with yourself untill it's time to die again.

i aint no hater, just that normal TDM is better :D

There are HC servers with no respawn timer.

I played on one this morning where you had to stay crouched ALL THE TIME. The clan boys were getting very agitated that people were running! The start of each round was hilarious with your whole team slowly crawling towards each other. I left.

TKers that dont say sorry, people you revive that dont say TY and people who dont revive you are becoming very annoying. I must admit to slotting a few of them. Am I a bad person?
Playing on [666] clan server last night and bumped in to some [HaX] boys. Was good fun tbh. My clan were ribbing me because I was coming top every game until one of the HaX kept beating me :(
Well i've give it a go and really dont get on with it. Its too samey as MW2, boring TBH.

Bought several games in steam now so gonna have to sell the account :)
Killstreaks aren't hard enough to get. I feel there's a bit less challenge in this CoD. All you have to do is play smart and it's easy pickings. Any of you use theatre much? I'm just going to save my best games to fileshare.

Oh and Dogs are overpowered.

Killstreaks were what ruined CoD4, never mind the ridiculous number of them on MW2. 1 team has a slight advantage? Oh no now that team has a Chopper flying around that automatically focus' on the top 3 players so there goes your best chance at a come back. So you shot that Chopper down? Never fear, there are 6 other people on there team currently spamming the 'call support' button in the hope its there chopper up next. So you're getting pushed back into a small area? Never fear, they can call in an Airstrike to kill half your team instantly then rush in and force the respawn to shift to the other side of the map (after a few spawn kills) where it begins again.
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